Title: Uncaged
Ratings: T for now
Pairings: undecided for now
AN: I am pretending that Jenova cells were never used on Sephiroth, Angeal, and Genesis. Also Italics symbolizes Shiva talking.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
A guard for ShinRa supposed to be alert and vigilant. Supposed to be, but when you're given the most boring thing to guard, it's kind of hard not to slack off. He leaned back against the wall. Hojo's laboratory definitely had to be the most tedious, the most mind-numbing thing to guard. The man exhaled loudly, glancing around. Then something happened. A group of scientists ran out of the building, screaming and yelling loudly. The man rubbed his ear. If he wasn't mistaken, he swore they were yelling to "get out." He gulped, grabbing his gun. An alarm sounded in the distance. The guard raised his gun, expecting the worst. Monsters, dangerous gases, or a weapon misfired. He was expecting any of these things. What he got though was a kid. He had limp brown hair that hung around his face, partially obscuring his features. He was dressed in typical hospital wear, a thin cotton t-shirt and pants. He walked a little way then stopped. The guard was resisting the urge to laugh. Crazy scientists, he thought. Wouldn't know a real threat even if it bit them on the ass. He walked towards the kid, about to go through the standard 'I have authority here and I'm going to have to you in' spiel. He tried to, Gaia knows he tried. But right then the kid's eyes glowed red. He raised one hand, still being silent. Then, the whole building exploded. The guard was thrown back about ten feet. He was winded and bleeding, but otherwise unharmed. He looked for the kid, expecting the worse. He got the shock of his life.
The kid was still standing.
He still had is hand raised. There wasn't even a scratch on him. The guard seized his radio. There was no way he was dealing with this by himself. As he stammered out his location he had one resounding thought in his head. Be careful what you fucking wish for, buddy.
General Sephiroth of the ShinRa army stepped off the elevator and strode down the hall. Up ahead, he observed several cadets and infantryman visibly pale and step hastily out of his way. Everyone knew the general was on edge ever since the Wutai war had ended. The company had no missions to hand out to anyone, let alone the powerful Sephiroth. He arrived at this destination to find Angeal and Genesis already there. His two friends nodded at him and he coolly asked,
"Any idea what this is about?" Angeal shook his head. Genesis looked at him, drawling
"Just be glad they have something for us to do." Sephiroth resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He wouldn't admit it, but the redhead was right. He was glad. He was supposed to be DOING things, not sitting around. Finally, the door opened and Lazard beckoned them in. Sephiroth caught a glimpse of pictures of a ruined building on the desk. The director instructed them to sit. He blonde man looked tired and drawn, like he had been up all night.
"Good morning, gentleman. I'm sorry to interrupt you but we have an emergency situation. But bear in mind, this information is classified." The man leaned back in his chair. "As you all know, Jenova was a calamity that fell to our planet. We recently did dig it back up. Hojo was an advocator of using the cells to create stronger and faster SOLDEIRs but after some nasty results that project was cancelled. We thought Jenova was the only calamity to fall from the sky. We were wrong." The man paused again, choosing his next words. "Another calamity, named Shiva also came with Jenova. Only instead of
wanting to destroy and maim, Shiva wanted to protect. It goes from person to person, living like a host of the human. It's not parasitic, but almost motherly. It chooses a human it feels needs the most protection. After years of searching and coming up with nothing, Hojo found one of these humans. A boy, three years old, in an orphanage. That was fourteen years ago. He never told us." Lazard let that information sink in before bringing a picture of the boy. "His name is Squall Leonhart." The three SOLDIERs examined his picture. He looked...sad almost. His hair was brown and fell haphazardly all over his head. A pair of steel gray eyes peered out. A diagonal scar cut his features in two. "Last night he escaped from one of the laboratories, before blowing it up. The exceptional thing is he had no weapons of any kind. A witness said he was still standing after the blast and he has no injuries." Sephiroth spoke up,
"Where is Hojo?" Lazard snorted.
"I was wondering when you were going to ask me that. He is nowhere to be found. Apparently he had the good sense to defect." Internally, Sephiroth grinned. He had a reason to kill the bastard now. "I don't mean to undermine you, but we need someone to watch him. And before you start thinking of yourselves as glorified baby sitters, think of this. This teenager blew up a building with his mind. Imagine what would happen if the enemy got their hands on him." A silence followed. Angeal broke it by saying,
"Where is he now?"
"Medical ward, under heavy sedation. Apparently Shiva only comes out when he is in a distressed mental state. He needs to sleep off the effects of the drugs Hojo had put in him." Angeal sighed,
"I'll take the first watch then. Kid's a bit younger then Zack. Maybe it'll calm him down a little." Sephiroth shook his head. Zack and calm go together like oil and water.
He was floating. Time and space had no meaning to him. He was in a pleasant blanket of sleep and he never wanted to leave. Squall. Squall? That had some meaning to it. It was his...name? Squall honey, I need you to wake up. Wake up? Nononononononono He didn't want to wake up. Wake up! But that means he has to go back to him. No, silly. You're safe. Just open your eyes. His eyes? Hello? Wake up!
Squall opened his eyes.
First he got an impression of supreme whiteness. He snapped his eyes closed. A good natured voice said,
"Light hurt? Here, let me turn it off." The light was dimmed and Squall cautiously opened his eyes again. He saw a boy that looked to be about his age. He had spiky black hair and glowing blue eyes. He had an infectious grin on his face.
"The name's Zack. What's yours?" Squall opened his mouth but no sound emerged. He just about panicked when Shiva's soft voice resounded in his head. You're dehydrated and need some water. Relax. He obeyed, mentally thanking the goddess for staying. I told you, I'll never leave. So, stop doubting
yourself and me. I said your safe and I mean it. Zack watched, intrigued. "There's some water there." Squall grabbed the jug and greedily slurped half of the water, spilling a lot down his front. Coughing, he slurped the other half down, not caring that his manners were terrible. You look like a cow. He rolled his eyes. "Angeal went to go get a nurse when you started to wake up. You'll like Angeal, he's the coolest." Squall looked around the room.
"Where am I?"
"ShinRa medical facility." The small teen instantly saddened. He was still a prisoner then. Zack, seeing the sorrow written on Squall's face, tried to make it better. "But...were not all like Hojo. You don't have to worry about him anymore. Okay, so you're not allowed to leave just yet, but you have permission to go where ever you like. And hey! We can spend some more time together. That is, if you want to." Squall, still uneasy, nodded. "Would it kill you smile?" Just then the door opened and in stepped a burly man. He had a wide sword on his back and black hair just like Zack. "That's Angeal. He hardly smiles to. I think you two would get along." The man scowled at Zack.
"Very mature." He held out a hand to Squall. "As you now know, my name is Angeal. I am SOLDIER first class. I, along with two others, have been assigned to protect you. Your allowed to wander where ever you want, just let one of us know where you are going." His expression softened. "You are no longer a prisoner. There will be no more needles or anything of the kind anymore. Hojo escaped but we have our top people on it. You're going to have to stay here for a couple more days. They just want to make sure you're okay." Squall nodded. Zack sighed.
"I'll come back and visit though. Don't you worry." The teen bounded after Angeal. I like him. The brunette teen rolled his eyes again. At least he has a sense of humour.