The Chase

Chapter 1

By Sakura aka Michelle

Disclaimer: CCS belongs to CLAMP, not me. Thanks.

The lady opened her eyes and blinked at her bright surrounding. For some reasons, her vision blurred and it took her a quite a while to regain her full vision. She knew she must be lying on a mattress for she felt very comfortable lying down on something soft. She wriggled her fingers and crunched some of the material in her hand; it definitely felt soft.

She heaved a sigh of relief when she regained her full vision and finally had a chance to take a good look at where she was. She pushed off the covers off her and pushed herself up into a sitting position and looked about her warily. Where am I?

She was alone in a clean room and it smelled of antiseptic. She almost retched at the smell; it disgusted her. The wide windows poured in much of the sunlight available and overlooked the small garden below. She swung her legs down onto the floor, slid her feet into the pink slippers provided on the floor and moved towards the window, only to be stopped by a slight pain on her left arm. Surprised, she looked down and saw that she was on drip. Frustrated, she ripped the tube away and flung it aside.

She slide opened the windows and braced her hands on the railings to peer down. The garden was littered with people walking around and sitting on benches. Many of them were wearing the same type of clothing and she noticed for the first time that she was wearing the same thing as well. There were also women in white dress attending to the people in some sort of uniform.

I am in a hospital? Why?

The lady tried to think of what happened before she was brought in to the hospital. She was shocked that she could not remember anything at all. She panicked instantly and suddenly she felt like crying; she did not even remember her own name or how she looked like.

Desperate to get some answers, she rushed into the adjoined washroom and looked into the mirror and looked at herself. Really looked at herself. It seemed to her that she was staring at a complete stranger. The person in the mirror stared back at her with unblinking eyes. The stranger staring back at her had shoulder length auburn hair that was a little unruly from the sleep that she had. She widened her eyes and noticed with some interest that she had emerald eyes and she thought that it was rather attractive. She used her hands to squeeze her face hard, and chuckled at the resulting funny expression.

The lady suddenly froze, realizing that it was not the right time to be having fun. She should be panicking instead of dallying around. If only there were someone in the room; she feared stepping outside of the room she was in, thinking that there might be bad people out there trying to take advantage of the situation and making use of her uneasiness or to bring her harm. Who was she going to trust?

Reluctantly, she exited the washroom and went over to sit on the edge of the bed, folded her hands on her lap and stared expectantly at it. She felt much better after knowing how she looked like and was now pondering what had landed her in the hospital.

She began thinking, her facial expression turning into a scowl unconsciously in an effort to remember. She was doing it for a very long time before a sudden intense headache set in and she stopped and clasped her head in her hands, groaning in pain. I can't remember anything! And now my head hurts!

She felt so miserable right now and her vision turned blurry once more but this time it was the tears welling up in her eyes that were interrupting her vision. She sniffed and the sobbed wretchedly. Why can't I remember who I am?

Just then, the door opened and the lady's head snapped up and took a look at the person who had barged into the room without her permission.

Hi all! This fanfic is composed of a series of short short chapters and will be updated every weekend. Well, do review what you think will happen.

Sakura aka Michelle