Title: I Can't Go, I Can't Stay, I Daydream About You All Day

Rating: PG-13 to Slight R, for some language and definite/implied sexual content.

Disclaimer: I don't own Grey's Anatomy or any of its characters, nor do I own Sex and the City…All characters mentioned belong to the owners of those shows, well, minus the two boyfriend I mention of Meredith's (Ricky and Justin), I made those names up myself.

Feedback: I love it, of course! Just, please no flames. And for anyone who reads it, this might sound like an odd request...but I also posted this story on another site (link : /browse/home/fanfiction/show/4493 ) and please, please, comment on that site on the story. I decided to also post it here in hopes that at least a few people would notice it and enjoy it. I would so greatly appreciate it if anyone took the time to get a username (it's quick, I promise) and post a comment on there. I'm, honestly, trying for a contest for this story, just for kicks, which means I need as many comments on that site as possible. Sorry for the shameless self-promotion...but again, greatly appreciated!

Summary: This is meant to take place between the episodes just before the season finale of season four and the season finale itself…Chapter One is a look into Addison's mind, as she thinks about Meredith/Derek and Erica/Callie. Chapter Two focuses on Meredith/Derek, and Meredith's daydreams/thoughts about him. Chapter Three focuses on Sloan and his thoughts on Meredith/Derek and Erica/Callie. Chapter Four focuses on Erica/Callie, and Callie's thoughts/daydreams about Erica with a bit of real conversation between Erica/Callie.

Author's Note: There are some slight spoilers if you haven't seen the last few episodes of season four. Also, yes, this story contains both femslash (Erica/Callie) and heterosexual (Callie/Sloan and Meredith/Derek) content. So, if either one offends you, just look at the summary and skip the chapter(s) that would offend you, thank you! Please don't flame for content.

Addison was older and wiser now. Er, scratch the part about being older, that part can be ignored, but she was definitely wiser now. She had moved across the country, and she had found herself. After all, she had moved to California of all places. There were other issues to deal with in California. There were women who she hated more than Meredith Grey in California. Well, okay, she had yet to meet these women, but she was sure that they existed . Also, California had men who surfed, and men who surfed were automatically hot, especially when they had six-packs.

She didn't need a surgeon named Derek Shepherd to get herself in the mood anymore, and California didn't have any "McSteamy" or "McDreamy" nickname business to get messed up with. She had been there, done that, and now she had moved on. California had awakened a new Addison, and this one could handle seeing Meredith and Derek together. She had even hugged Meredith Grey! That, in itself, was an accomplishment. It was most definitely a hug, complete without any kicking, scratching, or biting.

All of this Addison could handle. Sloan could hit on her all he wanted; he was the same as ever, which basically meant he was as horny as ever. She used to love that about him, but again, this was a new Addison. The new Addison could say no to mind blowing sex with McSteamy that made her forget about McDreamy. Hot surfer guys meant that she didn't need McDreamy, er, Derek. She didn't need Derek. Nope, she was the new improved version of Addison. In fact, she was Addison, version 2.0, just as hot and witty and intelligent, without all of the anger and worry and confusion thrown in.

Though, even the new Addison couldn't handle the news about Rose. I mean, really, Addison is a better person, and Grey turns into a wimp the moment that Addison moves away? What the hell. You cannot just give up Derek like that. Had she known that Rose was with Derek, not Meredith, she would have definitely not have hugged Meredith. Ew, she hugged Meredith Grey for nothing.

Addison couldn't handle losing her husband to a woman who didn't even fight for him the next time another woman looked at him. When she looked at Rose she didn't see anything special that would make Meredith let her have Derek. Then, when she looked at Derek and Meredith, she got even more frustrated. The two of them were obviously still in love. She had hugged Meredith for crying out loud, so they had better still be in love.

Grey had just better buck-up and accept the fact that she needed to fight a little bit harder to keep her man, because if she didn't, Addison really didn't want to come back here just to beat Grey up. She came back to visit and to save lives, mostly to save lives. Grey better not fuck up; Addison, version 2.0, may be more calm and centered, but she still knew when someone was being letting something good slip away. Derek was something good, and Grey was letting him slip away…If she saw Grey again, she'd have to have a little talk with her, and she'd even try to be good and not hit her.

Oh, wait. Addison nerves calmed a bit as she saw the look that Grey threw Rose. Yup, somewhere in Meredith there was still a want for Derek. Now, if Rose would just notice the look that Grey and Shepherd threw each other, then she would probably slink out of the competition for the surgeon. Actually, no, on second thought, that wasn't what Addison really wanted. What Addison really wanted was some sun and some hot surfer guys to walk by; Seattle Grace was beginning to hurt her head with its relationship catastrophes, and she just found out that "McDreamy" and "McSteamy" are no longer acceptable nicknames.

However, thinking of things that are changing…Torres seemed pretty darn happy when Addison had seen her earlier. However, at lunch, the moment that Addison brought up the concept of Torres and Hahn being together, Callie had freaked. Then again, that didn't necessarily mean anything, at least not anything that pointed to Callie being straight. If Callie hadn't been thinking about the idea of her and Erica, herself, then she most definitely would not have gotten that look in her eyes when Addison had mentioned it. It was a mix of fear and revelation.

Callie once had been in love with George; she had been in love with George. It hadn't worked. Callie had also slept with Sloan, but it was just sex. Amazing sex, as Callie had described it, but still, it was just sex. Addison could relate to having sex with Sloan. She had done it in an attempt to get Derek out of her head, but it hadn't worked. Unfortunately, she believed that Callie was on the same route that she had taken previously.

Sloan knew what he was doing when it came to sex to say the least. He was a man-whore, yes, but he was a very excellent man-whore, in the best sense of the word. You knew what you were getting when you got Sloan. Addison had known what she would get, and she hadn't been disappointed. She wanted someone who wouldn't let her think about Derek during sex. For the most part, Mark had never let her down. Mark tried to keep her in the moment.

Addison was pretty sure that that's what Callie was doing. She claimed that she and Erica weren't lovers, and that she liked having a penis around her. Well, the bouts of sex that Sloan and Torres had in the on-call rooms told all, well, maybe not quite all. It did tell that Callie liked men, but Addison didn't doubt that in the first place. What Addison doubted was whether or not Callie was running away from her feelings for Erica by having lots of sex with Mark.

Maybe everyone who worked at Seattle Grace was blind; maybe the only reason that Addison could even see it was because she had moved away. But, really, the looks that Erica and Callie threw each other? The slight touches that they shared, and the giggles and inside jokes? Erica and Callie were a couple without the benefits. Mark Sloan was reaping Erica's benefits, and Addison was pretty sure that somewhere inside that pretty head of hers, Callie knew this. That's why Callie seemed so flabbergasted when Addison had asked her about Erica. Callie knew, deep down, she knew, but she wasn't sure how to admit it.

Mark Sloan was a good man-whore, but sometimes, even he was above the sex that he was having. Addison was pretty sure that sometime, Mark would notice the way that Erica and Callie acted, and he would notice that Callie wanted him the most if Erica was around and watching, or if Callie had just been out with Erica. Not only that, but Erica Hahn was a brilliant woman, and she deserved to be reaping her own benefits in her non-relationship-relationship with Callie Torres.

Maybe it was a California thing that Addison had developed, but people at Seattle Grace were so blind to their own emotions, and when they weren't blind to their own emotions, they were too stupid or too scared to act on them. Addison sighed, because she knew what she had to do. If she planted little seeds of wonder in their minds, then maybe something would click. She would talk to Meredith, because Meredith needed to realize she wanted Derek and that she needed to fight for him, or she was not worth the ass-kicking the non-Californian, non-Zen, version of Addison really wanted to give her.

She would talk to Erica, because Erica had to know that there was something more between Callie and herself. And Callie, well, Callie needed to sort few things in her own mind, but Addison was pretty sure that sometime, everything would begin to click for her. Because, as good as Mark Sloan is in the bed, sometimes you need more, whether it be Erica Hahn in Callie's case, or in Addison's case, some nice, hot Californian sun and a few tan surfers to walk by.