Dearest Beloved and Devoted Readers,

I want to take this time and apologize for my lack of updating. I could sit here all night, and bore you with my lame excuses for not taking my time to provide updates. Everything from my computer breaking down, to my being grounded from said computer. Work, school, friends, family, holidays, etc. have all but consumed my life. But when it comes down to it, it is sheer laziness.

I am embarrassed to have even started these stories if I wasn't going to finish them. I am ashamed in my lack of writing, my lack of focus, and most of all, my lack of dedication. All of these deficiencies are what make me wish I did not even start this in the first place.

I assure you that I will start taking, and making time to refocus my priorities and continue my stories. If I must remind you, these stories are near and dear to my heart and I take much pride in every word I post here on , although my past actions would like to suggest otherwise.

Again, Reader, I apologize. You and your opinion are very important to me. I am hard at work, as you read, updating this, as well as my other stories. Thank you for taking your time and energy to read my work. It means a lot to me, probably more than you will ever know.

Consider this my New Year's resolution. I will try my hardest to please you as a reader.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or rebuttal, feel free to drop me a PM, a review, or email me thru my address on my profile. I believe my MySpace URL is on there, as well, if that is easier for you. I enjoy and look forward to your feedback.

Thank you for your time,