Random poetry by me:


When you love some one who doesn't love you back...

When you say I love you and get nothing in return...

When you give your heart and they break it...

When I tried to be perfect just like you..

when I tryed to be anything you wanted, needed...

when you said you hated me I just smiled...and said I know...

When you ignored me...

When you confused my feelings...

when you left...

when...your tried to kill me...

when you broke me all over again...

when you cut me deeper then any knife could...

when you got what you wanted...

when you died inside...

when I tried to heal you...

When I gave you my heart again...

when I tried to stop the tears...

when I tryed to leave you...

When..you broke it again...

When..you smile its like the sun is peeking out from the gloomy clouds...

When you laugh...its like the first snow flake...

when you cry..is like the sky is crying for you...

when you love...tell me how it feels...for you still have my heart...

when your in pain will you come to me?..

when your alone will you keep me company?

when your sad...can I cheer you up?...

when your happy..can it be because of me.?.

When your mad...is it my fault?..

When you need me..I will come...

when you hate me..I will smile...

When you love me..I will die.

when you say I love you...my broken heart will be taped together from its shattered pieces...so it can beat for you.


Okay I got bored and I was listening to sad love songs..if you didn't know its Sasuke and Sakura...in this...poem?..sure...this is over used Sasuke breaking her heart and all... but still...I felt like writing it...Writers block doesn't help...sorry...
