Remember, Remember Me

A/N: Hey, you guys! I'm back ;))) And I really just want to thank you guys for everything, with the story: Where is the love? It was a great hit for me. I want to thank especially Jason, but without you guys, I wouldn't be making a new story right now. I love you all!

PROLOGUE; of Remember, Remember Me

Hit with something that could change their lives forever. Herlife especially. As she and her bestfriend mourn for him, while he does not remember a thing. Not knowing who they are. Not knowing about his past. Not knowing about his self..


She smiled as he tickled her sides, his hand roaming her body as he tickled her. He earned fits of laughter and giggles, escaping from her tender lips. Her long, pink hair waved dramatically in the air, as she buried her head in the nook of his neck, as some strands of black hair tickled her head. She sighed dreamily as she was put down on the bed.

"Aishiteru, Sasuke-kun." She said giddily. He smiled in return to her.

"Aa." He smiled. He kissed her head softly, as they laced their fingers together, heading downstairs.

As they made their way to the kitchen, the two 20 year olds sat theirselves down at the small table, with either three or for chairs. Sasuke rested his head on laced fingers as he watched his girlfriend bustle busily around the kitchen, preparing dinner.

Life couldn't get better than this.He thought to himself. He smiled secretly at her back. Sakura turned around, placing steaming food on the table for her and Sasuke. They had both said their thanks, and ate.

As he finished eating, placing his utensils down, he looked across the table, smiling. "Arigato." He said.

She smiled in return.

They both walked into the living room, switching on the TV, watching the late, Saturday Night shows. They sat together on the couch, cuddling with each other, and providing warmth for either one of them. Sakura nuzzled her head deeper into Sasuke's chest, as Sasuke's arms found their way around her slim figure, holding her close to him. He smiled into her hair, as he ran his hands over and over again through her long hair. He took in her scent of strawberries that only she could bear.

A few hours later, when it was in the late, late hours of night, he watched his girlfriend as her chest rose and fall, as she breathed in a soft manner. Her closed hands rested under her cheek, and her lips pursed as they muttered things that were inaudible.

He smiled for the nth time that day. Amazing that he, the human ice cube could actually smile. Sakura had made her way through all the ice, the frozen-ness, the arrogance, and all that came, and poured her warm love into his frozen heart, melting it gradually in a loving way.

And here they are now, not with a doubt to each other's love, and living happily ever after.


Or really, was it? You could say things would turn out the way that they expected. Yet, nothing's perfect. You could think that things are perfect, but when you meet reality, that's all gone. All gone.

Now, as she stood in front of the blonde hokage, with a over-sized chest, she could only hold back her tears. Choked sobs managed to escape from her mouth, and the tears that lingered and lined her eyes blurred her vision, as they threatened to fall.

"He has amnesia." Was all that it took. The sobs broke out, the tears poured. She fell down to her knees, as her blonde friend with faint whiskers on his cheek bent down to her, drawing her close to him. He held her, closer and closer until there was no space between them.

His chest was soaked with the bittersweet tears that poured out of those pale jade eyes, that used to be bright with color. He held her close, as her hands cupped her face, her whimpers and sobs continuing. She hit his chest, trying to let the pain all out. Over and over again, she jammed her fist in his well-toned chest.

Yet, as he was getting hit, he could feel how weak her hits were. How all the strength in her was drained. He couldn't help but feel bad for her. His pity, was not what she needed. She needed him.

She cried and cried until she could no longer bear the pain that was in her. She couldn't help it anymore. She couldn't stand the pain that she had once felt before. She had mourned for so long. And yet, when things couldn't had gotten better, something just had to come and smack her in the face. Letting her fall, and fall, and fall even deeper. Without anyone to catch her at the bottom.

This was it. She was going to reach the bottom. She cried more as she thought of him. How things would be so different in life. How things wouldn't work out the way she had wanted them to. Things had changed, and there's nothing she could do about it. She could try, yes she could, but could she really bear all this pain? All the pain that had once vanished, yet, it came back to taunt her? To ruin her life again?

With all her might, she pounded her fist in his chest again. This caused Naruto to wince, yet, it wasn't as strong. He shook his head mentally.

"Sakura-chan.." He soothed her.

She shook her head. "No! No! No! Sasuke-kun!" She wailed, as she thrashed in his arms.

He held her tighter and closer. With a grip on her, she couldn't move at all. Her arms fell limp, and her eyes shut tight, as more unshed tears were preparing to fall.

The hokage had stared at her closely. Tears coming to her eyes already. Shizune, who stood beside her, cried silently, one hand covering her mouth. The hokage wiped some tears that fell from her eyes, and couldn't bear any longer.

As Sakura's sobs died down, and only silent tears ran down Sakura's pale, porcelain and delicate face, she spoke.

"Sakura." She had said sternly.

"You understand how this had happened right?" She said as she stared at the figure that was on the floor.

Sakura shook her head dumbly. Tsunade's breath hitched in her throat, trying to fight un controlable sobs. She shook her head slightly.

"As I said, it had happened on his mission on the way back. Alongside Shikamaru, and Neji. Luckily, the two weren't hurt bad. Broken bones is all. Anyway, the strange man that had attacked the trio, caught Sasuke in Genjutsu. Sasuke fought back using his Sharingan. It had worked for awhile. Then, as Sasuke's chakra began to die down, he couldn't use the Sharingan much longer. He had to turn it off. And so, he did. The attacker took this as an open chance. He had called several other man, and had began to attack Sasuke. Sasuke took them down easily, but that main man was still up. That man.. He had enough power to beat Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and I put together. It was.. Crazy, as Neji and Shikamaru had stated it. They didn't know whythis strange man had come out of nowhere, attacking them, but mainly Sasuke. Sasuke had said to Shikamaru that it was probably some of the teams that were after Sasuke, and they had all ganged up. But, anyway, as Sasuke got punched hardly, he was sent flying. Before he could reach the ground, a man above quickly went under Sasuke, kneeing Sasuke in the head. Another man from above again, kicked Sasuke's head harshly, as there was chakra in his foot. This sent Sasuke crazy. They beat his head, and only his head the whole time. And.. you could see how this happened. Shikamaru and Neji couldn't help. They tried to escape the other men, running to Sasuke. But when they got there, he was unconcsious, and they had to get back. Quickly."

Sakura nodded dumbly. Her body trembled at the thought. "Why aren't I there? At the hospital, shishou?" Sakura said with furrowed eyebrows.

Tsunade looked at her sternly. "Because. We're going to need your help later on. Just.. not now." Tsunade said as her gaze averted to Naruto.

"And you," she said as she gazed deeply at Naruto, "you and Sakura will be helping him to recover. To help him remember things. Don't.. push him. He has a slight temper." Then her gaze traveled back to Sakura. "And, you will be his personal medic, alright? You two will move back into the house.. Just, probably not in the same bed. In other words, rehabilitation is what will happen. And Sakura, you are the nurse."

She took a breath. "You two understand?" They both nodded their heads dumbly.

She stood up from where she was, "Let's go." She she slightly gestured with her hand to follow.

Sakura stumbled as she got up, as Naruto clinged an arm around her, helping her for support.


They had all entered his room quietly. His back was to them, as he wore the plain, blue hospital dress. Sakura fought sobs. She sighed, shaking her head.

Tsunade spoke. "Sasuke." Sasuke turned around gingerly, his face to them. The rest of his head was bandaged, just not his face. He looked at Sasuke and Sakura carefully. Sakura took a step forward, 3 feet away from his bed.

"Sasuke-kun.." She said quietly as she placed a hand over her mouth to fight sobs. She stepped closer once more, reaching out a hand to touch him. He snapped her arm away harshly.

"Who are you?" He asked.

Sakura's eyes grew dark, and her eyes brimmed with tears once more. "I'm Sakura. Haruno.. Sakura." She said. Almost Uchiha.. I'm your fiance.. Don't you.. recognize me?

"I don't know you." He said as he tried to study her.

Sakura's tears fell then. Naruto drew Sakura in his arms, drying her tears as they fell. Sasuke looked at them crossly.

"Sasuke," Naruto said, "I'm.. Naruto. Uzumaki Naruto." He said quietly.

Sasuke looked at him with eyes that could not be explained. They were calm, yet, they were filled with confusion.

"I don't know you either." He said.

Naruto shook his head. "I know." He said quietly.

Sakura and Naruto stayed in the room for a several more minutes, just watching Sasuke as Sasuke played with the casts that were around his hands. Then Tsuande spoke.

"Come on, we'll talk in the other room." She beckoned them out the door, into the waiting room just a few doors away from Sasuke's room.


"So, Sakura.. I'm not forcing you to do this without your permission. Are you sure you want to do the rehabilitation with him?" Tsunade asked once more.

Sakura nodded her head confidently. "Yes, I do. I want to help Sasuke.. Even if he doesn't know me anymore. I want to be the one that's going to get him through this." She said.

Tsunade sighed, getting up as she smoothed out invisible wrinkles. "Well, that's settled then. You'll be taking care of him in the hospital, also. So, you two wil move in once he's out of here." She said. Thenm she turned to Naruto. "And you, you'll promise to help.. And not bicker with him all the time?" She said with a raised brow.

Naruto crossed his arms, turned his head the other way and pouted. Just the same way he did allthe time. "Of course. He's still the teme." He muttered under his breath.

Tsunade smiled. "Alright. I'll see you guys soon." She waved slightly, walking out the door from the waiting room.


Sakura and Naruto walked out of the hospital together, Naruto walking with his arms on the back of his head, as Sakura walked briskly, her arms limp at her side, her head hung down.

".. I'll treat you to ramen for dinner, if you want.. Sakura-chan." He said quieter than he would usually. Sakura felt the comfortness in his voice.

"No, Naruto, I wouldn't want you to pay.." She said quietly.

Naruto shook his head. "None sense. Come on." He walked the other way, beckoning Sakura along. Sakura stood still for awhile, then, scrambled to his side as they walked to Ichiraku's.

"Miso please." Naruto ordered. Sakura raised a brow. "Ne, Naruto-kun.. Isn't that.. Not enough for you?" She said sheepishly. Naruto chuckled a bit. "I got to watch the stomach here if I want to atract tha ladies." He said slyly. She ordered one for herself, too.

Sakura giggled. "Tsk, who wouldn't be falling for you?" She said.

Naruto looked at her. "This one girl.." He mumbled.

Sakura raised a brow. "Hm, and who might this be?" She asked as she nudged him slightly on his side.

He looked around, then spoke. "She's really shy.. But she always seems to blush or stutter and turn red whenever I'm around her." He said.

Sakura thought for a moment. Then, it hit her. It was one of her bestfriends. Hinata. Sakura playfully punched his side, causing him to wince and moan. Sakura laughed. "Are you kidding me?! You never noticed the way she acts towards you? The way she looks at you? The way she alwayswants to be around you? For Kami's sake.. You're 20! She's been crushing on you since our academy days!" She blurted out.

Naruto hushed her. "Shh.. But seriously, she.. likes me?" He said sheepishly.

"Like? No. Love? yes." She said with a slight smile.

Naruto flushed. "Thanks, Sakura-chan.." He said as his face turned the shade of Sakura's hair.

As they finished eating, and surprisingly, Naruto had only one bowl, Naruto walked Sakura home. As they reached the Uchiha Manor, Sakura turned to Naruto as they walked up the front steps.

"Hey.. Naruto-kun.. I just want to thank you for everything." She said as she gave him a peck on the cheek.

"No problem, Sakura-chan. Even ifwe're no longer a so called 'team'.. We're always going to be Team 7 for life." He said. This caused Sakura to gush.

"Thanks again, Naruto-kun. You're so corny." She playfully slapped him on the arm.

"Good night." She said.

"Good night." Naruto said in return.

Sakura smiled, and slipped into her house.

She walked groggily around the house to the bedroom. She threw herself onto her's and Sasuke's bed, and buried her face in her pillow. She rolled over to Sasuke's pillow. She took in his scent, so.. Dreamy. She almost cried at the scent of him. She was alone. So, she let out a few tears, soaking his pillow. She cried herself to sleep, as she dreamt of the old days they had together. Thinking it was just 3 weeks ago..


Sakura stood up, changed quickly, not knowing what she was putting on and scrambled to the front door.

"Mmpphh.. Hey.." She said sleepily.

"Yo. Looks like you didn't get any sleep.." The man said at the door.

Sakura lifted one eye. "Shut up, Kaka-sensei." She muttered.

The said sensei scowled slightly. "Drop the sensei. How many times do I have to say that?" He said as he eyed the woman with tangled hair, bagged and puffed eyes, who was wearing a large, white shirt, and large shorts.

"I'm not going to stop. Neither is Naruto. Whether you like it or not." She said as she opened both eyes.

"Mhm. Anyway.. What's with the fashion sense? Are you thatobsessed with Sasuke to dress like him?" He said mockingly.

She slapped his arm. "Shutup. Why are you here anyway?" She said.

"Settle down, don't get grumpy. Anyway, may I come in?" He said.

Sakura shrugged, then gestured him inside. He kicked of his shoes as he made his way inside. They both walked around to the kitchen, as Kakashi sat down at the table. Sakura boiled some water, as she leaned against the counter.

"How have you been, Sakura?" Kakashi asked as his gaze traveled around his surroundings.

"Not bad. Just.. Horrible." She said. Kakashi merely nodded. After a pregnant slience, the water started to boil, and the kettle whistled.

She poured two cups of water, putting in a tea bag. She placed one cup in front of Kakashi, and one for herself.

"So, tell me. What's there you need to talk about?" She said.

"It's about Sasuke."


"Go on." She beckoned him.

"He has amnesia."

"I know."

"I've heard that your doing rehab with him. Do you know if his amnesia is permanent?" He asked.

Sakura shrugged her shoulders. "We don't know yet. That's why Naruto and I have to spend some time with him.. See how he reacts to the things we say and such. If he gets a feeling, or hears things.. Then, maybe, we'll find out." She said, taking a sip of her tea.

"Aa, but.." He said. "As I talked to Tsunade, she said he knows how to control his chakra. He still knows his justus. We asked him how he knew. He said it was like reflexes. I sparred with him a bit, yesterday. And then, he just.. fought me." He shrugged.

Sakura nodded. "Aa, but is there a main point why you came here?" She pried.

He took a breath and looked at her deeply. "I want to know if.. You'll be okay." He said.

Sakura's face flushed, as she averted her gaze down into her tea, as she gazed into her reflection. She shrugged her shoulders slightly. "I know right now I'm not. But.. I know that I will be. I just know it. Even if he won't get his memory restored. I'll always love him." She said quietly.

Kakashi nodded. He got up from his seat, and Sakura trailed after him.

They made their way to the front doors, as Kakashi slipped on his sandals. Before he turned to leave, Sakura touched his arm lightly.

".. A-arigato, Kaka-sensei." She said.

He smiled, as the crinkle in his visible eye didn't waver. "No problem, Sakura." He said. He waved slightly, then walked out of the house.


She cleaned for the rest of the day, washing the clothes, washing the windows, changing the sheets, cleaning the counter, the fridge, and much more. As it neared sun set, she thrashed herself on the bed, inhaling a deep breath, and letting it come out as a sigh.

"Starting tomorrow.. Things will be different. All.. Different." She said quietly to herself. She faced Sasuke's pillow.

"Remember.. Remember Me." She said. She closed her eyes, falling into a deep rest.


Anyways, this was too muh to be a prologue -- But I'll TRY to make the next chapters .. longer. Anywho0o0, PLEASE REVIEW. I love you all!