Disclaimer: I own neither Yu-Gi-Oh nor Fearless, they belong to Kazuki Takahashi and Francine Pascal, respectively.

After listening intently to the rest of Weevil Underrwood's latest duel with the "Pharaoh," whoever he was, Gaia Moore had come to the conclusion that neither he nor Rex Raptor had any clue who she was at all... It was by sheer coincidence that Weevil had run across a Duel Monster maneuver that duplicated a major recent event in her life, even thouugh the odds against it were worse than against someone rising from the dead... which Sam Moon had done, as she reminded herself. The question now: How many other cards had so close a connection to her history?
Gaia headed to the nearest library to find the latest list of all known cards to answer that question. Luckily, there weren't anywhere near enough such cards for a full deck, but there were a few.

Marie the Fallen One:
200 extra life points every turn it's in the graveyard... Did Skizz know about this?

Stim-Pack: Gives a huge boost of power for one turn, then steadily drops it... not much different from Loki's fearless serum...

Magical Hats: Gaia had actually used this tactic once... with the help of a certain group of Harpie Sisters...

Witty Phantom: Not quite a namesake, but she still saw Ed Fargo there.

Painful Choice: Apparently Rodriguez's favorite, he seemed to wring her dad with it constantly...

Enchanting Mermaid: She could almost see her mother in this one...

By this point, Gaia was almost convinced that everybody had a few cards in this game that symbolized elements of their lives, that even she wasn't totally unique in that respect. She then decided to check up on some of the better known players:

She remembered what Dr K had told her about Yugi Motou during their sessions at Rainhill, where he tried to convince her that they both had the same type of dual personality, where only one could experience fear. From the pictures and news articles on him, she guessed the other one gave all the interviews and posed for the press.

Info on Seto Kaiba was scarce, but what Gaia did find suggested his adoptive father borrowed most of his parenting techniques from Nathan Jessup. There, but for the grace of God, thought Gaia, remembering Loki's attempt to kidnap her when she was six. True, she was able to take him down herself, but had he succedded...

Joey Wheeler... he did WHAT with the prize money from Duelist Kingdom?