I realise i have stories going on, but someone asked me if i could write an Allan/Djaq story, so i decided to compromise and say Will/Djaq, Allan/Djaq. The only thing is, you don't know what couple it will end with...

Allan smiled warmly at the small woman who was making her way towards him, grumbling.

"Mornin' sunshine!" Allan greeted her cheerfully. "All packed and ready ta go?"

Djaq just let out a small moan at him. She was not a morning person. Her gaze at Allan got him a bit amused, he had never been with Djaq early before, but knew she was like this. He leaned over and placed his fingers at the corners of her lips. Djaq frowned at him; he merely smirked back and twitched up the corners in an impression to try and get her to smile.

"Come on, sweetheart." Allan whistled as they made their way up the path, his bag swinging behind him. "Cheer up. It's Saturday- and a beautiful one, it is, eh?"

Djaq just smiled slightly and nodded, but winced slightly as the sun hit her.

"I do not like it like this." Djaq moaned. "I could not sleep all night yesterday because Will kept rolling into my bunk."

Allan snorted and continued to walk down. "I'm sure the boy didn't mean to hurt a fly."

"I know." Djaq told him quickly. "He was asleep. Still, he kept…he kept…"

She cut off, even confused by her own words. Allan turned to her, his eyebrow slightly raised.

"Was he mutterin' abou' his ma?" Allan asked softly.

"Yes…" Djaq looked a bit relieved. "I want to try and help him...but I cannot."

Allan smiled again at her. It was why he loved her so much. She was so caring, so…different, unique. He had to admit, she was a better fighter than all of them. Her brain helped them in quick thinking for plans- and her knowledge stunned him into oblivion. He stared into those endless deep brown eyes and sighed softly.

It didn't hurt that she was beautiful too.

He reached out to gently take her hand and guide her towards him. Djaq stared down at their entwined hands.

"Allan..." Djaq whispered, looking around. "What are you doing?"

"I just want to comfort you." Allan replied. "You're obviously worried about Will."

It did hurt him, he thought to himself bitterly. It hurt him how she was with Will. Her gentle touches, her calming tones with him…it would make him shake just to tear Will apart.

But then, she was that way with him, too…she always woke him up early, calling his name softly and smiling when she saw him open his stunning blue eyes. She'd always save him a plate when no one was looking after he came back form the tavern, drunk and bitter. And he never thanked her, he never got around to it, but she carried on doing it.

Djaq broke Allan out of his thoughts again as she smiled sadly.

"I do not know why he is worrying now, of all times." Djaq spoke softly. "He wasn't like this last year. Or months ago."

"He'll get past it." Allan spoke confidently. "I did when it came to Tom."

Djaq looked at him sympathetically as Allan fought not to break down again. He smiled at her slowly and then turned and started to walk again, Djaq strolling in pace with him.

Their hands were still linked as they made their way to Nettlestone.


Will walked up to Djaq. Watching her pile up the washed dishes. He rolled up his sleeves and soundlessly bent down to help her.

"How were your deliveries?" Will asked, his heart fluttering as Djaq shot him a beautiful smile for his help.

"Good.' She replied, rinsing off the mug. "Weird without you, though, Will Scarlett."

Will could not help the smile forming on his face as he turned around to smile at her.


"Oh yes," Djaq looked up to smile at him again. "It was weird not having my usual quiet partner. Instead I had a chatty Allan."

Will remembered how jealous he had got when Robin informed Djaq to swap with Much, as Allan and Much were getting worse doing deliveries together. He had tried to shoot Robin looks, trying to silently plead to his leader, but the cheeky archery- champion had missed his looks.

He tried a smile. "I missed you to." He told her, watching her get up.

She took the dishes, thanked him for his trouble, and set off back to Camp.

"I missed you so much." Will whispered after the figure.

Review, my viewers! If i have any, anyway, which i doubt. CF xx