AN- I'm new to become a fanpire

AN- I'm new to become a fanpire. I'm on chapter 22 of New Moon. Sorry if I am incorrect in any way, shape, or form. Correct me. But there's no need to be mean. This is my first Twilight fanfic, and I'm hoping this works out as well as it has in my head.


Chapter 1

"Bella," I whipped my head around to see my fiancé, Edward, looking at me, with concern in his eyes.

"Hmm," I responded without words to let him know he was heard.

"Are you okay?" He had been annoying me with questions of this nature all week. Usually his protectiveness was flattering, but my mood had been less than peachy lately. Now I felt bad. And it wasn't just Edward I was taking it out on. His whole family suffered from my bouts of meanness, moodiness, and just plain difficult behavior. Tears welled into my eyes, clouding my view of the perfect man standing before me. They finally spilled over my lashes.

"Bella, honey," Edward came and pulled me into his chest. "What has been going on with you lately? I'm beginning to get worried."

"I don't know." I sniffled as I was getting over my sudden fit of tears.

"Well, aren't you supposed to be getting your, you know, cycle soon?" Edward said smoothly.

My face flushed beet red. "You keep up with my period? That is so, so…" I was at a sudden loss for words. Why would he keep up with something like that? I was old enough, and perfectly capable of knowing the date of when my "Aunt Flo" would visit.

"What's the problem? It's not that weird. Plus, you smell different during that time. Everyone in the house knows when you start." Edward tried to justify it.

"Smell different?" Okay, now I was embarrassed.

"Not bad. Just different, like your normal smell, only intensified," His melodic voice had a hint of humor behind it. His eyes smiled with a twinkle. "Actually, come to think of it, you are a little late, don't you think?"

My face felt hot under from the blood rushing to my face. It felt as though a permanent blush would stain my cheeks. "I'm going to go take a shower," I mumbled. I knew he heard my inaudible statement.

"Okay, I'll be downstairs if you need anything," He reassured me.

I stumbled into the bathroom and turned the water on, but I didn't get in immediately. What was wrong with me? Edward did mention my period, but I was never this moody. I was really late. And it wasn't like a few, stressed induced, days late. I was like 2 and half weeks late. By the time I snapped into reality, the water had run cold. I got in anyway, not really feeling the cold water numb my body. The coldness was all too familiar anyway.

"Bella," A knock on the door made me jump. My foot caught a slippery spot on the slick linoleum tub floor. I landed on my hip with a thud, and a dull pain filled the lower half of my body.

"Oh God, Bella," Edward slung the door open and raced over to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I moaned in pain as I tried to get up, and cover my naked body. I glanced at the clock on the wall. I had been in the shower of over an hour.

"Here, let me help," He handed me a towel, and bent down and lifted me bridal style.

"Oh, Edward, I'm sorry," I was mortified at the whole afternoon's events.

He seemed to ignore the fact that I was laying naked in his arms. "I'm taking you to Carlisle." He went to open the door.

"Edward, no," Not only did I not want to see Carlisle over something so miniscule, I was still naked.

"Wait here," He laid me down on the bed, and turned to walk into the closet. I struggled to cover myself with the now soaking wet towel. He returned in less than a minute with fresh clothes in his hand. "Put these on, love."

I clipped my bra, slipped on a t shirt, and he gave me his hand so I could stand to put on my underwear and jeans. "Thanks." I managed out. My hip was throbbing now, so I didn't put up much of a fight about seeing my soon to be father in law. I limped toward the door, when he lifted me with apparent ease, and walked down the stairs and into Carlisle's office.

"What happened," Carlisle stood from his desk when Edward barged into his office without knocking. I must have looked a mess, with no make up, and a rat's nest for wet hair.

"She fell in the shower, busted her hip up pretty bad." Edward laid me down on the chase lounge couch in the corner of the office.

"Let me take a look." Carlisle came over to me, and knelt down. He stared at me for a fraction of a second when I realized that I had to remove my pants for him to examine the injury.
"Oh," I blushed, again.

"Don't be shy Bella, it's just us," Carlisle told me and smiled reassuringly as I struggled with my jeans button.

I pulled my jeans down to my knees, humiliated at Edward's choice for my underwear: a red lacy thong. It wasn't my usual choice, but there was nothing I could do about it now. It was part of a drawer of underwear that I reserved for special nights with Edward.

Carlisle chuckled, and I closed my eyes as he began to probe my now black hip.

"Ohhh," I winced as he pushed firmly one more time.

"Good news is it's not broken. Bad news, it's going to smart for the next couple of days. Is that all," He looked at me as I shook my head, and his eyes moved to meet Edward's.

"Bella, tell him," He urged me to tell Carlisle about my lack of period.

"It's nothing, really," I shook my head back and forth to emphasize what I just said.

Carlisle and Edward continued eye contact, and made a series of facial expressions, and Edward nod or shook his head. I realized that Carlisle was thinking of a series of questions and Edward was answering silently.

"What are you guys saying," I whined.

"Well, Edward is concerned about you, Bella," Carlisle knelt by my side again.

"There's no need for his concern. I'm fine," I snapped. Carlisle and Edward's eyebrows raised in surprise. "I'm sorry." I felt tears brimming to the edges of my eyes again.

"Sweetheart, it's okay," Edward soothed me as I sniffled.

"Your hormones smell stronger," Carlisle noted.

"What does that mean," I asked, my face still buried in Edward's chest.

"Well, I have a few theories," He stated, thinking to himself. "Edward, could you please excuse us for a minute or two?"

"Er, okay…" Edward kissed my forehead, and closed the door behind him quietly.

"Okay, Bella, I have a few questions for you," I nodded as he grabbed his clipboard.

"When was your last cycle?" He looked up from the paper after I was quiet for a few seconds.

"You guys should know," I mumbled angrily under my breath, forgetting that he heard me clearly. He looked at me with incredulous eyes. "It was sometime in March, I can't exactly remember."

"Okay…" I saw him scribble something down. "When was the last time you and Edward had, uhm, sex?"

"Uhhh," This was awkward. I could tell Carlisle had trouble asking me. "L-last night" I stuttered out.

"Oh, well…" He wrote down more. "Listen, Bella, I have to tell you what I think your diagnosis is."

"Okay, what is it, stress, too much exercise, not eating enough?" I was getting worried.

"I think you may be pregnant." He stated clearly, but I don't think I heard him right. I thought I detected humor in his voice. We both heard five distinct gasps at the door, and turned to look. He strode over to open the heavy wooden door. In front of him sat five beautiful creatures looking up at him with shocked looks on their faces.

"May I help any of you?" Carlisle asked sarcastically, but smoothly.

"Ahem," Esme walked up on the scene, and cleared her throat to get their attention. "Come children; let's leave Carlisle and Bella to their business."

But no one listened; instead Alice jumped up and ran over to embrace me. My body was ridged with shock; I didn't even hug her back.

"Oh Bella, I am so happy! I can't believe it," She shrieked with delight.

"Neither can I," Rosalie spat.

"Rose, there's no need…" Emmett started to scold his wife, but she walked away with a roll of her eyes.

"Congrats, Bro," Emmett patted Edward's shoulder as he ran after Rosalie. Edward swallowed hard. We just stared at each other, while all the others buzzed around us.

Edward was the first to break the silence between the two of us. "How," His was voice full of shock, and disbelief.

"I guess I could explain that." Carlisle came from what seemed no where. It felt as though Edward and I were the only two in the room, though I knew that to be untrue. My head was spinning.

"Yes, its true vampires are sterile. You know, females no longer have a period; males no longer produce sperm. But that is only true if the turned male had participated in sexual intercourse when he was human. I assume you were a virgin when I turned you…" Carlisle looked at Edward for confirmation. He was answered with a simple nod of the head. "Well, since your body never used the semen that you produced as a teenager, it was stored for all this time. And since Bella is human, and is of child bearing age, it really isn't that far of a stretch for her to get pregnant." He finished with confidence. "But, there is just one thing." He added tentatively. "This has never happened before. You guys are the first human/vampire couple to conceive."

"Bella," I turned my head to see Jasper looking at me with a small smile. "Calm down." I felt a wave of calmness wash over me. I didn't even think about how my roller coaster of emotions was taking a toll on him.

"Edward, will you help me back to our room?" I looked up, thankful for Jasper's help. He winked at me, and I felt reassurance again.

"Sure, come here." He put a protective hand on the small of my back, and supported my weight as we went back up the stairs.

Back in our room, I let out a struggled sigh. I couldn't remember the last breath I took. How long ago was it? I finally asked Edward the question that had been looming on my mind since I found out the news. "Are you mad at me?" He looked at me with surprise; he certainly wasn't expecting that question.

"Are you serious, Bella? How could I be mad at you? You didn't get pregnant on purpose… Did you?" He looked at me with an accusing look on his face.

"What?! I can't believe you just asked me that! I'm 18, Edward. I'm not even married to you yet. You told me that you could never have children. No, I didn't get pregnant on purpose." I said warily. Now, I couldn't tell if it was hormones, or the situation, but I started crying again despite myself. I tried desperately to hold them in, but the tears gushed obnoxiously down my cheeks. I tasted the salty water in the corners of my lips, as I opened my mouth to disguise them. I took a few deep breaths, but they couldn't calm me as well as Jasper had earlier. "Damn it. I'm sick and tired of crying."

Edward came and knelt beside, and ran his fingers through my damp hair. "I'm so sorry, Bella. I didn't mean that." He looked at me with his now trademark smirk. "Guess what."

"What?" I asked, not seeing what he was smiling at.

"We're having a baby." He laughed out.

I smiled. Even though everything felt like it was falling apart around me, I still had Edward, my Edward. My perfect angel embraced me, and I rested my face against his chest. And for the first time today, it felt as though everything was going to be okay.

AN- There's chapter one. Do you like? Review, pretty pretty please; with a shirtless Edward on top? Ha-ha. I'm really hoping you like this.