Hey Guys,

I'm sorry this chapter has taken so long but i found it really difficult to write but i have tried really hard to make it as good as I hope you enjoy it. The next chapter is going to be up alot quicker i have already started it.

For anyone that reads my other story Anticipation i will carry on with it once this story is finished which is soon.

I really appreciate the reviews they mean alot so thanks. =)

Let me know what you think of this chapter.


x x x x

Gabriella shut her eyes tightly, waiting for the impact of the bullet to hit her. The loud thud of a body hitting the floor jolted her out of the darkness. Opening her eyes she found Sharpay in front of her, blood pouring from her stomach. Gabriella froze, Sharpay had been shot! Sharpay's groans jerked Gabriella out of her statue like state as she rushed towards her best friend.

"PAY!" She exclaimed as the tears poured down her face.

"Gabby it hurts." Sharpay croaked whilst moving her hand towards her stomach, her cheeks drenched in tears as they flowed freely down her face.

Gabriella quickly pulled her jacket off and placed it over the wound, putting pressure on Sharpay's stomach to ease the blood loss.

"It's alright Pay, it's going to be ok, I'm here."

"I love you Gabby, you're my best friend and you have made me really happy and I will never forget you." Gabriella started shaking her head.

"No Pay, don't say that, don't you dare talk like that."

"And will you tell Troy I love him and tell Ryan that he is the best brother ever."

"Pay, you can tell them yourself. Stop talking like this Pay, you're going to be fine"

It was Sharpay's turn to shake her head.

"Gabby, I can't see properly and it's hard to breathe." She sobbed as her eyes fluttered open and shut as she slipped in and out of consciousness.

"Pay stay awake, stay with me, look straight at me. You're going to be fine. Just stay with me, please Pay I can't lose you" The tears started to run faster down Gabriella's face as she saw Sharpay struggling to keep her eyes open. Sharpay's breathing started to get more ragged and heavier as she was trying to speak. She slowly moved her hand towards her stomach to lay it on top of Gabriella's.


"Pay don't talk"

"Ga…Gabi" Sharpay mumbled as she lost consciousness and fell into darkness.

Loud deep breathing made Gabriella look up. There stood Kelsi, staring at them with a blank expression on her face.

"What have you done?" Screamed Gabriella as she leapt up from the floor and ran towards Kelsi. As she reached her she grabbed on to her shoulders and started to shake her aggressively.

"Look at what you've done, it's all your fault." She let go of her shoulders as she pointed towards Sharpay's body.

"You have ruined everything…you bitch." She cried as she slapped Kelsi around the face. The sound of glass smashing brought the girls attention towards the door.


The sound of the gunshot bellowed through the door. The 3 boy's faces paled as they heard the sound vibrate through their ears. Troy rushed towards the door grabbing the handle trying to open it. Chad hurried towards his best friend and dragged him away from the door.

"Troy man stop it, the doors locked we can't get in."

"Chad we have to get in there, somebody's been shot."

"Troy we don't know if anybody has been shot, Kelsi might have done it to scare them" Ryan said trying to reassure them all.

"We can't chance that, we need to get in there."

"How is the door locked?" Chad questioned.

"The window," Ryan muttered.

"What?" Chad asked.

"The window…break the window. We need something heavy to smash it."

"PAY" The sound of Gabriella screaming Sharpay's name made the boys freeze as the expressions on their faces dropped.

"No," Troy whispered. "No" he repeated louder. Ryan's eyes filled with tears as his body collapsed against the nearby wall. Chad snapped into action and ran off down the hall, shouting back towards the boys.

"Come on, we need to get our bags and books. We need to smash that window quickly."

At the sound of Chad's voice Troy immediately snapped back to reality and ran down the hall with Chad leaving Ryan slumped against the wall staring space.

Lying on the floor was a heap of textbooks and shattered glass.

"Yes it worked." The sound of Chad's voice filtered through the hole in the door. Gabriella looked back at Sharpay lying on the floor then towards Kelsi. The sound of sirens right on top of them and screeching tyres were heard as the police cars pulled up outside the building.

"It's over Kelsi," Gabriella sighed as she made her way back towards Sharpay's body. Kelsi shook her head in denial.

"No, this wasn't supposed to happen…that was supposed to be you" She yelled as she pointed to Sharpay."Sharpay's meant to be with me. I didn't want to hurt her, she's everything"

Gabriella just stared at Kelsi as she spoke, while Kelsi finally processed everything that happened. The police had made their ways to the classroom and began banging on the door.

"This needs to end!" Kelsi exclaimed as tears left her eyes. "I need to be with her." Kelsi raised the gun to her head "And now I will be" She pulled the trigger, letting off a loud noise that echoed through the room. Gabriella screamed as she watched the scene in front of her. Kelsi's limp body fell to the floor as sea of blood appeared around her.

The door smashed open as the police officers ran in and halted as they took in the sight, 3 bodies laying on the floor and one girl hysterically crying. The boys pushed their way in and halted just as the police officers had and gasped. Blood lay everywhere and the smell of death was in the air. Gabriella sobs mad the boys move. Chad made his way towards Taylor, who was still knocked out on the floor. He stroked her hair whilst trying her round her with no success, but her even breathing let him know she was ok. Troy and Ryan ran towards Gabriella and Sharpay. The boys knelt down beside Sharpay. Gabriella collapsed into Ryan as he wrapped his arms around her body tightly, scared to let her go. Looking down at his sister lying motionless on the floor, he finally let the tears he had been holding in fall. Releasing one of his arms from around Gabriella he reached down and stroked the hair out of her face.

Troy was crouching next to Sharpay, watching as Ryan moved the hair from her face. He leant forward and placed his hand on the jacket that lay over the gunshot wound. He bent down and rested his head on her stomach before placing a kiss next to her wound. 'I love you' he whispered into her stomach.

The police officers watched the scene unfold. They made their way towards the boys, regretfully telling them they had to leave.

"Guys I'm sorry but this room is a crime scene and we need to do our job, sorry but you need to leave." The boys nodded. Ryan bent down a placed a kiss on Sharpay's forehead as his sobs became heavier. He slowly got up and made his way across the room, Gabriella still clinging on to him. Troy looked up and could see everyone waiting for him to leave. He slowly moved up towards her head. He ran his hand up her body as he went. Leaning down he placed a kiss against her lips as the tears leaked from his eyes on to her face. His hand rested against her neck when he felt it. A tiny thud against his fingers. He jerked away from her lips and held two fingers against her neck when he felt the small faint thud again. He looked up towards his friends, a small smile on his face and muttered the words that gave them all hope.

"There's a weak pulse, she's not gone."