Title- Life not always going right

I don't think anyone else has done this type of story yet, so hope you all find it to be original and enjoyable.


As a child Raito discovered he was unable to feel pain. There was one time where he put his hand on the stove's burner when it was turned on. His hand began to burn like anyone else's but he couldn't feel it. Sachiko had turned back around to see Raito's hand receiving the burn. She yanked her son's hand away and quickly put it under warm water. "Raito what were you doing!?" Sachiko exclaimed trying to remain calm. After a few minutes went by she looked at her son's hand to see the hand was still raw and burned to the second degree. "We need to go to the hospital" Sachiko said grabbing Raito's good hand and pulling him towards the door. "Why did you keep your hand there?" Sachiko asked again noticing her son was no longer looking at his hand. "I didn't feel anything" Raito said looking at his hand with awe. "Honey that is impossible" Sachiko said releasing her son's hand so she could go and get Sayu.

Sachiko hurried up the stairs to get Sayu as fast as possible. Raito stood staring at his hand wondering why he didn't feel anything. His mom said he should have felt the heat, but Raito's reflex didn't kick in. His eyes furrowed as he looked at his hand. It was completely red and the skin was crinkling together in a fiery red color with some parts of the skin looking brown. 'Am I am not normal' Raito thought as he stared down at his hand.

He heard his mother footsteps descending the stairs with a two year old Sayu looking tired. Sachiko released Sayu's hand and made her way into the kitchen and grabbed an icepack for her son's hand before coming back over. "Place this on your hand and keep it there" Sachiko said concern lacing her voice. Raito accepted the icepack not sure why he really needed it, but said nothing. "Let's go" Sachiko said as she lead her children out of the house and to the metro, since she didn't know how to drive.

In a half-n-hour times they arrived and Raito was quickly admitted. A nurse leads him away telling him everything was going to be ok and they were going to fix his boo boo. Raito had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. He may be a child but he did not need to hear the false words of reassurance that was coming out of the women's mouth.

"Honey did your mother do this to you?" the nurse asked as the two walked into a small room. "No" Raito said sternly as he held the ice pack against his wound. "Who did then?" the nurse asked looking genuinely confused. "I did it by accident I didn't know the burner was on" Raito said wondering why the nurse wasn't doing anything about his hand yet.

"Why would you do that?" the nurse asked as she moved over to the other side of the room to grab a cold compress. "I don't feel pain" Raito said putting the icepack down and slapping his burned hand against his normal hand to prove his point. "Everyone feels pain" the nurse said placing the cold compress on Raito's burnt hand. "I'm an expectation to that" Raito said 

wanting to leave. "I'll go get the doctor" the nurse said walking out of the room. Releasing an annoyed sigh Raito sat in the white hospital room waiting for the morons return.


"Doctor Mogi, I have a patient who burned his hand on a hot burner and he says he didn't feel any pain" the nurse said as she walked into Mogi's office. "Who is the patient?" Mogi asked looking intrigued. "A Yagami, Raito" the nurse said looking at her chart. "Yagami's Soichiro son" Mogi asked looking up the nurse surprised. "Yes, do you know him?" she asked looking surprised. "I am good friends with his father" Mogi said as he stood up and followed the nurse to the room Raito was in.

The door opened quickly and Raito's head turned to see the nurse and Mogi! "Raito-kun how have you been?" Mogi asked looking down at the young Yagami boy. "I'm fine. When can I leave?" Raito asked looking slightly annoyed. "Soon, but if you don't mind I would like to do an ice test with you" Mogi said looking over at the nurse. She nodded her head in understanding and left the room in a hurry. "Is the ice test to test my pain level" Raito asked looking down at the cold compress on his hand.

He didn't feel it. He was sure his hand was supposed to feel like it was on fire while cold at the same time, but there was nothing. His hand felt like it did every day. "That is correct" Mogi said answering Raito's question as the nurse came back in holding a bucket of water with ice poured in it. "Let's see who can go longer" Mogi said as he took a seat across from Raito. "You are going to lose" Raito said as a fact. "We'll see" Mogi said making his hand hover over the bucket. Raito did the same with his good hand since he knew he would get scolded if he used his supposed bad hand.

Both placed their hand in the water at the same time. "Mogi-san I have never heard you talk so much" Raito said looking impressed. "I have to make sure you are ok" Mogi said trying not to winch at the coldness. "Even though I can't feel pain it would still have the same effect on me like it would for people who feel pain correct?" Raito asked his five year old eyes looking at Mogi expectably. "That is correct" Mogi said trying not to concentrate on the pain. Ten minutes went by with a bored looking Raito. Mogi pulled his hand out and cupped it against his chest. "You win" Mogi said before he turned around and signaled for the nurse to come over. "Raito-kun I would like to run some tests on you to see the extent of you not feeling pain" Mogi said writing something down on the chart.

"Shouldn't you be asking my mom?" Raito pointed out looking disinterested in the topic. "Your right, I just wanted to tell you in case she agrees" Mogi said standing up and walking out of the room, the nurse following at his heels.

Raito sighed as he rested his back against the plastic chair bored. It was causing more of a hassle than Raito original thought.

Mogi made his way out of the room and made a bee line to the waiting room. He saw Sachiko sitting at the couch looking worried with Sayu's head resting on her lap. "Sachiko-san" Mogi 

said making his way over to the women. "Mogi-san are you looking after Raito-kun? How is he? Sachiko asked looking even more worried. "His burn isn't too bad; you were the one who caused it from being much worse right?" Mogi asked. "Yes I was" Sachiko said looking relieved at the news but still concerned since Mogi face was not relaxed at all. Usually his eyes looked more relax when he hanged out with Soichiro, but now his eyes were hard and Sachiko waited for the news.

"Raito-kun cannot feel pain. I just conducted a test and he didn't feel anything" Mogi said. He saw the horror crossing Sachiko's face. "It was only an ice test to make sure he really doesn't feel pain it is a safe test" Mogi reassured and Sachiko's visibly relaxed.

"If you don't mind I would like to run some tests on Raito. Not feeling pain is a very rare case and usual only happens when two first cousins have an offspring together. I know you and Soichiro aren't, so I would like to see if I can find the reason" Mogi said in his serious voice. "Of course" Sachiko said. "It shouldn't take too long" Mogi said before he turned around and walked off.

The tests were done quickly and Raito walked out of the examining room not happy with the supposed results. He could tell from the nurse's face they had not found what they were looking for. Sachiko smiled at Raito slightly telling him they would make him be able to feel. Raito nodded his head in understanding, but didn't quite understand why his mom wanted him to feel pain.


Even now, at the age of eighteen Raito still couldn't feel pain. He had already had eight surgeries and all of them failed. There was a time where Raito felt that he may have actually felt pain, but turned out his mind was playing tricks on him when he was coming out of surgery.

He didn't let people know he couldn't feel pain. Whenever he got a paper cut or a broken arm, thanks to a bully he had at an old school, he pretended to feel pain. When his arm was broken it was a nuisance not being able to use it, but at the same time it proved that he couldn't feel like a regular person does. People learned from pain. Indians would let their children go near fire just so the kids would learn a lesson that fire is hot and should not be touched.

Raito couldn't help but feel like he was crippled in some ways. No one else had to pretend they were in pain, but Raito had to whenever he got injured or had to play soccer in gym. The ball would hit him in his head. He learned to use that to his advantage and pass it to a teammate before grabbing his head and winching. The girls would swoon over him asking him if he was ok. A smile would form on his lips and he say he was fine before saying that his head wasn't bothering him that much which really wasn't a lie.

Some people would call him a masochist if they saw what he did to himself. Raito didn't like the idea of pain, but he craved to feel it. Just a small pulsing pain would be fine with him. But every time he tired he felt nothing. Late at night he would go into the kitchen and turn the stove on waiting for it to get red hot before holding his hand over the burner trying to feel the searing 

heat that never came. At one point Raito had placed his arm on the burner waiting for anything to come, but nothing ever did. After a minute Raito would pick his arm up and turn the stove off before going back upstairs, making a pit stop to the bathroom so he could put ointment on his burn.

Most people could tell when something was to hot or cold but Raito couldn't. His body still got the full damage like anyone else's but he couldn't prevent it.

Raito would have found his condition a blessing but he still had the effects like all the other humans

"Nii-san think fast" Sayu said placing a ice cube down Raito's shirt. Raito turned to face his younger sister who was pouting. "This would have been so much more amusing if you could feel the coldness" Sayu whined. "Perhaps I will one day" Raito said shrugging his shoulders. "Did you hear that mom and dad are hiring the best doctor in the world to take a look at you" Sayu said excitedly. "You mean L is really going to?" Raito asked his attention perked up at that. L was a world re-known doctor. Every medical mystery he had ever came across he solved. "Yup, mom told me today. She says were leaving to go to London in a month so you can finish school first" Sayu said smiling at her brother. "I see" Raito said making sure not to show his excitement. "You don't care!" Sayu asked looking surprised.

"I am, but I don't want to get excited only for L to fail" Raito said honestly. "It's L, if anyone can do it, it's him" Sayu said smiling at her brother gently. "Your right" Raito said smiling at his sister. "I finally reassured you" Sayu said happily. "Yeah, now is everyone going or not?" Raito asked curiosity seeping into his voice.

"Were all going, dad's going to take of a month from work so we can go. If it takes longer he says he's not sure what he'll do, but he will make sure you can stay and get the help you need" Sayu said smiling at her brother. "I see, that is good to know" Raito said as he stood up and followed Sayu down the stairs. "I suppose Sayu told you" Sachiko said smiling at her son.

"She did, but how did L learn of my case?" Raito asked his mom. The family had made sure not to make a big deal about Raito's condition out loud. "Who knows, but his assistant Whammy-san called me the other day telling me that L wanted to personally look at your case" Sachiko said smiling at her son.

"We leave in a month, but no one will be at the house" Sachiko said a slight concern entering her voice. "We don't all need to go" Raito said lightly. He would prefer it if his family didn't all go, but there was nothing he could really do if they did. "No I want to make sure you are alright" Sachiko said as she turned back to the kitchen to get the chicken and bring it out to the table. "Let's enjoy our time here and hopefully when we return back to Japan you will be able to feel" Sachiko said putting it delicately. "Mom its ok if you say feel pain, that's the purpose" Raito said shrugging his shoulders.

Sachiko nodded her head but didn't say anything.


The rest of the month passed without further incident. Raito made sure to not injure himself purposefully or else he would be unable to explain it to the world's best doctor.

The plane ride was horrible, but Raito had grinned and bared it. There had been a large male in front of him who had put his seat down, crushing Raito with the weight. That had been for the last four hours. Raito stretched as soon as he was of the plane while his father went to exchange currency.

"We are going to go straight to the hospital, while your mother and Sayu go to the hotel" Soichiro said as the four of them spilt up into two groups. "This is expensive, are we just going to be staying in hotels or not?" Raito asked furrowing his eyebrows together. His family had already spent a lot of money on surgeries and Raito was beginning to feel guilty about all the money wasted on his surgeries. "No we aren't. Tonight yes, but I found a apartment building that is only a block away from the hospital so everything should work out" Soichiro said reassuringly as Raito hailed a taxi that was about to pass them.

"Dad" Raito said turning his attention to his father after they had gotten in the taxi. "Yes son" Soichiro said turning to his son. "If L-san cannot find a cure than I don't want you to spend any more money on this condition" Raito said seriously.

"Me and your mother don't mind, we know that you want to fit in and we want to make sure you do" Soichiro said. "I do fit in school quite well and if L can't find one, then no one else can. This will be the last one" Raito said firmly. Soichiro let out a small sigh and agreed. "Alright, but after we make sure that L has absolutely no idea" Soichiro said determinedly. "Sounds like a deal" Raito said smiling at his father.

It took an hour to just get into the city and Raito didn't dare look to see how much the cab fare was though he knew it was already well over two hundred dollars. "Were here that will be two hundred and fifty dollars" the driver said turning around in his seat. Soichiro pulled out the American money he had traded at the airport before getting out of the cab with Raito following behind him.

They made their way into the Winchester hospital and went up to the front desk. "Hello my name is Soichiro Yagami and this is my son Yagami Raito. We are here to see Doctor L" Soichiro said in a slightly accented tone. "One moment please" the secretary said grabbing her desk phone and dialing a number.

"Yes doctor L the Yagami's are here to see you" she said in a clam tone. "Alright I will tell them" she said and with that hanged up the phone. "He will see you know. If you make a right at those doors over there take the elevator up to floor five and he will be in room 516" she said in a bored tone. "Thank you" Raito said throwing a charming smile at her. A slight blush covered her cheeks as she looked down at her desk.

Moving over to the elevator the two rode up in silence. Once the door opened on the fifth level Raito led the way to the office. Raito lifted his hand and knocked on the door. The door opened with a crack and Raito shoved it open. Soichiro pushed the door all the way open and Raito followed behind his father, Raito's eyes widened in surprise when he saw the doctor turn around with black hollow eyes. 'This young looking man is my doctor' Raito thought as his eyes contacted to L's.

Raito eyes continued to stare into L's own in shook. His doctor did not look that much older than himself. Was this really the great L?

Soichiro coughed slightly which broke the trance. "Now Yagami-san it is Yagami-kun who had the condition of not feeling any pain. I have heard that it is common when first cousins marry, but you and your wife aren't. Which is why this case draws me to you" L said looking over at Raito directly as he spoke in fluent Japanese.

"I'm glad I'm such an interesting spaceman" Raito said sounding amused. "Indeed, Yagami-san I would like to talk to your son alone, so leave" L said sitting at his desk in a crouched position. "Alright" Soichiro said not sounding pleased with the turn of events. "I'll see you later dad" Raito said smiling at his father reassuringly. Soichiro gave one last nod of his head before exiting the room. "What is it that you want to ask? And we can talk in English if you want to" Raito asked taking a seat from across L and folding his legs neatly over his knee.

"English it is" L said pulling open a document that was on the side of his desk. "This has been happening since birth, correct" L asked looking more interested in his coffee than Raito. "That would be correct" Raito said nodding his head in agreement. "So what have you done to test your theory of not feeling normal pain like most people?" L asked bringing his thumb up to his mouth and looking at Raito with a look of interest gleaming in his eyes. "I prefer not to say" Raito said folding his hands neatly in his lap. "I got rid of your father because I want to know the extent of Yagami-kun's condition" L said picking a pen off of his desk and writing something down on the paper in Raito's file.

"Look I have only attempted a few times and it was just a few burns and nicks nothing serious" Raito said in a tight voice. "Do you know that people who have your condition often try to get any sense of pain they can be constantly hurting themselves" L asked nibbling on his thumb. "Yes I do know that" Raito said looking around bored, there was nothing hanging off of the 

walls except to say that L did indeed have his medical license. "You have no awards hanging off of your walls" Raito noted aloud. "I have won many but unlike most doctors I don't need to show them off for people to know that I am great" L said letting a note of pride enter his voice. "I guess not" Raito said looking at L amused.

"I would like to give you a physical examine to make sure you have been treating yourself correctly" L asked looking amused. Raito reminded quiet at that. "Fine" Raito said as L stood up from his desk and walking over to his door to lock it.

Raito did not stand up and L moved back over to Raito. "I am not going to do anything un-ethical, yet" L said looking at Raito with an unreadable expression on his face. "Yet?" Raito said raising an eyebrow. "Well I may try to injure you in the future and that is my warning to you" L said bringing his thumb up to his mouth. "You act like a child" Raito said standing up. "I know" L said titling his head to the side.

"You may call me just L, our ages aren't that far apart" L said staring at Raito as the younger man began to remove his shirt. "We are not in Japan, you can call me Light" Raito said sliding his shirt off of his shoulders and folding it neatly before putting it on the chair he had been just sitting in.

"I will go with Raito-kun then" L said as he watched Raito's hands pull the button lose and then pull the zipper down with deliberate slowness. L couldn't help but wonder if Raito was trying to tease him. Raito stepped out of his pants; folding them neatly he placed them on his discarded shirt.

L moved closer to Raito until only a foot separated them. His eyes ran over Raito's chest before moving to his arms. "Lift you arms above you head" L said looking at Raito's eyes directly. Raito did as he was told and let L run his hands along his lean arm. "The skin is a little rough on your back upper arm. Not to mention more pinkish than the rest of your skin. This is where you burned your arm" L said as he ran his finger along the skin.

"I did over a month ago" Raito said seeing no point in lying. "You can put your arms down" L said as his hands gripped Raito's waist and turned the younger man around. His eyes roamed around Raito's back not seeing any noticeable lines. "Do you let all your doctors give physical like this to you?" L asked gripping Raito's warm shoulders and signaled for the younger man to turn around. "No you're the first" Raito said as he waited for L to look at his legs. "Take a seat Raito-kun it will be easier for me to look at your legs that way." L said stepping out of the younger man's way.

Raito moved to sit in the opposite chair of his clothes and stretched his legs out slightly. L kneeled in-between Raito's legs and ran a bony index finger along a few of the white lines on 

Raito's legs. A small blush graced Raito's face. He had only had one other person in-between his legs like this and the girl really hadn't been that good. "Raito-kun I'm surprised you haven't tired more extreme methods" L said looking up at Raito. "I don't feel the need to when I know I won't feel pain" Raito said easily glad that his blush fading away.

"Does Raito-kun want me to do anything else while in-between his legs" L asked letting a small smile come across his face. "No!" Raito exclaimed as his face became dark red. "You are a pervert L" Raito said turning his head away from L's. "Raito-kun thought of it before I did, so Raito-kun is the one with the more perverted mind" L said smiling innocently.

"Are you almost done?" Raito asked trying to make the blush go away. L raised another bony finger to trace the outline of one of Raito's deeper cuts he had done on his left leg. Raito shrived from the touch and he blamed it on the room being cold. L stood up from his spot and made his way back over to his desk. Leaning over L opened up a drawer and walked back over to Raito, before shining a light into Raito's eyes and then looking inside his ears. Placing the stethoscope over Raito's heart, L listened to the heart beat before moving over to his desk.

"Are you done?" Raito asked wanting to make sure. "I am, but if you wish to keep your clothes off I have no problem with that" L said smirking at Raito before going back to his notes, which he could barely concentrate on. His eyes kept trying to move back over to the almost naked man in front of him. Raito stood up and began to put his clothes back on, sliding on the pants first then the green button up shirt which he left completely undone.

"Is there a reason you have not buttoned your shirt yet?" L asked raising his eyes to meet with Raito's. "No reason really, I just wanted to see if you noticed" Raito said simply. "Anyone would notice" L said simply looking back down at his paper to write something else. "Do you want to know anything else or can I go?" Raito asked as he began to button up his shirt.

"Have you ever felt a tingling sensation or numbness while cutting, or burning yourself?" L asked looking back up at Raito. "No I haven't" Raito said and L turned back to his notes to write something down. "Anything else you want to know?" Raito asked starting to button up his shirt. "Yes, when you masturbate do you feel pleasure?" L asked looking directly at Raito.

"I do" Raito said amazed at the bluntness of L questions. "That is a good sign, another doctor I know had a patient once where they couldn't feel pain or pleasure" L said. "Lucky me" Raito said finishing of his top button. "It's a start" L pointed out. "Can I go now" Raito asked standing up. "Of course, let's meet again this Friday at three p.m." L said standing up and walking in front of Raito. "I'll see you soon" Raito said as L un-locked the door and opened it up. "Until then" L said as Raito walked out of the room and L shut the door behind him.

"Raito how was your conversation with doctor L?" Soichiro asked once he saw his on walk into the waiting room. Raito smiled at his father as he opened his mouth to respond. "It was interesting" Raito said as the two walked out of the hospital. They walked to a car rental shop that Raito knew was only a few blocks away, since he had looked it up before coming.

He wasn't sure why, but Raito was looking forward to Friday.


End of chapter

Probably did move a little fast, but I wanted to make sure the two meet this chapter. Will probably start going slower soon. I am not completely sure if the Indian reference is true or not, since I heard it years ago, but if I offended anyone I deeply apologize. May have gone a little overboard with Raito's wound, but let's just say Sachiko did it as a pre-caution and I think I did most of the treatment right, if I didn't I apologize.

I was in my psychology class when this idea struck me. Hope you all found it to be interesting and I am hoping that it was mostly in character. Please review and tell me because if you don't than I won't know what you like and don't like. Hence why reviews are kick ass.

-rain angst