The Castle That Purred

I've been here a thousand years or more, seen generation after generation come and go. My stone walls and towers are ancient. I remember the four who built me, imbued me with magic. It seems so long ago and, yet so close. Countless years of young feet pounding along my passages, high pitched voices yelling in my rooms and corridors. Oh my halls ache !

Sometimes I just want to shake myself, as a dog shakes after a bath, and see if they all fly off. The old one, with the twinkling eyes and the silver beard, wouldn't like it if I did that. He's the only one who talks to me. I remember him as a young wizard, nearly burned me down he did, when he set those curtains on fire, who would have thought he'd end up as headmaster.

Every morning he pats my stones, and wishes me good morning. Sometimes he leans against my walls, and dreams of the beautifull dark haired woman, in the emerald robes. I see his face light up when she enters the room, see how his eyes sparkle when he kisses her, and I'm happy for him, for them.

"Minerva, listen to this ! The castle just purred at me ! It loves having it's walls stroked you know ..."

"Albus Dumbledore, have you been at the fire whiskey again ?"

"No, of course not, Minerva, horrible stuff. Lemon drops and hot chocolate are much nicer. Why don't you try stroking it's walls too ? I'm sure it'd purr for you likes you ..."

"Really Albus, don't be silly. Castles Do Not purr, it's not a cat."

"You're scared ...I never thought Minerva McGonagall would be afraid to stroke a castle ..."

"I AM NOT scared Albus!"

"I dare you to try then."

"Fine ... I'll try ..but this is insane, Albus."

'I suppose I really ought to purr for her, it'd make him happy ...and I like him ...but I don't feel like purring. Oh well, I suppose I better try to purr anyway ...'

"Albus, really ! Your castle just growled at me ! Is this meant to be funny ?"

'Ooops, I guess it's not that easy to fake a purr ...she's certainly scary when she's angry ...'

"Well, Minerva, maybe you didn't stroke it right ...maybe you scared it. I'm sure it didn't mean to ..."

"Really Albus, you don't honestly expect me to believe that the castle growled at me, do you ? You enchanted this wall to growl, didn't you ? Is this your idea of a joke ?! I'm late for class now, thanks to your nonsence."

Minerva swept out of the room, muttering under her breath, about growling castles, and crazy old coots, who ought to be locked up. Albus patted the warm stone walls of the castle, "There ...there ... did she scare you then ? She's very nice really, just a little fiercesome...", and the castle purred softly.

Author's Notes

Please review, reviews are loved and stroked, and may even purr at me. ;) Yes I am insane, but only in the nicest possible way. ;)

This weird idea came to me in the middle of the night, and every time I woke up during the night, I kept writing it in my head, despite being half asleep. So finally I got up and wrote it, hadn't even had my normal cup of coffee lol. I now have strange images of Hogwarts as a cross between a dog and a cat, please don't blame me if you also have such images. ;)

I hope the dialogue etc isn't too confusing done in this way ? I don't normally do it like this.