Don't Mess with the Fuzz

Aramaki stared down at the purple panther that was pacing angrly around the room. "How exactly did this happen?"

Togusa shifted his feet "Well, chief, it was kinda odd." He looked at the large black hawk perched on the couch back and the big brown dog curled up on the couch.

"Togusa, how did they get turned into animals." Aramaki asked once again.

"Well, it happened like this……"

Major Motoko Kusanagi leaned against the wall, gun ready, She activated the therm-opitc camouflage and turned the comer. She made no sound at all, silent as a panther stalking is prey.

All clear

Ok, Time for the party. Batou said over the cyberbrain connection. He got up from his sitting spot and disengaged his camouflage.

Saito felt out of place in this position. He was a sniper not a ground soldier! But that didn't mean he couldn't hold his own. Once the alarm was triggered he ran down the hall shooting with precision and the guards that never seemed to stop. He just kept shooting their heads with the precision of a hawk. Up ahead he saw Batou just gunning them down, like a clumsy dog.

Suddenly they started to drop as if hit by some invisible force. When all the guards were lying in their own blood the invisible force revealed its self to be none other then Major. "Took you long enough." Batou jokingly complained.

"Then you could have just handled it your self." She casually said and she walked past them. "The passage should be right…" She felt along the wall "here." She pressed the wall and a panel turned around.

"How cliché." Saito said with a slight 'heh'.

Major took a cord from the back of her neck and attached it to the plug in the panel "Hmm, This should be easy…." Her gaze turned vacant and unfocused as she hacked the barriers. In a couple of minutes a door slid open to reveal a room of files. "There." Major unhooked the cord and it slid back into her neck. "Careful, we don't know what's in here." She cautioned.

The three of them crept into the room, guns ready. Batou relaxed a little "Eh, it seems ok." He lowered his gun and examined the room. It was full of files and data. A small sound made them jump and aim at a gap between boxes at a….little kitten?

"Awww, its just a little kitty." Batou said. He tried to coax the cat over.

"Batou…" Major said with warning in her voice. The little kitten crawled out. It was all skin and bones. Starved like it had been locked away in the room.

"Poor cat." Saito muttered.

How's it going? Togusa's voice over the connections in their cyber brains startled them.

Were getting out soon, we got into the room. Batou responded. Hey want a cat?

Batou quit playing around! Major broke into the conversation.

"Shesh." Batou said out loud. "All right, what do we need?" He glanced down at the little poor kitten. He reached over to it slowly, he got his hand close to it when.. "THE LITTLE DEVIL!!" Batou swug his arm up, the kitten was attached to his arm with its little claws. He moved franticly from the shock and smashed into a case knocking it over.

"Batou! I told you-" Major stopped mid sentence as a blue gas crept up from the fallen case. Don't take another breath

It was too late though, Batou and Saito were coughing and hacking. Major too held back coughs. What ever the gas was it took effect fast. They fell to the ground.

You guys ok? Togusa tried to contact them but there was no response. He muttered a word as he got his trusty old revolver and rushed out the door into the building.

"That's what they said happened." Togusa finished the story. "Major told me before she changed into the panther. Batou is the dog, and Saito is the hawk."

"Hmm. Why are you not effected?"

" Guess its my minimal cyberization." Togusa shrugged. He glanced again at the black hawk perched on the couch edge. "How do we get them back?"

"You and Ishikawa can figure that out." Aramaki glanced at the hawk too and sighed "I need my team back." The hawk spread its wings and flew up, A large glob of bird droppings fell and hit the couch. "But they can't stay here!"

Togusa almost knew what was coming next.

"Your daughter likes animals, correct? They will stay with you then."

"But sir, she's…." Togusa just shut up, He knew the decision was final.

It WAS final. Togusa was about to be running a zoo. Poor guy.

OK that was my first attempt at a Ghost in the Shell fic so please go easy. But I like criticisim! It helps me improve! The next one will be better, (I hope) the tittle will be 'KITTY!'

(If you didn't figure it out, Major is the purple panther) Ok, I thinks thats all I have to say. Please Reveiw so I acctually put the second chapter up!