Book 1: Xainy's Sprites

Chapter 1:

In Which, One Expresses Truth, but None Believe

Thursday, July 16, 2008, 10:00p.m.

How can I put this? OK, first off, the only reason I'm writing in this stupid diary, is because my mom wants me to stop scaring off the neighbors with my "imagination", or "creativity" and write it down instead. So people wouldn't have to suffer my "hallucinations", thinking I'm crazy. We moved a lot because of it. But Crazy? Are you kidding me? How can a 15 year-old girl, starting grade 10, and straight B's, be crazy? I tell you, I'm not.

I think my life is cursed. I see things. Things that no one else can see. And do you think people believe me? Nope. They think I'm crazy! And yes, now you're probably thinking I'm crazy for denying I'm crazy. Well guess what? I'm not! Great now I'm arguing with a book that has absolutely no say in anything. Can't even speak. Now I think I'm going crazy.

But really, if only you saw the things that I did. Then you'd believe me. OK, now its time to stop you from guessing. I see Fairies. I'm now waiting for you to get over your dieing laughter. And no, not the wand waving, bright colored, peace bringing, cheery feeling, cute Fairies. No, Fairies! As in mythical, magical creatures.

Now, when I say Fairies, it should be very vague in the sense. I mean all of them! Goblins(yes they are ugly!), Sprites(which are common to you as fairies, but they're sprites), Leprechauns(not the cheery red bearded ones), Dwarves(they aren't all cute and cuddly either), you name it! Some are nice, some are mean. I got attacked once, but my mom didn't believe me, and blamed it on one of my older siblings.

I've been seeing them since I was little. My mom thought it was my childhood imagination, but as it never went away, and this concerned her, and thought I was suffering from some sort of disorder. She rarely ever believes me now, even if it doesn't involve fairies. Yes fairies, remember very vague, all of them, the whole enchilada! So its kinda tough, especially when something wasn't my fault, but one of my siblings', and she always blames me. She always goes, "Oh, was it fairies?", and teases me about it. I hate being teased.

I don't know why I can see them. Maybe it's because my hair's red? Or that I'm...hold on...1...3...5..the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter? There's gotta be something special for that! Yes, my mother is the seventh daughter of her parents Hue and Carly, amongst 2 boys. And yes, my mother had 7 girls. Just 7 girls. She kept trying for a boy, but nope, girls just kept popping out! OK, back to the point. That is a possibility, but I never really believed in the lucky seven. I'm not really sure what to believe. Maybe I should, since I believe in fairies. Yes, all magic creatures, getting it yet?

And they aren't myths! They're real! Really real! Like bite me and I'll bleed real. Pinch me to wake me up real! Slap me across the face to make sure it's real real! Face it you dumb diary! They are REAL! Now I must be sounding like some lunatic in an asylum. THEY'RE REAL! IT'S ALIVE! Hahahaha! But seriously, they are real. I don't care if you don't believe me, I don't care if the neighborhood doesn't believe me, I don't care if my family doesn't believe me. Fairies are real! Yes you're finally getting that fairies are every mythical creature, good job.

But do you know what I really care about? If at least SOMEONE believes me. Not those cooks in therapy who agree with everything you say, then try to make you say things you don't mean, and turn yourself against you, and quote you on everything you say. NO, I want someone to actually believe me, someone who sees them too. Well, my best friend Valery says she "believes" me. She probably just says it to shut me up. Maybe I shouldn't be writing, maybe I should draw them out, to give people a more detailed idea. I am a really good artist, and the detail will be so great, people will have to wonder "How could she know every precise detail?" Then they'll have to believe me. And it'll give me something to do over this summer.

So it's now 10:42, yes I am a slow writer, writing isn't one of my strong qualities, I told you, I'm an artist. I guess I should be going to bed now. I'm very tired. Sleep tight I would say don't let the bed bugs bite, but they won't because those are myths. Hahaha. But fairies will. So sleep tight, don't let the fairies bite!


Xainy woke up the next morning in her fluffy pink bed. It was a hand-me-down from one of her sisters, and she absolutely hated. She opened her eyes, and saw the thick, green leather diary sitting on her night table, open face down to the pages she wrote last night. She heard a lot of noise coming from downstairs. A couple of her sisters were finishing moving out, and they still had to bicker about the dumbest stuff. It was her oldest sisters; Dana, who was 25, and Holly 23. they were so glad to be moving out. Could be it was hell growing up with 6 other girls or just because they were glad to get away from Xainy and her "insaney"(if you will) self.

Xainy swung her legs over the side of her bed, and yawned big, and dramatically. She rubbed her eyes, and lazily pushed her bright red hair out of her eyes. She walked over to her window, and cracked it open. The senses of the fresh morning greeted her, as she stuck her head out, and leaned against the window sill. The sound of singing birds, the smell of fresh pine, the feel of the wind on her face, the view of the spacious houses. Also, the thump of an acorn hitting her head.

She held her head where she was hit an heard high pitched laughter. On the branches of the pine tree, sat three sprites. Every sing morning they got her, and every single morning, she didn't see it coming.

"Still a slow one aren't we missy?" laughed the tall one. Her wings were wrinkled, and shaped like autumn leaves, and her dress was made from upside-down black rose petals.

"Yes," she nodded. "I always am in the morning." She had to smile, they were always the highlight of her day. The only time she could ever got to talk to them was bright and early, because no one else was around.

"What's the plans for the day big head?" asked the kid sprite. He was dressed all in bug parts, and his wings looked like spider webs.

"My sisters are finishing their move, then it's I don't know what," she shrugged. Then she remember her thoughts from yesterday. She should ask them if she could draw them But what with? She'd have to go by a sketch book, and some new pencils and erasers. But hey, what the heck?

"Could I ask you guys a favor?" she asked.

"What kind of favor?" asked the fat one. His wings were thin like plastic, and he was dressed in vines.

"I'd like to draw you guys, you know, like on paper," she said.

"You want to draw us," repeated the tall one. "What do we do?"

"You guys could just stand on my window sill and pose for me," she explained. "And I'll sit on my bed with a pencil and pen and I'll draw you."

"How long will it take?" asked the fat spite.

"It'll take awhile, so you'll have to pose in a comfortable spot. So how about it?" Xainy said. the sprites huddled together in a circle, and talked to each other in their high squeaky whispers.

"OK," nodded the tall one.

"We'll do it!" The kid sounded very excited.

"OK," Xainy smiled. "But not right now, I have stuff to do, and things to get. How about after noon?"

"Alright, we'll be hear when the sun starts to leave its high point," said the tall one. And with that, the three of them flew away. Xainy smiled. She couldn't wait! She was about to pull her head in, but froze. She noticed a boy, sitting on his bike, in the middle of the street staring at her with a confused face. He probably thinks I'm crazy for talking to myself!, she thought. And because I'm still in my pajamas, and my hair's a mess. He noticed her looking at him, so he started pedaling his bike down the road to a house with moving truck in the drive way. Oh, crackle! He's new too. That sure made a good first impression. And with that, she went back inside.