Spy Guy: Yay! Chapter two!

I hope y'all knwo that I wrote this while I should have been writing Nano. :D Lolz. I really felt like it, and it came so easily...except for the scene between Sam and her parents. It's what held this chapter up so long.

Sorry, E-Dantes. I didn't mean for it to take so long. Here it is. I hope you like it.

Samantha Manson impatiently drummed her fingers against the surface of her breakfast table, waiting for her best friend to show up.

"He's supposed to be bringing a new CD, grandma." She explained softly. "And then we're going to listen to it on the way to school."

Her wheel-chair bound grandmother, Ida, smiled warmly, her dentures pearly white and flawless.

"That young man is always late for everything." She chuckled good-naturedly. "But he likes you Sammy. He'll come."

Sam smiled, feeling her face flush slightly at the mention of her friend's signature habit.

"I hope you're not talking about that Fenton boy." Jeremy Manson suddenly snapped, Danny's last name rolling off his tongue like venom.

"He's such a bad influence on you, honey." said Pamela Manson. "His parent believe in all of that supernatural stuff. Ghosts and spirits. I wonder why I ever allowed you to hang out with that menace."

"Ghosts are real, mom." Sam protested darkly. "You see them all of the time."

"She's got you there, sweetie." Ida smiled, laughing slightly.

"Mother." Jeremy whispered harshly. The old woman shrugged, picking up the remote control of a small television set built into one wall. She clicked it on, and returned to her breakfast.

Pamela simply turned up her nose, glaring darkly in her mother-in-law's direction. Sam scoffed, angrily getting up from the breakfast table, lifting her heavy backpack from the floor by its strap.

"It's not fair to make Danny your scapegoat all the time." The girl snapped, sliding the bag over her shoulder. "He tries his hardest to respect the rules. Isn't that enough?"

"Hey, Sam." Danny said softly as he poked his head into the room. The girl jumped slightly, whipping to face her intruding friend. "I'm sorry." The boy continued sheepishly. "I couldn't help but overhear."

"How did he get into the house?" Jeremy demanded, glaring at his daughter. "You know he's not allowed in the house."

"He was listening in?" Pamela said, her face contorting with rage. "That's invasion of privacy. We could arrest you, young man."

"Look at that shiner." Ida chortled, pointing to Danny's face. The boy immediately covered the discolored bruise with his hand, a troubled expression shadowing his previous happiness. Sam noticed, and felt a wave of sympathy towards her friend…followed by curiosity. She would have to ask him later what had happened last night.

"He got into a fight." Jeremy growled. "A fight, mother. You can't say that he's not a bad seed."

"Now, now." Ida chortled, looking away from the T.V for a moment. "I'm sure it doesn't mean anything. You came home with quite a few black eyes yourself."

"Mother, hush." Mr. Manson snapped, his face turning bright red. Sam couldn't help but laugh slightly as she turned to exit the room, waving for Danny to follow. After taking a few steps, she realized that he wasn't behind her. She walked back to his side, and saw that he was staring, wide-eyed at the small television set resting on the counter.

"I…am Freakshow, ringmaster of Circus Gothica, where your nightmares come alive…"

"Come on." Sam said, gripping her friend's shoulder. He cringed beneath her touch, slowly turning his head away from the television set.

"The circus…" He whispered hauntingly, turning back to the screen, the dark red glow of the ringmaster's orb reflecting in his eyes.

"Circus Gothica…coming to Amity Park. Cross over…to the dark side."

"Cross…over?..." Danny whispered, the advertisement holding his attention completely.

Then, he suddenly reached a hand up to his head, gritting his teeth as if in pain. Sam gripped his arm, staring up at her friend's face, pleading for him to answer her.

"Danny? What's wrong?" She asked, pulling the boy away from the screen. For a moment, as he looked down at her, she could have sworn that his irises were the color of blood. The sight made a shiver run up her spine. It was just a reflection, wasn't it? Nothing was wrong…


"I'm…fine." The boy replied after an agonizing pause. "I just…I need to go get something from…my room. I left it there. Come on."

Danny turned to leave, gently pulling Sam along with him. She followed, trying to forget how strange he was acting, but she couldn't push it from her mind. Maybe it had something to do with what had happened last night. The bruise on his face looked sickening… The second they were out of the door, Sam mustered up the courage to ask about the night before.

"What happened, Danny?"

"Oh…" The boy whispered, walking quickly down the street. "There were these four ghosts robbing a jewelry store last night. One of them looked like a sick rendition of the Hulk, and he beat the crap out of me. I should probably pick up an aspirin too…just in case."

"Hey, cheer up." Sam smiled, "I've got plans for today. After your house, I have a surprise for you."

"What?" Danny asked, a small smile pulling at the corners of his mouth

"It's a surprise." The girl replied, bringing a finger up to her lips. "You're going to have to wait."

"Fine." The boy replied, crossing his arms, frowning goofily. All traces of the strange Danny were gone, replaced by the carefree one that didn't get to show its face nearly enough. The two hurried down the street, quickly reaching Fentonworks with its large, glowing, neon sign. Danny rummaged in his jean pocket for his keys, and unlocked the door.

"Come on in." He said, pulling the door open. "Mom and Dad aren't home. They left for a convention this morning. Jazz's car is gone. She probably went to school."

"Do you think she'll notice that you're not there?" Sam asked, walking up the steps into the Fenton's living room.

"Nah. She never pays attention to me." The boy replied, setting his bag down on the ground. "Stay here. I'll be right back. My room's a mess."

"Alright." Sam replied, taking a seat on the stiff gray couch. Danny shot her a small smile, before turning around, and trudging up the stairs.

He could feel it pulling at him, like a sharp, clawed hand. The angry voice thrummed in his ears, berating him for forgetting it…for leaving the jewel behind. He had to take it with him. Leaving it behind was wrong. A map flew through his mind showing him the field where his master waited.

His master…

He knew that was what the voice was…it was the man on the TV, the ringmaster.

His master.

Walking into his room, Danny saw the gem lying on his mattress. With a quaking hand, he took its thick chain, and slipped it over his head, allowing the orb to rest heavily against his chest. A red haze quickly settled over his mind, distorting the world…changing it, to make it look cruel and evil. Once again, the soft voice whispered in his head, so familiar…

"Are you a ghost?" The Master's voice hissed.

"Yes." Danny answered again, his powers pushing against his human skin. Ectoplasm surged through his veins, thick and oozing. He could feel the cold of his transformation and see the flash of twin rings that surged over his body…

He was a ghost.

Misty vapor escaped through his lips.

The window.

The boy turned, seeing the tattooed ghost perching on the sill, her thick velvet cloak wrapped around her body, the brim of the hood shadowing her face. Instinct told him that he should attack her, but the voice continued to whisper in his head, soothing him, reassuring him.

"She is here only to lead you to me, child." The voice of the master cooed. "To prevent further distractions. Come…come to the circus."

Danny found himself walking forward, approaching the ghost in the window. She held out her hand, and gently took his wrist, her tattoos writhing over her skin. Danny allowed himself to be led onto the sill beside her where they stood for a moment as the ghost scanned the skyline with her unsettling red eyes.

"Are you ready?" The ghost asked, gripping his wrist tighter.

Sam paced around the living room, checking her watch nervously. If Danny didn't hurry up, they would miss the opening ceremonies. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

What was taking so long?

Unable to wait any longer, Sam walked up the stairs, quickly approaching Danny's room…

It was then that she heard something that made her pause.

Danny's voice, low…almost trancelike, saying "yes" to…something. Sam felt her breath hitch in her throat. Who was he talking to? She shifted uncomfortably, checking her watch.

The circus would have to wait. Danny was more important…and something was wrong…

Slowly she approached the half open door, listening the soft rattle of a chain…

A chain?

A flash of light suddenly lit up the hallway, momentarily blinding her. Sam reached a hand up to shield her eyes

Why was he going ghost? Why?

What was going on?

"Danny?" The girl cried, throwing the door open. She gasped as she saw him, standing on the windowsill, a strange cloaked figure gripping his wrist. Then, as if in slow-motion, he turned to her, his white hair whipping around his face…

His eyes were blood red.

"Danny? What's going on?" Sam demanded, standing in the doorway. What was he doing…why were his eyes--?

Danny's eyes locked on hers, and his lips parted slightly, as if he wanted to speak. The only sound he managed was a pitiful whimper as he pulled weakly against the ghost's grasp, his free hand reaching out for Sam.

"Sam…" He whispered, the color of his eyes flickering between red and green. The girl ran for him, trying to reach him, so she could help him.

"Ignore her." The figure beside him whispered coldly. Danny snapped his hand back.

All traces of recognition suddenly faded from the boy's face, and he looked away, moving his hand to cradle a glowing jewel that hung from his neck.

Without warning, the cloaked ghost leapt from the sill, dragging Danny with her. He hung in the air for a moment, before catching himself, and floating by her side.

He didn't look back.

"Danny!" Sam cried, leaning against the sill.

"Please look at me…please come back!" she screamed in her head.

He'd been acting strange that morning. Something was really wrong. Danny was being kidnapped. She knew it. Even though he was awake, he was being taken…

She had to follow him.

Running down the stairs, Sam bolted through the front door, determined to follow them…

Even if she missed the opening ceremonies.