Broken Wings

A NejiXSasuke Fanfic

By thenarutofanfreak22

Author's Notes: Hey guys! The wacky and fun loving thenarutofanfreak22-Chan here! Okay I know I'm supposed to be writing chapters for all my other fanfics right now, but I decided I needed a break from Pain that Never Dies seeing I'm getting way too much flack from readers, seeing they aren't apparently amused with my choice in character names. Yah I know which of you guys it was who no like my story, so Blah, blah freaking Blah to you party poopers!

Anyway, so I'm taking a very long break from the story, until I can figure out what I wanted to do with it. As such, I will be continuing to write chapters for Jealousy: The Green Eyed Ninja, Naruko, The Green Beast Meets the Stone Beast, and whatever other stories I'm doing at the moment that require my attention. But! I'm also adding three new stories to the mix, one of them is How to Turn on a Hyuuga, and another will be a fan of my work's request, Midnight Sky (Thank you for pushing me to write this story ThePagemaster I do this for you ya know!) And finally, this story, which happens to be my first Yaoi type fanfiction.

SO NO FLAMES DARN IT! I'm trying my best here for you guys! So Enjoy the Story and a way we go!

Chapter One: Broken

Neji Hyuuga was possibly the happiest man in all of Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves); he had a woman that possibly loved him very much, as he always thought, he was also a well sought after Ninja, when it came to his skills. But the one thing he perhaps never truly had was emotions.

Oh sure, he would from time to time, let that mask of his slip just for his fiancée. Hell he had done something shockingly bold for her to prove his love for her, he had given up his Hyuuga Heritage for her, because he had outright (and very rudely) refused to marry some cousin that didn't even live in the Village for kami-sama's sake. They had banished him for his outburst, plus his 'attempt' to give other Branch members ideas of freedom. Neji had not cared at all; he loved the woman that much.

Life was so far good. Until the day he had returned from a very tiring A classed mission. It had been a cloudy, dark day, and judging from the sky, a dark or possibly a bad omen was slowly about to happen, when he had returned.

Neji couldn't wait to see her again; it had been 3 weeks, 3 very long weeks without her. He seemed very excited which he attempted to hide, while giving his report to the Godaime Hokage.

"As you can see, Lady Hokage, the rogue Takigakure (Village Hidden Under a Waterfall) Shinobi that you assigned me to remove, have been taken care of." Spoke the Hyuuga Clan's once great Prodigy.

Tsunade smiled at the 19 year old man, as she leaned against the desk with her elbows resting against a stack of papers that she had managed to finally finish. She then spoke up after a few minutes of silence.

"Good work Neji, the Leader of Takigakure will be pleased that his village won't have to deal with these criminals anymore, is there anything else you need to add?"

"I do not believe so." Said Neji, quietly.

"Alright then get some rest, you deserved it after a mission like this, you're dismissed until I need you again Neji." Said Tsunade with an air of finality in her voice.

Always being the polite one, Neji stiffly bowed his head and walked out of the Hokage's Office. His steps quickened slightly as he headed to his apartment, indeed he was happy to finally get home.

"He has to be told, Tenten! We can not hide this for long!" shouted someone.

"I know that, but don't you think this would really hurt him, to know that I've been having an affair with someone that is his closest friend?" said a distraught Tenten as she was sitting in the living room of the apartment she shared with Neji.

"I mean, he sacrificed so much just to be with me, it would kill him to know that I've been cheating on him for over a year now!"

"He will be fine, he's stronger then you think he is…" spoke the person who was none other then Rock Lee.

The mini 'Maito Gai' clone then continued to speak.

"Tenten, he has to know today, I can not allow you to continue being with him, if you expect to be with me, it is not his fault that you don't love him any more."

"It is his fault in a way though Lee, I thought I could love someone who always hides his emotions…but…I just don't know anymore. I Love you, more then I do him…" spoke Tenten.

"Then tell him today, he's expected back from his A classed mission!" Shouted Lee again.

"Fine, but don't blame me if he finds out it was you that I broke up with him to be with, and wants to kill you." Shouted Tenten back. Tears threatened to leak out of the corners of her eyes.

Lee then walked over towards her and sat down next to her, having been pacing around the room, during their argument. He then pulled her into a hug and whispered.

"Things will be alright Tenten, once you tell him that you don't love him anymore, you will feel a lot better after this."

Tenten just nodded her head and was about to say something, when she was interrupted by the sound of feet coming towards the front door of her apartment. Quickly Tenten stood up and wiped at her tears, she hissed to Lee.

"Get out of here quickly, before he catches you here!"

Lee quickly did as she ordered him to, and disappeared out the balcony and onto the rooftops.

Tenten then walked over towards the door, and just before the person could open the door, she did it form them, and placed the most fake of smiles on her face, that she could muster.

"Welcome home Neji!" she sang out, while pulling him into a loose but warm hug.

Neji mustered up a smirk as he was pulled into her arms and pulled into the apartment. Placing his backpack at the front door, he then gave her a tighter embrace as he rested his head on hers for a few minutes.

Suddenly he pulled back as he felt something different about Tenten. He then spoke up,

"Tenten, what's wrong? You seem different today…did something happen?"

Tenten frowned as she heard him say this, and nodded her head. Trying to find the courage to finally get this over with she said.

"Hai, Neji, there's something that's been bothering me for the last few days, and I think we need to talk, and have a very serious discussion right now, you might want to sit down to hear this."

Neji blinked as he heard her said this, and just nodded quietly and slowly walked over towards the couch that Lee had vacated not just a few minutes ago. He then looked at her, giving her his silent permission to start the discussion.

Tenten then began pacing in front of him, back and forth, trying to find the courage and the words to say to him. Knowing this would hurt him so deeply after she was finished. She finally spoke up, in a nervous tone of voice.

"Neji…the thing is, um, well, you see I've been having an affair, and I think it's best we break up right now. I mean…"

She was silenced when she turned to look at him. His eyes were wide in slight shock, and looked about ready to kill someone. The former Hyuuga then stood up and spoke.

"How long has this being going on? And with whom?" "Why would you do this to me after all I've done for you?"

Tenten looked ready to cry as tears threatened to spill, she then yelled.

"It's all your fault Neji, all these years, I thought you had changed, I thought Naruto helped you change. Lee has been helping me cope with the depression I've gone through since I started going out with you. I thought I could love someone like you but I just…I just can't! I can't be with someone who can't even say the simplest words like 'I love you' or even show me properly that he loves me…"

The Hyuuga was by now speechless, he didn't know what to say. His mind was in a jumble now. The words she said began playing in his mind, over and over again, like a broken record.

Tenten looked at him as the silence grew, tears streaming down her cheeks, he was so deadly quiet, she knew though he must be hurting. She then began to sob, as she spoke.

"Talk to me please…Neji…tell me how you feel right now. I'm sorry…please just talk to me."

Neji just couldn't, he just couldn't say anything. A lot of things were running through his mind at this point. All he wanted to do now, was just walk out, without saying anything. The biggest thing that was running through his head was those words that she said. That it was his fault, that she didn't love him anymore, because of his lack of emotion.

Slowly Neji began walking towards the door, grabbing his backpack that he had placed near the door, not even saying another word, being as stiff and as cold as ever. Not even looking back at her. The door slammed shut behind him as he walked out.

Pain, that was the only thing he felt as he walked down the street, pain and sadness. She had blamed him for being his usual self, he had thought all these years, that was why she was attracted to him, because he lead a life of no emotions. He had guessed wrong perhaps, judging from the argument that he had left.

Neji looked up at the sky briefly, he had nowhere else to go now. No home, nor clan, he had definitely made sure of that when he foolishly and blindly announced he no longer wished to live among his Clan. He had done this for her, as a sign that he loved her.

He felt hopeless, broken now. He was useless in the eyes of the one he loved. Why had he not foreseen that this was going to happen? That his stupid mistakes of controlling his emotions, would end up being his downfall?

"I have to distract myself…" He mumbled; a look of desperation began to show on his face, as he began walking towards the nearest training grounds that he could find. Usually training sometimes helped him.

Once he reached it, he began to train, as the weather decided to take on a change for the worse. It began to rain, and not just any little shower. A big storm began to brew and dump torrents of droplets down upon the village.

Neji began striking at everything in his path, not caring if he hurt himself; he needed to feel this pain at the moment. He didn't even care about the rain as it began to pour down and soak his robes that he had been wearing today.

He continued to train until his once delicate and soft hands, were bloodied and almost totally broken, and his body was totally drained of chakra. He then began to wander the grounds weakly. The rain continued to pound down on his weakened state.

His hair glued to most of his face as he walked with a slight limp. He felt feverish now, yet again, why did he care so much about his body? He deserved death's sweet embrace for loosing the only person he had cared so much about. The gods would be satisfied perhaps now.

Suddenly Neji tripped on a tree root and fell face first into the mud, his hitai-ate coming loose from being soaked in water and from being jolted. Neji winced slightly, and decided he would not move from the spot he had landed. Hyuuga never tripped over their own feet.

'I might as well face reality now, no one will love someone like me now…I am too unemotional…Tenten hates me now, because of my way of life.' 'I welcome death now…' thought Neji as he slipped into troubled sleep, not caring that someone else might actually want him because of his way of life at this very moment.

"Dude why the hell did you make me and Akamaru come out here? It's freaking raining cats and dogs out right now." Grumbled a certain soak and wet Kiba Inuzuka as he rode on the back of his trustworthy dog companion, Akamaru.

"Because the rain will cool us down…" Spoke a certain raven haired man as the two of them traveled through the forest, towards the training ground that Sasuke had booked for a few hours, "Stop complaining Inuzuka, I needed your help to make this jutsu work."

Kiba sighed and made a sniffling sound, as he looked around the surrounding area. Suddenly something caught his eye.

"Hey Uchiha, what's that laying on the ground over there, it looks like someone is hurt or unconscious or something." The Inuzuka pointed a long clawed finger towards something in the distance, as the rain continued to pound downwards from the sky.

Sasuke turned to look at the direction Kiba was pointing, and immediately saw it also for his own eyes. Quickly the two of them rushed towards the site, wondering who could be out here in the rain.

Akamaru whined when they came to a stop just a foot in front of the unconscious person.

"Akamaru…just told me that's…" spoke Kiba.

"Why would Hyuuga Neji be out here in the rain, he's injured, and by the looks of it he's got a high fever." Spoke Sasuke as he crouched over the sleeping Hyuuga.

"Fine time to be taking a nap…I say." Grunted Kiba, "Wake him up and see if he's okay…egads look at the wounds on his hands, he must have been training really hard or got into a fight."

Sasuke nodded and attempted to awaken the wounded older man. The two of them were rewarded with a moan escaping the Hyuuga's lips as he stirred slightly before falling back asleep.

"Tenten…please…don't leave…" Both Inuzuka and Uchiha were slightly shocked.

"Sounds like the two of them had a fight, and he got kicked out." Said a sighing Sasuke as he looked around for a moment.

"What are we going to do with him then? We can't take him back to his place, if that's the case, and he's burning up with that fever of his. I can't exactly bring him to my house, my mom will have a fit." Spoke Kiba. Akamaru whined at his master for some reason, as the large dog attempted to nudge at the injured Hyuuga.

"Kiba, go and get Sakura, I'll keep Hyuuga here at my place, for now, he can't exactly go back to his clan either, if what rumor I heard from Sakura was true. Tell her that she's needed there." Spoke Sasuke as he slowly picked up the dying Hyuuga man and tried his best to sling him onto his shoulder.

Kiba nodded his head and quickly barked out,

"Alright, let's go Akamaru!" Akamaru quickly let out a yip and took off back towards the Village. Sasuke looked over at the unconscious man who was now fighting for his life and possible sanity at this very moment.

Sasuke had always had an attraction for the older man that was now riding piggyback style on his back, but he had always thought that the attraction was just some form of just awe or something of that caliber. But now that he was actually this close to the Hyuuga, perhaps now he could make his move on him, of course once he was feeling better and Sasuke had found out what had happened.

Quickly the Uchiha made a handseal and disappeared, reappearing inside of his house that was on the outskirts of the Village. Ever since he had returned to the village, they had scorned him and even had told him that under no circumstances, was he going to be living around them.

That was fine and dandy with him, at least his friends had still cared about him and treated him as a fellow Shinobi. Sasuke then quickly brought Neji towards one of his couches and laid him gently down. Sasuke listened to some of the moans and whimpers that came from the Hyuuga as he tossed and turned in his fever caused slumber.

Sasuke frowned, and touched Neji's forehead briefly, the man was really burning up. Hopefully Sakura would get here as fast as she could. Sasuke then quickly took off Neji's soaked clothing and covered the shivering man with two blankets, trying to keep him warm as best as he could.

Sasuke calculated that the Hyuuga must have been outside in the rain for quite a few hours if he had a fever that high.

Sasuke then murmured softly to Neji as he sat down beside him in a chair, keeping his eyes on the sick man.

"Don't you dare die on me Hyuuga, I won't let you die on me…"

Author's End Note: Well how was that? Was this okay? Give me some good feedback. It's just a starter for now, I'll see where my muse will take me with this story.

I was inspired to write this fanfic, last night, in my dreams, which by the way I worked all last night on this story. So I'm really tired, now, I might end up having to take a nap today.

Look forward to the Next chapter, which will be called Frigid. That's it for now guys, take care all and until next time! Ja Ne!