Hey guys

Hey guys! Soooo sorry about not posting up the next chapters of my last stories (--)' There is always some kind of drama in my house, but I promise to have some new chappies up if you review. Anyway I'm posting this up on the night before mah birthday and a great and rockin' awesome gift would be at least 20…or 10 reviews: anyway I know it's a bit morbid, but this idea's been in my head for the longest! Anyway here goes!


Blue. Red. Blue. Red.

Those two colors flashed repeatedly on my ceiling that night. The sound of knocking rung in my ears, but I couldn't move. I knew what opening that door would lead to…

He didn't call; I had left him at the weaponry shop that night- he said he needed to work late. As I walked out of the shop I recall the haze of grey clouds, the torrent of violent wind billowing against my summer dress; my gaze wandered to the navy blue motorcycle that he'd ride home to me on everyday without fail. Except this time. I thought about giving him a ride, persisting in taking him with me until he'd relent, but I remembered that he liked his space, and to get him to ride with me would be a pointless task. As the clouds enclosed the city, I drove home awaiting the mere rain, that would soon turn my life into a storm.

The sound of footsteps awakened me from my reverie as I peeked out of my window at the awaiting policemen, not wanting to cause anymore disturbance, seeing as how a couple of neighbors began to turn on lights and look out of their doorway, I began the seemingly endless journey towards the mahogany door- the one that he hand carved. I began to smile at the memory of him hiding the rather large hand, compared to mine at least, full of splinters and other bruises that were suspiciously hammer shaped. As I reached for the brass doorknob I caught site of my hand, the one he clasped that night and asked to spend an eternity with me, the one he'd hold and gently caress whispering sweet nothings that now meant everything. With one twist of the wrist, it felt as if I was now exposed to everything the world could throw at me, and most times I could withstand everything it did- but not this.

Each word hit like a bullet straight to my slowly disappearing heart. My world began to spin faster, and the full realization of every acidic word melted through the barrier of love built by my husband. It was as if I heard everything, but I heard nothing. It was as if the police were mocking me, mocking my heart, In my mind I secretly hoped that this would be just a cruel joke, or a nightmare that I'd soon wake up from. But I guess when they say truth hurts, they forgot it kills also. I lost my heart that night. May 25, 2005.

This is how I continued through life… though one of my main reasons to live was now gone. This is the story of how I learned to find the gold in the ash…the diamond in the rough…love in the midst of heart ache. This is my story.


Ok guys, originally this were to be a one-shot, but I had some awesome ideas in the middle of typing this. There will be a love lost, and a love gained. Problem is I don't know who was lost, who was gained, or who our protagonist is. (It has to be female)

My main Ideas will be generated off of your reviews, so please tell me if I should continue or quit, and please tell me your opinions on the protagonist, love gained and love lost.Thanks:!
