Uh…hi people. This is my first fanfic, and so…uh…please be nice?

This is a NejiTen oneshot, so don't hate me! Er…no flames, please?

Also, dedicated to Ally1313 for helping me figure how to post this!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto...sob...




Until the End of Time

He sat outside of a hospital room, his head in his hands. He had to see her. It was his fault that she was in there the first place. She had taken the blow for him...because he had been careless.

Tenten, and Neji were struggling with the enemy nin, an A-ranked mission.

Neji attacked his opponents with ease, using his Jyuuken and Hakke Rokuju Yonshou to manipulate their chakra points.

Tenten, however, had been slightly scratched by the weapons. She was breathing heavily, and drops of blood seeped through her cuts.

Neji noticed this but ignored it, not thinking that it was serious. He attacked another enemy and ran towards his teammate to help.

Being back to back with her, Neji noticed that Tenten was fidgeting with her cuts, wincing every once in a while.

Neji stood back, ready to attack another nin. He didn't notice that one of the enemies were behind him, aiming at his blind spot with three shuriken and three kunai.

Tenten noticed this in her exhaustion, and she rushed forward screaming, "NEJI!"


Neji's eyes widened as he stared at his teammate lying in her own blood. No one but himself knew that he had a feeling of affection for the young girl. He suddenly realized that the kunai and shuriken embedded in Tenten's back had purple ooze on it: Poison.

"Tenten…." He whispered, his voice trembling slightly.

He picked her up gently, hearing a moan of pain, and dashed back to Konoha, ignoring the enemy nin, and cursing to himself for not being more careful.

Neji swore that he wouldn't let anything happen to Tenten from then on. A sudden click at the room's door made him lift his head and glance.

Sakura had just come out of the room, beads of sweat covered her forehead, but she smiled reassuringly at Neji's facial expression.

"She's going to be alright, and she just needs rest now. You may visit her right now if you want to." Sakura beamed warily at Neji, heading for the stairs to the next floor.

Neji stood up slowly and shook his leg. It had fallen asleep while he was thinking. He touched the door handle, hesitating before stepping into the room where the person he loved was lying.

Her face seemed so pale and fragile as he stared. An overwhelming aura swept over Neji as he looked at Tenten, her panda buns still tied up.

He loosened them and undid her buns. He left the ribbons on the side table and ran his fingers through her hair. Her brown locks unravelled, spreading out onto the white pillow.

Neji sighed as he began to talk. "Tenten…we're all worried about you. Ino, Sakura, and Hinata – especially Hinata – have been crying rivers. Naruto has been screaming outside your door for 2 days straight before Sakura shut him up, and Lee's been complaining about how training isn't the same without you. And…" Neji bent closer towards Tenten's face. "I miss you, too."

"So…" Neji's voice wavered. "I will wait….until the end of time for you, Tenten." He kissed her forehead gently.

"Until the end of time..." Neji promised once more before planting another kiss. This time, on her pale lips.

Neji sighed and sat there until he fell asleep, loneliness clouding his mind.

Little did he know, Tenten unconsciously smiled – a small one – and mouthed something inaudible.




Erm…didja like it? I hope you did…cus this is a bit short and I'm not really sure about this…

But review please! I want to make my writing better…and yeah. Ignore the ditsy person who wrote the story...

But thanks!
