Utterly and Inconceivably In Love
written by: loverofteddy
when: on a stormy day
A/N This is a story about the day that Teddy asks Victorie to marry him...kind of romantic and funny...please review:)
It was just like any other summer day at the Weasley's. Grand mum Molly had made a huge pic nic which everyone had been invited to intend; by everyone I mean all of my crazy cousins, loopy uncles, strange aunts, retarded siblings, overprotective parents, and my favorite person out of the whole bunch...Teddy Lupin.
"Hey Vic," Teddy waved to me when he apparated to the burrow. I beamed it didn't matter that I saw him every single day...he was just so...so...perfect.
"Hey!" I called back. He smiled his perfectly handsome lop-sided smile and then fell flat on his face. I busted out laughing...according to Uncle Harry, and everyone else who had known his parents he had inherited his mother's clumsiness, but it seemed to me that he was even perfect when he tripped.
One time when I couldn't sleep, and the whole family was staying at the burrow I remember finding Harry down stairs sitting on the couch I can't exactly remember now, but somehow Uncle Harry ended up telling me about how much Teddy was like his parents.
He had said that Teddy's personality was a lot like his dad's, but that at times he acted like his mother; such as his clumsiness which i found hilarious like this one time we went swimming in a pond Teddy, me, and our two best friends Alan Mac Dough, and Jason Wood we had all been diving off brooms into the pond, and Teddy had had a bit of a mishap...
He had clammered onto the broom, he had never been much of a flyer, and when he tried to dive he half slipped and fell on his back and both he and the broom plunged into the pond.
Back to the present, Teddy came up to me, his hair was a lime green color...which it turns when he's nervous. Whys he nervous? I thought to myself.
"Vic can I um talk to you in private?" he asked awkwardly.
"Uh, yeah sure," I answered. We held hands as we inched away from the crowd. "So what's up?" I questioned.
"Victorie Marie Weasley," Teddy began as he got on to one knee, and I gasped as I realized what he was doing," I am utterly and inconceivably in love with you...Will you marry me?"
"OH OF COURSE," I screamed as I jumped into his arms, and started to kiss him, but then I pulled back and glared at him," Well that took you long enough, Lupin," I scolded.
"Well for your information it takes a lot of guts to ask a Weasley girl to marry him, Weasley," he mocked.
"Uh! I take offense to that," I said putting a hand over my heart. We both started laughing, and then he started tickling me.
"Stop," I gasped.Wen he finally stopped I managed to whisper in between gasps," This is why I am utterly and inconceivably in love with you Teddy Lupin."
A/N Did you like it? If you did please please please review!!:)