A/N: Wow… a new story :D I haven't written in ages, but I've been inspired by how amazing the new series of Doctor Who has been so far and of course the fact that Rose will be returning at the end of the series! Wooo XD

I'm currently on exam leave for my A2 levels, so I would ask everyone to be patient with my updating XD its much appreciated :) Technically I should be revising right now… -shifty eyes-

Here's a better summary:

Firstly the basics - Donna is the Doctors current companion, so yes it's the 10th Doctor of course. This is primarily a Rose reunion fanfic. I wasn't planning on writing one as there's been so many but the idea for this story just came to me and I really wanted to write it. I hope it's something that's not been done before :)

This will be a Torchwood crossover, during the second series but set before Exit Wounds so Owen is "dead" and Tosh is still alive. Just cause I miss them and wanted them in .


The Doctor discovers a way to bring Rose back, but is he willing to risk losing his memories of her in doing so?

Lost And Found

Part One: Found

Chapter 1

Inspiration at a Cost

The Doctor stared solemnly out of the grubby café window smeared with fingerprints, watching as the rain beat furiously at the glass. He pondered absent-mindedly over how he had come to be in such a miserable place. He had initially been drawn to Cardiff due to all the unusual disturbances- talk of aliens and deaths and unsolved mysteries. He knew that Jack and his version of Torchwood were based here to deal with these things, but recently there had been more sightings than ever and as word had reached the Doctors ear he naturally couldn't help but be curious. However, now as he sat in a hard plastic chair in a small substandard café, clothes sodden and hair dripping icy water down his neck he regretted his decision.

The rain had caught them off guard, suddenly dropping from the sky in sheets casting the city in a dull grey mist. Personally it didn't particularly bother him, but Donna had ran screaming for the nearest shelter which had happened to be a rundown bay side café, 'home of Cardiff's best cup of tea'.

He begged to differ.

As the rain had showed no sign of moving on, Donna had decided they should get something to eat and drink, dismissing the Doctor's grumbling as if he were nothing more than a small child complaining as his mother 'just went in one more shop'. Dangerous aliens and saving the world could wait until after the rain had stopped as far as she was concerned.

He didn't like sitting still for so long in such a domestic environment, especially when he had been hoping for adventure and near death situations. It gave him too much time to reflect on his memories. He dismally stared down at his nearly full cup of tea, seeing his own glum reflection in the rippling surface. It had long since gone cold, but the Doctor didn't care. He could no longer think of tea without being reminded of Jackie Tyler. The answer to all problems she used to say. He smiled at the thought. Only she could have saved his life with a hot beverage.

But thoughts like that always led inevitably into thoughts of one person, always the same. Thoughts of her.

Thoughts of Rose.

He sighed and rubbed his hands over his face wearily. Oh how he missed her. He tried to busy himself with travelling and adventures to distract himself from quite how much it hurt that he could no longer hold her hand or give her a comforting hug or even just see her face. Even the travelling wasn't the same without her to share it with, and no matter how tough it got she had always been there to support him and pull him through. At first he hadn't thought he needed anyone, and that he would be better off alone. Getting attached to someone else after all only meant more goodbyes and heartache in the end, and right now his hearts couldn't take any more of that.

But Donna had told him he had been wrong, and she had – on more occasions than he'd like to admit - been right. He now found it unbearable to be in the TARDIS alone. After Martha had left it had not been nearly as difficult as when he lost Rose, but it had reminded him of how alone he really was, and left him with nothing but his memories to dwell upon.

Right now was a perfect example. Left alone for ten minutes and he was already thinking about Rose. The wind blowing strands of her blonde hair across her pretty face, catching in the tears that trailed down her cheek. He shook the image from his head, forcing himself to think of something else. He suddenly became aware of how quiet it was, and looked around to see where Donna had gotten to.

After getting his cup of tea he had left her to wait for her fish and chips to be prepared. He could see her still at the counter, food in hand but facing a man with ginger hair. He couldn't recall seeing the man enter the shop, which was odd seeing as he was sat right next to the door in the optimism of leaving as soon as possible. I must have been too caught up thinking about her he resolved, mentally kicking himself for losing himself so easily in his memories.

He tried to read Donnas expression - she looked confused, he might even have gone as far to say she looked alarmed. The man reached out and put a hand on her shoulder however and she suddenly smiled and started to chat to him. The Doctor looked on puzzled as she continued to go and sit at a table with this stranger and laughed and talked with him. The Doctor was unsure as to whether he should intervene or not – the event seemed to have caused a red flag to go up in his mind, but he decided to give it a little longer. He didn't want to interrupt if Donna was simply catching up with an old friend.

The Doctor turned back to his cold tea, and he could feel his mind quickly returning to thoughts of Rose. Images of a windswept beach, almost entirely devoid of life except for one lost looking girl with a broken heart flickered across his mind. The minutes seem to stretch out, each second feeling like an eternity until he could no longer stand the persisting memories that taunted him. He could not be bothered being polite any more, but got up impatiently and strode over to Donna with his usual air of confidence.

"Hello! Remember me?" The Doctor said, smiling broadly at her. Donna glanced up at him perplexed. His smile faded slightly. "I was only joking… " He muttered unsurely. "Didn't mean to interrupt, I was just feeling a bit abandoned sitting over there all on my own, after all it was you who dragged us in here." When Donna only continued to stare at him, frowning slightly and her mouth open a little as if she didn't quite know what to say, he urged her on. "So… are you going to introduce me?" he nodded towards the man sat opposite her.

"Do I know you?" Donna finally managed to say, in a not entirely polite tone. By now the Doctor's smile had completely left his face, being replaced swiftly by a frown. He looked back at the ginger haired man and saw him flinch a little under the Doctors powerful glare.

"Who are you? What have you done to her?" The Doctor snapped accusingly, his eyes burning into the other man. He saw him gulp and try to regain his composure as he stood up to be level with the Doctor.

"I'm Adam, an old friend of Donna's. Remember?" The ginger haired man said confidently, smirking and reaching out to place his hand firmly on the Doctors shoulder. Adam's confidence faltered as the Doctor's expression did not change. The Doctor glanced at the hand that firmly gripped his shoulder and raised his eyebrows at the man.

"Nope. Sorry." The Doctor responded at last, removing Adams hand.

"But… but that's impossible," Adam stuttered nervously.

"Oh, impossible's my middle name!" The Doctor beamed at him. "I'm sorry but mind tricks like that really aren't going to work on me. On a human yes, but with me you never really stood a chance." Adam looked at him with confusion and a glimmer of fear showed in his eyes.

"What are you going to do to me?" Adam whimpered.

"I'm sorry." The Doctor said simply, looking at him sympathetically.

"No. Please don't!" Adam began to beg, his eyes showing his desperation. "I only just managed to make it back please don't send me back there again!"

"I have to." The Doctor said in a small voice laced with guilt. "You can't alter people's memories, it's not right. Your memories are what make you who you are. I can't let you do this." Donna looked at him in bewilderment.

"What does he mean? Where are you sending him?" Donna asked, not having understood any of their conversation. "Would someone please explain?" Her voice started to rise with anger.

"Back to where he came from. Back to the void." The Doctor said simply, refusing to meet either of their eyes. Adam gripped his head in distress, breathing heavily.

"You can't do this to me!" He yelled in fury, causing the few other people who had taken refuge in the café from the rain to look up in surprise, intrigued and slightly unnerved by the events taking place before them. "It has taken me so long to get back! To find another with such unique memories! I had such little grip on this world, existing as a fragment of scattered memory in an insignificant few. Do you have any idea what it's like? The infinite, suffocating darkness!" Adam collapsed to his knees and hung his head, trying to catch his breath after his outburst.

By this point the few people that were left in the shop had quickly scurried away, more ready to brave the rain than this apparent mad mans rage. The Doctor dropped down to Adams level, crouching next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I do know what its like but I can't let you do this. I have to make things right." Adam looked up at him disbelievingly.

"And to make things right it means killing me." Adam grimaced at him. "How can you say that you now what the void is like and still send me back there? How can you live with yourself?" The Doctor opened his mouth to speak but couldn't find the words. He looked away from Adams eyes guiltily.

"You're just the same." Adam continued, suddenly defiant as he stood up. "You have no pity. You're just like Torchwood." And without a backward glance Adam strode out of the café and into the heavy rain. A wave of anger washed over the Doctor at these words, but it quickly left. He felt too weary to feel angry.

"Where's he going? Adam!" Donna shouted after him, but he did not turn back. She made to follow him but the Doctor stopped her, gently turning her to face him. The look of sorrow and regret in his eyes made her stop in her tracks.

"This won't hurt a bit, just trust me. I'm going to put things right." He said softly, and placed his hands gently either side of her face. She watched as he closed his eyes and focused, and jumped slightly as she physically felt him inside her mind. She marvelled at the extraordinary sensation of him wandering through her thoughts, too baffled by the turn of events to make any attempt to stop him.

The Doctor scanned through Donna's memories, sorting the false from the true and recovering those which had been replaced. As he removed the last fake memory of Adam from her mind, somewhere in the distance a man with ginger hair dissolved into the rain, unnoticed by anyone.

The Doctor supported Donna as she slipped from consciousness, resting her on a free chair. He sighed resignedly, rubbing his eyes. He had to do it, he told himself firmly. He looked up as Donna's eyelids fluttered open, and took a seat opposite her ready to explain.

"What the…" Donna muttered groggily, slowly sitting up. "Feels like someone drugged me or something." She said rubbing her temples. "What happened, how did I get over here? Last thing I remember was running out of the rain," she looked up at the Doctor for help but found that him staring off into the distance.

"Doctor?" She prompted, hoping to bring him out of his trance- it was not unusual for her to discover him in deep thought after all. However on this occasion he seemed to be completely lost to the world, and did not so much as blink in response. His eyes burned with intensity as he stared dead ahead.

"Doctor!" Donna tried again, louder and waving a hand in front of his eyes. But talk of the void had triggered other thoughts somewhere inside the Doctor's mind. Maybe, just maybe… She jumped as he suddenly turned to look at her and she met his fiery eyes.

"I could do it…" He said quietly, as if thinking aloud.

"You what?" Donna said bluntly, frustrated at being kept in the dark.

"I might actually be able to do it." He said louder, now focusing on Donna rather than talking to himself. Donna recoiled slightly as an enormous grin suddenly swept across the Doctors face, lighting up his eyes and extinguishing the fire of their blazing intensity. "I know how to get Rose back!"

A/N: Woo first chapter done :D sorry if I'm very rusty, hope this wasn't too bad!