Before anyone could ask a question the shrill of the telephone ringing caused Jimmy to jump, Jimmy paled took a deep breath and shakily answered the phone "Hello?" he asked "Hello James!" snarled his step-father, I see you've been a busy boy since I've been away who would have thought that my delinquent step-son had any brains left after those beatings." Laughed the callous voice, Jimmy's eyes darted from Abby to Gibbs in panic, he had found him. Jimmy shivered "What do you want" he demanded noticing Gibbs hold up his index finger, 'one minute' he thought as he heard the sharp intake of breath on the other end of the phone.

"Why you worthless piece of crap!, I should have killed you instead of your brother! But then again you were always the useless one, the one who couldn't even stand up to your old man" he laughed "no matter, I just wanted to tell you to watch your back boy, because I'm coming for you, and when I find you no-one will be able to protect you, not even Nick, oh he fought hard to save his family but not hard enough. I've already planned on how to kill you" he boasted.

Little did he know that a swat team were descending on his location as he spoke, Jimmy was beyond angry he could feel every muscle ache with the tension that coursed its way through his body.

Gibbs could see the tension and prayed he held on a little longer, Gibbs couldn't believe his step father was this easy to catch, hell he suspected that it was part of the plan and made a mental note to keep Jimmy away from the interrogation, he couldn't help but be proud at how well the young man was holding up, the sheer fact that he was keeping this mad man on the phone was impressive. He signed to Abby to inform Jimmy that he was going to the location, and that he would keep in touch. As he left he looked at Jimmy, 'yep Jimmy is shaping up to be one hell of a man, maybe, just maybe he could convince the young man to become and agent" he mused to himself as he headed to the location

Once the signal was given Tony, Tim and Kate took up their positions ready to pounce on the bastard that hurt their friend. Each one of them had made a promise first person to find the bastard nailed him to the wall. As Gibbs approached he could see the tension in his agents, he knew that this man was not walking out of the building on his own accord.

Abby nodded to Jimmy everything was set, Jimmy let all of the emotion he had held in for all these years out "YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH!" he yelled "What gives you the right to think you have the ordacity to rule my life any longer, you don't! you never have because mom never let you the only person you actually feared was mom, she was a bigger threat to you than Mario was, oh you think I didn't know about them hell who do you think told them that you were afraid of a woman!" Abby was impressed and shocked the shy M.E was pissing his father off royally any second now and they would have him.

His father was shocked, his shock quickly replaced by anger "Who the hell do you think killed Mario!" he snarled into the phone, "I had him killed because he wanted your mother he could see that she knew more than she let on about the business I had to kill her just like I had to kill Nick and exactly like how I'm going to kill you, she betrayed me she was a FED!" he screamed down the phone Jimmy smiled he got what he wanted and couldn't resist in a calm cool voice he told his father "come and get me you coward" before he hung up the phone. He took a deep breath, of course he had known that his mother was a Federal Agent, heck he was surprised she had not told anyone else especially his step-father.

As Gibbs approached the location he noted that swat and his favourite F.B.I agent were waiting on him "Tobias" he said in a deadly tone he used on suspects "Gibbs, we don't want any credit on this we want that bastard dead! He killed one of my best undercover agents" now it made sense to him Jimmy's mother was a Fed. He shook his head no wonder the kid was the way he was, come to think of it the kid probably never had an actual clue as to his mother was, then again maybe he did, 'hell did he even know?' with a nod Gibbs sent the signal to enter, as usual the perp ran, Unfortunally for him he ran smack bang into Gibbs who grabbed the scumbag and threw him again the wall, breaking the perps arm in response to the struggle that ensured before the perp was hauled of in handcuffs swearing loudly that he would get his revenge.

Thirty minutes later Gibbs called Jimmy saying they had arrested him. Relief ran throughout his body he was finally free, his father would be away for life this time, no chance of parole the Marcello family had their traitor and would get revenge and Jimmy could get on with the rest of his life with his friends and family.


I hope this story made sense; I kinda lost the plot a few times with it. Apologies, again sorry for the massive gap but I'm still not 100% about the story or the plot for that matter, I was kinda aiming for a family or father/son vibe but you never know.

Again sorry for the delay and I hope you enjoyed the story.

As usual please R & R

Nicky xx