So, the season 5 finale killed me and here I am, writing from my coffin. This is a continuation of sorts, and don't worry, it has a happy ending! Oh yes, my story 'Chemistry' is currently on hiatus whilst I write this because with the events of the finale, I guess it counts as an AU story now.
Director Vance's words still rang in his head as he tossed miscellaneous clothing and hair-care products into his suitcase. Agent afloat; ha! He knew it was on purpose that he was sent to work on a ship, considering he hated ships and Vance probably knew it. McGee had it easiest, same building, just a different department; he would still get to see Abby, Duck and Gibbs. But Gibbs would have to train a new team and everyone knew the whole situation was hard on him, but they felt bad for the new team as well. They would have to get used to Gibbs. Then, there was Ziva; she was being sent back to Israel, she was going home. It couldn't be that bad, right? But he would miss her. After the whole ordeal of Jenny Shepard's death and the reassignments, he had finally been able to realize that he was in love with her. He had been for a long time, and for just as long he had been running from it. And he only wished he could have realized it earlier, when they might have had a chance. He looked down at his suitcase, noticing he had been so lost in his thoughts that he had way over packed, creating a messy pile that would definitely not allow the suitcase to close. He moved to sit down on his bed, still thinking about everything, mostly about Ziva, but was pulled from his thoughts when the doorbell rang. He chose to ignore the ring and return to his thoughts but it grew more persistent, soon becoming a loud knocking and he was no longer able to concentrate on his thoughts. He got and moved through his apartment to the door, and was surprised upon opening it to see Ziva standing in front of him.
"Well, it is about time!" groaned Ziva, moving past Tony, who just stood there, unsure of what to do as Ziva sat down on his couch.
He closed the door and turned towards Ziva, still not moving from his spot.
She looked at him for a few seconds before finally asking, "What?" When he didn't reply, she walked up to him and slapped him lightly across the face. Lightly being on Ziva's terms.
"What the hell was that?" Tony half-shouted in Ziva's face.
"He speaks!" announced Ziva, walking to sit back down on the couch. She patted the cushion next to her, motioning Tony to sit down. He did, and there was a silence for a few seconds until Tony finally spoke up.
"Why are you here?" he asked, staring at his feet, or at anything but Ziva.
She simply replied, "To say goodbye."
"When do you leave?"
"Me too."
"I know."
There was another moment of silence, until Tony spoke again. This time with a tone of sadness and something like fear; "I'm not going, Ziva. I'm gonna resign."
Ziva looked at him, "What? Why?"
"I hate boats, Ziva!"
"That is not it."
"Sure it is."
Ziva stared him right in the eyes for what seemed like a lifetime, before Tony finally broke down and spoke up.
"I will not be Vance's bitch!"
"A-ha, there is the response I knew would come from you."
"Is that why you came here? To hear that?"
"No. I am honestly not entirely sure why I came here. I really do not even know what I am doing!"
"What do you mean?"
Ziva sat there, looking at her hands. "I am not returning to Mossad."
Tony looked at her, and she continued, "If I do return, or if I do not, I will soon die anyway."
"Die? Why?"
"If I return, my father, as the director of Mossad, will see that I have changed, that I can no longer complete his merciless missions. He will inevitably send me on a suicide mission to eliminate me. Or kill me himself to ensure I do not spread Mossad intelligence. If I do not return, I will be hunted down and killed for betrayal. Either way, I die; so I choose to die here, where I have friends and a life I love. Quit while you are ahead, that is the saying, yes?"
"NCIS has become my family. McGee is like a brother to me, Abby a sister. Gibbs is a much better father than mine ever was, and Ducky is like my grandfather. Jenny was often like a mother to me, as well as being my best friend. Even Palmer is like a part of my family now. I choose to die in their land and not the one that was so cruel to me."
"What about me? Aren't I a part of your family."
He looked hurt, his eyes on the brink of tears that he was trying his hardest to keep in.
"You cannot be a part of my family because I am in love with you, and I am not a fan of incest."
Tony stared at her, eyes wide, taking in what she had just admitted. She looked back at him, waiting for some sort of response, unsure of what would happen next. Finally, Tony reached out and embraced her. She slipped her arms around him and they stayed there, unmoving, for a long time until Tony let go and began to speak once more.
"Why don't we go together?"
"Go where?"
"I don't know; wherever. Since I'm quitting NCIS and you're running from Mossad, we can go together."
"No. If you are with me, you will probably be killed too."
"I don't care; I want to be with you for as long as I can, I love you! Please, Ziva."
The longing look in his eyes eventually caused Ziva to submit and agree with his idea.
"But we will have to leave tomorrow. Father is expecting me back very late tomorrow night, and I want to be far away from here by time he realizes I am not coming."
"Then we'll leave tomorrow."
Tony slipped one hand along Ziva's back and the other below her upper legs, and despite her protests, carried her to his bedroom.
"We need to sleep so we can get up and leave early tomorrow. Do you need to stop by your house and pack some things?"
Ziva settled herself under the covers and watched Tony do the same next to her.
"All I need is my family here, which I cannot take, or my love, who is right here with me." She explained, laying her head on Tony's chest.
He smiled, and they both drifted off to sleep, comforted in each other's arms.