
I ran with Edward up to my front door. I had to stop to unlock it, but we were inside in no time. I pulled Edward inside, then stepped back out to motion for everyone else to come in. Alice was in in a heartbeat, followed by Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie. Carlisle and Esme were just pulling up.

I went to my interview room. I sat down in one of the loveseats, and then realized that I didn't have enough seats. I stood up, and quickly left the room. I went to the call box, and buzzed Ashlen- the one that's my manager, asking her to bring me more seats.

I went back to the room, where Alice and Jasper were on one, and Rosalie and Emmett were on the other. Edward went to sit down on the last one, and motioned for me to come with him. I started to sit next to him, but he pulled me onto his lap.

Ashlen came in with two easy chairs. She asked if I needed anything else, and I told her that I was fine. Carlisle and Esme came in just as she was leaving, and I moioned for them to sit in the chairs.

Every one looked around the room. It was fairly simple. A nice burgundy with tons of plants. They were all sent by my fans.

"Your house is beautiful." Said Esme.

"Thanks. This floor wsa actually designed for when the interviewers come. I needed a floor for show. This room is the interview room. And there is a kitchen and a living room."

"o is upstairs your actual house?" Carlisle inquired.

"Yes and no. The second floor is my actual house. The third is for Jake, Leah, and the kids."

"Kids?" They all asked simultaneously.

"Not my kids, their kids. Ashlen and Isabella. Their thirteen." I smiled as I thought about some people's reactions when they've seen them in public. They had had thoughts like "are those their kids?!" "they must be siblings" "hm. Teen pregnancies these days."

"Can we go see your floor?" Alice asked, breaking my thoughts.

"Sure." I got up and walked at human speed to the stairs. Once they all had gotten up and were next to me, I picked up my pace.

I took them to my favorite rooms first. I smiled a huge smile as I took them to the rooms. When I got to the first door I stopped and turned around. I opened my mouth to speak, but Jake and the kids walked up the stairs at that exact moment. That gave me an idea. "Hey Ashlen! Isabella! Come here for a second."

They walked towards me, wondering what I could possibly want with them. "What hallway is behind me?" I asked them.

"The Cullen rooms. Why?" They asked, puzzled on why I would ask them for the name of my favorite place in the whole house.

"And, which is your favorite?"

"I like the Rosalie Room and the Emmett room." Said Ashlen.

"I like the Alice room and the Jasper room." Replied Isabella.

"And why?" I asked, a smirk on my face.

"Because in the Rosalie room, I feel like I'm the most beautiful person in the world, and like a princess. With all the pink and mirrors, I just love it. And I like the Emmett room because of all the bears. It feels so big and safe and comforting."

"The Alice room is very high fashion. I feel like I'm at a runway show when I'm there. And the jasper room is very comforting. I feel at ease the moment I step in it."

I turned to look at the Cullens. Every one of them had their mouths dropped, and the four with rooms had tears in their eyes.

"Would you like to see the rooms?" I asked, trying to suppress and snicker.

"Out of my way!" Yelled Emmett, bounding over to me.

"That one." I told him, pointing to the door behind me.


Bella pulled me into her house. She told us all about her home, and didn't get to answer any real questions. At the moment the whole family was caught up in the house.

Bella took us upstairs and had her "nieces" tell us their favorite rooms. When everyone heard that they were the Cullen rooms, the four with rooms were tearing. I was tearing as well, but for a different reason. Bella didn't make me a room.

Emmett became overly excited, and yelled for everyone to move. Bella told him which room was his.