Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish they were...but no. Sadly not.

Warnings: shounen ai. Eventually.

Somewhere I Belong

Chapter 1

Welcome to Traverse Town

'Another beautiful, perfect morning on Destiny Islands,' Demyx thought, yawning. He hauled his suitcase out of the front door and loaded it into the back of his beat-up, yet beloved old car. But no matter how perfect it was, it was still far too early to be up and about. Demyx went back to the house for his sitar and put that on the back seat carefully. He yawned again and frowned. It was especially too early to be leaving on a long journey, all on his own.

Shaking his head, Demyx dispelled that thought. He had promised himself that he would not dwell on what could not be helped. But still, there was a tiny part of him that he could not deny was upset.

After all, music was his passion (as well as the ocean). Was it too much to ask that his friends at least try to pretend they cared? Demyx had been raving about his audition for almost a year now and had been preparing himself for it almost since he first heard of Radiant Garden University's prestigious music course. Now his chance to actually take part was here and not one person could join him.

Still, they did have their reasons. His parents were busy with work. His father had a very important business meeting (apparently, it could decide the fate of the entire family but Demyx was sure that was an exaggeration) and his mother simply could not get the time off work though she assured her son that she had tried everything.

As for his friends... Well, Selphie was on holiday with her parents. Nothing he could do about that. Tidus and Wakka were in a Blitzball tournament, and according to Tidus, there was going to be a scout from the Zanarkand Abes team there. If he and Wakka were lucky, they could become professional players and Demyx could not possibly ask them to throw that away. Riku, Sora, Roxas and Hayner were entered into a Struggle tournament taking place the same day as Demyx's audition. The four of them had a pact that one of them had to win because there was no way they could let Seifer take the prize this year. Pence and Olette had summer jobs they could not abandon and Kairi was needed at home - something to do with her grandmother being sick.

But even though they all had good reasons, Demyx still felt disappointed and left out. He would not hold it against them though. Besides, if he got the scholarship place, he would not see them for months at a time. Perhaps it was for the best if he began distancing himself but the blond sitarist already knew he could not do it.

Once the car was all packed up, Demyx said goodbye to his mother and father and was about to get into his car when a shout from down the road made him stop.


Demyx turned and grinned. Coming up the road, led by Kairi and occasionally prodded by Sora and Roxas, were all his friends. Half of them looked like they were sleepwalking, Tidus especially.

"What are you guys doing here?" Demyx asked, surprised.

"Saying goodbye, silly!" Kairi replied. "Just because we can't be there in person, doesn't mean we don't support you!"

And instantly Demyx felt both relieved and guilty over the way he had been feeling towards them.

"But it's so early. You didn't have to-"

"Nonsense," Sora interrupted. "You're our friend, right? Of course we had to come and wish you good luck."

Olette stepped forward, holding a large bright blue envelope. "We made this for you," she said.

Demyx took it and opened it carefully. Inside was a hand-made card with a photo of the entire group in the centre. Around the edge were blue and green musical notes and large, glittery blue letters at the top spelled out "Good Luck, Demyx!"

"You guys..." Demyx murmured, feeling tears come to his eyes. Damn it, he always was too emotional. Hayner would never let him hear the end of it.

"You girl! Don't cry!" the blond boy said, lightly punching Demyx on the arm.

"Yeah," Kairi sniffed. "Or you'll get me going too!"

Demyx put on his best smile. "Well, we can't have that, can we? Besides, I'll only be gone three days. I'll be back before you even notice I'm gone!"

Riku smirked. "Yeah, but you know you're gonna miss us."

The musician smiled sheepishly and nodded. "Yeah."

Behind Demyx, the front door opened. "Demyx, if you don't get a move on, you'll miss the ferry," his mother said, coming down the path. She exchanged greetings with Demyx's friends and then all but pushed him into the car.

"All right, I'm off now! Bye, guys!" Demyx said, waving out of the open window as he drove down the driveway and on to the road.

"Bye, Demyx! Good luck!" His friends all waved him off. Demyx watched them in the rear view mirror until he turned the corner and could not see them any more.

'They came to see me off...' Demyx honestly had not expected that. He smiled to himself. So what if they couldn't come? They still cared. He couldn't expect them to drop everything for him when they had enough commitments in their own lives anyway. He put the card on the passenger seat where he could see it if he glanced over and turned on the radio.

It was an hour and a half across the island to the small port town that was Kilika. From there, he had to get the ferry to Luca on the main land, which would take roughly another hour. After that, Demyx would spend the rest of the day driving straight to Radiant Garden, where he should arrive sometime after nine to check into the hotel room his mother had booked for him.

One of his favourite songs came on the radio. The blond musician couldn't help singing along.

When Demyx reached Kilika, he found that the ferry had been delayed by half an hour. Something to do with the engines and the tides or something. He heard the announcement over a set of loudspeakers but the voice was so indistinct that he could not make it out properly.

Eventually, after sitting around in his car, he was finally able to drive on board and park. Then he took his mp3 player and went to join the other passengers, watching his home fade into the distance. When they were almost to the other side, the blond switched sides to watch as Luca came closer and closer.

There were even more delays getting off the ferry. By then, Demyx was sick of it. He just wanted to get out on to the road and make it to Radiant Garden. Still, when he was finally off the ferry and driving through the town, Demyx resolved to stop on the way back and visit some of the more interesting shops. He had rarely been to Luca and it was such a nice, bright place.

A couple of hours later, Demyx stopped at a roadside café for lunch. He had left Luca behind now and according to the map, it was pretty much a straight line to Radiant Garden.

He took the good luck card with him into the café. Already he was starting to miss his friends. He read and reread the messages written inside. There was even one from Selphie, so they must have been planning this for at least two weeks, since that's how long the bubbly brunette girl had been gone.

'Sorry I can't be there to see you off, Demmy! I'll be supporting you all the way from Wutai! Best of luck! - love and hugs from Selphie. PS: You better bring me back a souvenir!'

'We believe in you Demyx! - Kairi'

'Make us proud, music man! - Hayner'

"You were born to be a star, Demmy! I know you can do it! - Sora'

'Don't forget us when you're famous, all right? - Roxas'

They all continued in a similar vein. A warm, happy feeling welled up in Demyx's chest and he put the card away quickly in case his started crying in the middle of the café. That would be embarrassing!

Just as he was getting into his car afterward, his phone began ringing. He flipped it open, not bothering to look at the caller ID.


"Hi, Demyx! It's Selphie! I thought I'd call and wish you good luck since I couldn't be there in person. How are you? Where are you? Did you get the card? You'd better remember to bring me a souvenir! I'm getting you one after all!"

Demyx laughed. "I'm good. You have excellent timing! I was starting to feel a bit alone. I'm just a couple hours outside Luca at the moment. Olette gave me the card this morning and of course I'll remember to get you something."

"Yay! It kinda sucks that no one could go with you but we're all there in spirit!" Selphie replied.

"I know. Thanks, Selphie." Demyx smiled even though she could not see him. "I gotta go now. I'm behind schedule and I need to make up the time if I want to make it to Radiant Garden before my mother starts worrying and phoning the police or something."

"All right. Bye then! And good luck!"

"Bye, Selph." Demyx hung up, feeling better. That was one of the side effects of talking to Selphie.

Smiling cheerfully, Demyx turned the radio on again and continued driving to Radiant Garden. He was making good time and should only have been a few hours away from Radiant Garden when his engine suddenly spluttered and stopped in the middle of the road.

Demyx let loose a string of words that would have made a nun pass out.

There was apparently nothing wrong with the car. No warning lights flashed, the tank was more than half full and as far as he could see, there was nothing wrong with the engine. It just would not start. When he brought out his phone to call the breakdown service, he saw that there was no signal. The blond swore again and threw it on to the passenger seat.

Resisting the urge to bang his head off the steering wheel, Demyx checked his map. He should be only a few miles from Hollow Bastion, which was on the outskirts of the main city of Radiant Garden. He could probably walk it and have a tow truck sent back for his car. He would not get to his hotel until it was very late but he could make it. With plan in mind, Demyx stepped out of the car. He took his map with him, in case he got lost and as an after-thought, took his sitar from the back seat in case he could not get it before his audition.

Then, after a quick glance in either direction to see if there was any incoming traffic or other signs of civilisation, Demyx set off up the road.

Half an hour later, Demyx was starting to feel like something was wrong. Perhaps he was not as close to Hollow Bastion as he had hoped. And it was apart of a major city. Shouldn't there have been some traffic by now? The land around was pretty much empty. A few plants, a bird flying high in the distance and... Demyx squinted into the distance. Was that the silhouette of a town he saw in the distance? It certain looked like it.

Feeling his mood increase a hundredfold, Demyx picked up his pace and headed onwards.

It took more than an hour to reach the town. Demyx was so relieved at finally having arrived that he almost missed the broken, faded old sign by the road.

"Welcome to

Traverse Town"


The bottom corner where the population would have been was missing, apparently torn off somehow. Demyx wondered what could do that to a metal sign before his brain back-tracked.

'Wait...TraverseTown?! Where the hell am I?!' Frantically, he pulled his map out and searched for it. There was no way he could have taken a wrong turning. The road practically had no turnings. He'd followed all the signs. He'd been especially careful, not wanting to risk anything that could harm his chances of getting into Radiant Garden University..

He could not find it. Traverse Town just did not seem to be on the map at all.

He hadn't stumbled into some government conspiracy, had he? And that was a reason not to watch so many movies. It was screwing with his mind. The map was probably old and the town new or something. Except that part of him knew that couldn't be the case. The sign looked far older than the map, for one thing.

But Demyx could not turn back now. Not when he had found somewhere to get help. Pocketing the map, Demyx continued into the strange town in search of the help he needed.

Traverse Town had to be the oddest place he had ever been in. The streets were deserted. 'Maybe this is a ghost town and that's why it doesn't show on the map...' But the sitarist had to admit, this place was in pretty good shape for a ghost town. The gardens were, for the most part, neat and well-looked after when he walked past the houses. The shops, though closed, did not seem to be abandoned. There were plenty of goods inside darkened windows.

Then, finally, Demyx found a ray of hope. He turned a corner and saw a bar across the road. The glowing sign above the entrance read "Seventh Heaven". Lights were also on inside and as Demyx hurried across the road, he heard faint music coming from inside.

The blond sitarist pushed the door open and ventured inside. It was quite cosy actually. Booths lined the walls and there were tables and chairs scattered around the floor but with a clear path to the bar from the door. The music turned out to be coming from an old jukebox in the corner next to a pinball machine and a pool table. There were a few other people who turned to look at Demyx as he strolled in but most turned back to their conversations. Demyx got the feeling that for some reason, their conversations had turned to him though.

Behind the bar was a brunette woman with kind brown eyes and a smile to match.

"Hey there. I haven't seen you around before," she greeted when Demyx approached the bar.

"Yeah...um, listen. My car broke down a few miles back down the road and I think I'm lost," Demyx explained. "I was hoping I could find someone to help me."

The woman's smile had the slightest hint of sadness in it. "That happens a lot more than you'd think around here," she replied. "Where were you headed?"

"Radiant Garden," Demyx replied. "I'm supposed to try out for a place in the university's music course tomorrow afternoon. Do you think there's any chance I'll make it?" he asked hopefully.

The barmaid hesitated. "Well...um..."

"No," another voice interrupted. "There's no chance you'll make it now."

"Zexion..." The barmaid sounded disapproving. "There's no need to be like that."

Demyx turned to look at the new speaker, sitting just a few seats away at the bar. He had slate blue hair hanging down over one eye, pale skin and a slender build. His one visible eye was dark blue and he seemed to be glaring at the barmaid.

"No need to be truthful, Tifa? There's no point covering it up!" he snapped.

"Uh...covering what up?" Demyx asked awkwardly. He was aware that everyone else in the bar was now focussing on them.

Zexion turned his gaze to Demyx. "You're never going to get to Radiant Garden. Ever. No one can leave this place."

Demyx felt a wave of panic rise in his chest. He stared at the other man in shock and disbelief. "Wh-what do you mean?"

Zexion gave him a look that made him feel lower than dirt. "Are you deaf or just stupid? I said – quite clearly – that you can never leave this place. You can try, but you'll fail. We've all tried and we've all failed." He gestured around at the bar's other occupants. Some nodded to show he was right.

"Zexion!" This time there was no mistaking the reprimand in Tifa's voice. "He's just got here. Don't be so harsh on him. You didn't want to believe it either, did you? Nobody does! But that doesn't mean you can take your frustration out on this poor boy!"

Zexion looked as though he would like to reply with something probably quite rude and angry but bit back his retort. He took a deep breath and then turned to Demyx. "She's right. I shouldn't be so harsh. But I don't believe in dancing around the subject. Whatever plans you had for your life, forget them because now you're here to stay."

Demyx's brain tried to work around the idea. "I...I don't understand..." he said quietly.

Tife put a gentle hand on his shoulder, an act of comfort the blond was grateful for. "None of us really do, sweetie. I'm so sorry."

"But...my Mom...my Dad...am I never going to see them again?" Demyx felt his eyes filling up and he fought desperately not to cry.

"'Fraid not, kiddo." Demyx looked behind to see a scarred man with an eye-patch looking at him sympathetically. "You're better off forgetting your old life. It hurts less that way."

Demyx bowed his head, furiously blinking back tears. He brought a hand up to his face and watched it tremble uncontrollably. He could feel everyone watching him with a mix of sympathy and concern.

"Here, sit down," Tifa said gently. "Have a drink. It might calm you down. What will you have?"

Demyx nodded and slid on to a bar stool. "J-just water, please," he said quietly, hating the way he stumbled over the words. He kept his head down and soon Tifa slid a glass of water under his nose.

She hovered nearby as he drank. "We need to find out a place to stay tonight," she said at last. "I'll not have you out on the streets on your first night in town."

"He can come with me," Zexion said unexpectedly. "I have plenty of room, after all."

No one in the bar argued. Tifa seemed a little surprised and Demyx even more so – he had been getting the feeling that Zexion did not like him much for some reason.

"Yes, okay," Tifa agreed. "Just...be nice, Zexion. I know you're capable of it."

Zexion nodded and finished the last of his own drink. "When you're ready, we'll leave," he told Demyx.

Demyx nodded, feeling a little calmer. At least he wasn't about to burst into tears anymore but he knew there would be tears shed later for the life he had left behind so unexpectedly. "Thank you. I'm Demyx, by the way."

"Zexion," replied the other. "And this is Tifa and the man with the eye patch is Xigbar."

Demyx gave each in turn a small smile. Then he finished his drink and pushed the empty glass back towards Tifa.

"It was nice meeting you, Demyx. Don't be a stranger, okay?" Tifa said.

"I won't," Demyx promised. "It was nice meeting you too."

Zexion slid off his bar stool. "Come on then," he said quietly to Demyx.

Demyx nodded and began following, adjusting the weight of the sitar case on his shoulder. "Lead on."

A/N: Yes, Sabby is starting another story. Will she finish it? Who knows? At least, I know what's going to happen. Mostly. The bar scene wasn't planned but I like the way it turned out. Zexion was fun to write. As is Demyx. And Tifa. We'll likely see more of her. Xigbar I hven't made up my mind about yet. Also, I have no idea if there are sitar cases. I should have done some research but it's almost 3am and I'd like to go to bed now. I'll find out later, okay? And then ignore it. Besides, I can't imagine Demyx would want any harm to come to his sitar.

Anyway, leave a review. I am a feedback whore. XD