A/N: Holy crap! Two fanfic updates in one week?! What happened to the authoress we know and love? *cough cough* And I'm even going to update my other story this week, too! This is too much! Haha… I know, it's amazing, but nonetheless, here I am. Anyways, next month the next load of updates should come. So keep your eyes open. :]
I know it's been awhile, but enjoy!
PS: Told ya' I'd update, Hoku/Aki buddy. ;]
Umeda couldn't believe the position he was in. He was thousands of feet above the ground in a jet, sitting in a scratchy third-class seat.
The doctor hadn't expected Mizuki to take him seriously when he'd said he wanted a break from school…
"You'll take the ticket!" Mizuki said simply, a look in her eyes suggesting that she really believed it to be that simple.
The redhead's eyes widened slightly and he sighed as he bowed his head. "I don't think that'll work." Umeda replied with reluctance.
He did want a break, but… California?!
He didn't know anyone there and the thought of trying to find somewhere to stay with only a couple English phrases memorized scared the hell out of him.
"Sure it would! You deserve a break; I'm sure the principal would let you." Mizuki replied with utmost confidence, a smug grin on her face.
Umeda eyed her warily, "How are you so sure?" He asked. The girl's grin stretched and she stifled a giggle, "Because I already asked! You've got the okay! The sub will be here this time tomorrow."
The redhead's jaw dropped. "You didn't!" He said in a harsh whisper, narrowing his eyes.
Mizuki nodded and waved the ticket in front of his face. Umeda swatted her hand away and sighed, eyeing her with a mix of anger and disbelief.
"California? Where am I supposed to stay in California?" He ventured, sure that he had stumped the girl.
Mizuki smirked, "Well, actually, you won't be staying in California."
The doctor quirked an eyebrow at this, "But the ticket is for California." He retorted.
"I know," she continued, "But you're going to get off at the first stop and not board the second, connecting flight."
Umeda leaned back in his chair, arms folded over his chest, "I'm not following."
Mizuki sighed as if she were explaining calculus to a slow child, slapping a hand to her forehead, "It isn't a nonstop flight; the first plane stops in New York! Guess who's in New York?!"
The redhead shrugged, "Who?"
Mizuki deadpanned, "Akiha. Akiha is in New York! And you're going to stay with him. It's already arranged. I called the hotel he's staying at and everything!"
Umeda bolted upright in his chair. "Why the hell would you do that?! Akiha?! Does he know about this?" The doctor snapped, pulling out his cell phone, intending to give a certain blond a piece of his mind.
"No, no, no! He doesn't! Keep it that way!" The girl squealed, snatching the phone from Umeda's hands.
The redhead leaned back in his chair and sighed. "Why are you doing this to me…?" He moaned, reaching up to rub his temple.
Mizuki paused at this, taking a seat on a chair next to Umeda's desk.
When the redhead looked up to see why the girl was so quiet, he saw that she looked serious - almost too serious for someone her age.
He sat up and cleared his throat to get her attention, "What?"
"Because you miss him."
Umeda scoffed, "That's just-"
"Let me finish?" Mizuki uncharacteristically interrupted, her slightly maternal side taking over. The doctor rolled his eyes, but stayed silent. "You always help me out and give me advice, so now it's my turn to do the same.
"Whether you want to admit it or not, you have some kind of attachment to him. Because ever since he left, you haven't been the same, and you definitely haven't been happier. You're more distracted and apathetic; it's hard to watch."
Mizuki paused to watch her friend bow his head and rub at the back of his neck. Umeda huffed; out of all the people he knew, he wasn't expecting to have this talk with her.
"Not just you, but Akiha, too. He really cares about you! And I think you really hurt him. When I talked to him last, he couldn't even bring himself to mention you – when he usually can't stop.
"Even if nothing… happens between you two, you both need to sort this out. That's why you're going." Mizuki finished, concerned tears filled her eyes, but her jaw was set firmly and her hands balled into tight fists.
Umeda looked up and examined her for a few moments before speaking, "You feel that strongly about this?"
She nodded.
Umeda sighed and stood reluctantly, "Alright, I'll go." He mumbled begrudgingly, not daring to make eye contact.
Mizuki grinned, "You won't regret it!"
**End Flashback**
Now Umeda was headed to the states with only a few phrases in English memorized, a packed-last-minute suitcase, and Mizuki's words that made even him question how he felt about the blond.
The blond he was going to see again sooner than he had anticipated.
Akiha came back to his room from breakfast that morning to find doubles of almost everything in his room; extra towels, extra soap, an extra toothbrush, more pillows, and even another set of key cards on the kitchen counter.
The blond scratched his head, quirking an eyebrow. "Well then… apparently room service thinks I need enough stuff for two…?"
He shuffled over to the phone and looked up the number fore guest services, taking a seat on his bed as it rang.
When the cheery clerk answered, he started his interrogation; "Why is there tons of stuff in my room? Doubles, now that I look around…"
"This is… Akiha Hara, yes?"
"The doubles are for your incoming guest, of course."
Akiha was taken aback and hesitated, "Incoming… guest?"
"Yes, he's coming this morning. His flight lands at 11AM."
"What's his name?"
"Well, sir, I figured you'd kn-"
"What's his name?!" Akiha interrupted harshly, trying to calm the fluttering and hopeful feeling in his gut.
"Hakuto Umeda, sir."
"What airport?" The blond snapped, his hopes were high, but disbelief gnawed at the edge.
"JFK. If you need a shuttle, we can-"
Akiha didn't hear the rest of her sentence because he had already hung up the phone and started to pull on his shoes.
He glanced up at the clock after slipped on his second shoe and swore when he saw it was already ten.
Akiha ran out the door and right past Ebi, ignoring her questioning glace. He ran through the hallways and down the stairs out into the brisk wind.
The photographer hailed a taxi and slid in quickly. "JFK airport, and step on it!"
The taxi sped off the shoulder and into traffic. Akiha sank down into his slightly smelly seat, thankful that he had gotten up early and showered that morning.
How the hell did this happen? More importantly… what am I going to do about it?