
Authors Note: Okay, I'm back. I said I wouldn't post anything ever again, I swore it to myself actually. But I need this to be seen. I DIDN'T WRITE IT AS A FAN FICTION ORIGINALLY. It was just a story with similar people. But I changed it around a lot so that I could submit it here and get some views. I don't own the Jonas'… and it would be rather creepy if I did. I do however love them. And I do own Delilah, Ashley, and any other original character. And the plot. I own that shit like crazy fantastic. If you steal it, I'll hunt you down. Please read, no flames. And remember, IT WASN'T ORIGINALLY ABOUT THE JONAS'. I just did that so I could post it here. I'm being extra nice and putting three chapters in one, just so you can get a bit of a feel for it. Spelling errors suck, but I have them, because I'm human. Sorry. Enjoy!

Mull This Over


"I don't want you to go." His soft voice filled my ears as he brushed back my hair, his usual, confident smile nowhere in sight. His deep toffee eyes stared into my own sea foam blue and I couldn't control it any longer. The tears began to flow.

"I know. We can still see each other…" My own voice was weak as I replied, lowering my gaze. I couldn't take it any longer. Watching this, I realized I was breaking his heart.

"Delilah, that's not what I want. I want you. You can't just do this to me." He stood, dropping my hands and turning away. His tall form seemed so small now; he was almost invisible. He rushed a shaky hand through his chin length, deep brown hair. I could hear it in his voice. I could hear all the hate, the anger. It was all towards me.

"Joe, this isn't what I want. I would stay by you forever if I could." The words were the complete truth, but my tone wasn't reassuring. He scoffed loudly, turning around, staring at me, cold.

"If that's the truth, then stay."

"You know I can't." The tears were at full force now. Joe reached down, lifting my chin gently and looking down at me, his eyes full of compassion.

"I love you, Dee. I don't want to go through the rest of my years without you." That was enough to send me over the edge. I grasped onto his frame, built but lean, digging my hands into the back pockets of his tight black jeans. I felt his fingers running through my hair.

This was it. This was my last night with Joe Jonas.


"Delilah! Snap out of it!" My sister's boney fingers snapped in front of my eyes vigorously. "We're landing."

Suddenly, the memories of the past left my mind, and the now sunk back in.

August 15th, 2006. Joe's birthday. That was the last time I saw him. I hadn't been the same since my parents forced me out of New Jersey and to Beijing for two excruciating years, disconnecting me from the only person I'd ever loved. A lot of kids could've seen this as an opportunity to broaden my horizons. In reality, being a navy brat wasn't all it seemed.

But now, two years later (give or take a week), and I was on a plane, making my way to Los Angeles with my twenty-three year old sister, to start again.

Though I was eighteen, schooling wasn't in the cards for me. I'd gotten my G.E.D at 15, and decided that was the end of my education. It was the same for my sister. But now, with a new fiancée she had met on tour, Ashley had decided Los Angeles was her life, and she was taking her little sister with her.

Yes, Ashley Hart, notorious for her punk-pop ballads such as "Green" and "Forget the Love". She was known for having a rebellious streak, and after four world tours and dozens American-bound, she had decided to retire from the business and settle down. Of course, no one knew that really, behind all the lyrics, Ashley was a fake. I wrote the music, I sang the songs. She got the glory.

Not that I minded. Stage fright had the best of me, and on top of that, I was never one to just pour myself out to the public. But now, with all the new changes, I had decided to make a career for myself. With support from my sister's now ex-agent and all her Hollywood friends, I would be releasing a album by August and going on tour by September, opening for none other then the Jonas Brothers.

Yes, I said the Jonas Brothers, as in Kevin, Nick, and Joe Jonas. I don't think the boys had quite gotten the memo yet.

By some weird twist of fate, I was being reunited with him. My sister had been completely supportive when I broke down and cried at the sound of his name, saying she'd go and buy an apartment immediately. Of course you can live with me, she said. Of course it had nothing to do with the fact that a Mister Kevin Jonas was Ashley's soon to be husband.

Karma, fate, whatever this was, it was in my favors from the moment I left that ruddy base and my parents back in Beijing.

But to every good, there is a bad. Joe and I hadn't spoken since that fateful night two years ago. I tried and tried to talk to him, e-mails, phone calls, texting. All of it was ignored. I knew I had hurt him, but wasn't trying to stay friends better then nothing at all?

According to Joe, it wasn't. He had cut me off completely, and every time I attempted to bring it up to Kevin, he brushed me off and changed the subject. It wasn't like Joe hadn't gotten over me. He had tons of very famous, very public relationships. He even got the superstar attitude to go with his overpowered ego. But Kevin wouldn't even touch the subject.


"Delilah! Come the fuck on!" My sister yelled again, yanking me from my seat and dragging me off the plane. A sleek black stretch limo waited off the landing strip of our private jet, the driver already holding the door open as our luggage was loaded into the back. I ducked my head, sliding into the cool leather as Ashley followed. Suddenly, I let out a scream, seeing two people already in the limo. "Dee, calm down. It's just Kevin and Mark."

Ashley pointed to the far seat, where her fiancée and my now agent sat, discussing the tour. I relaxed, leaning back into the seat and letting my eyes fall closed. I heard murmured discussions, smacking of lips, and then nothing as I quickly fell into a heavy sleep.

A sharp pain in my shin caused me to shoot awake. I was still in the limo, Kevin starring down at me eerily. Suddenly, his stoic face broke into a wide grin. God, Ashley was lucky. He was one of the three most gorgeous men I had ever seen, his brothers being the other two.

"Wakey wakey Dee. We're here." He spoke calmly, stepping out of the limo with an outstretched hand. I accepted it gingerly and stepped out, looking up at the tall building.

"Ashley, why do you always have to go to extremes?" I asked, looking over at my sister.

"Extreme would be putting a room on reserve at some prestigious hotel. I just got us the penthouse in a nice apartment complex. The same one as my Kev." She leaned towards Kevin, giving him a quick kiss and smiling. "We deserve to be treated like royalty."

"I won't even be here in a month." I shrugged, looking up at the mirrored building. Ashley just scoffed, wrapping her arm around Kevin's waist before walking inside. I followed in suit, not wanting to get lost.


Everything about this place was amazing. The doorman had greeted us by name, with a huge smile, and the owner had given us the key immediately, complementing on everyone of my sister's songs. Someone had done his homework. They already knew Kevin, seeing as him and his brothers lived scattered among the building. They even knew little old me. That never happened.

The apartment was just as breathtaking as the building it's self. Wonderfully modern, yet still homey, it suited both my sister and me perfectly. Even though we just had a penthouse, it was still like I had an apartment of my own. A whole wing to myself, painted, furnished, and decorated just the way I dreamed. My sister had gone to extreme lengths just to make me happy. I couldn't believe how much I took her for granted.

"So, what do you think?" Her light voice filled the empty space in my mind and I was brought back from my daze. I turned around, looking her over again. For such a petite girl, she had so much emotion in her. Her 5'2" frame barely reached Kevin's mid-torso, and her waist length, deep brown hair was highlighted with bright blues and reds. Her celery green eyes were my favorite things about her, reflecting off her pale skin. The light spray of freckles across her nose just made her look like a little punked out doll. I was honored to look exactly like her, except with height on my side.

Standing 5'7", with chin length choppy brown hair, I was considered the better-looking sister, if you could believe it. But I never showed it, usually tying my hair back and throwing on my thick-rimmed bright red glasses and sweats. But now, with my new career, came a new me.

Ashley's mouth hung open slightly as she surveyed me right back, analyzing every section of my body.

"Are you on speed or something, Dee? You've been staring at me for a good five minutes." Her ruby red lips moved fast, a smile always hidden in the corner, screaming to break out. Her smiles were worth millions.

"I'm sorry, Ash. I just want this to last." I leaned down, pulling her into a bear hug. Suddenly, I felt another pair of hands on my back and realized Kevin had joined us. We erupted into a fit of laughter, realizing we must look slightly silly. I pulled back, this time surveying Kevin. His mess of deep brown curls reached just to his chin, thick sideburns framing his pale face. His deep brown eyes were warm and welcoming, and he was the tallest of all his brothers.

"Stop staring at him, for God's sake, Delilah! You're getting creepy." Ashley whacked me on the shoulder and I was back.

"I just can't believe how fast this is all happening. And the tour, it's so soon." Kevin nodded in agreement, an almost disturbed look on his face. "What's wrong, Kev?" He looked towards the heavens, sighing.

"It's just, I haven't really told Nick or Joe who we'll be sharing a tour bus with for four months." He shrugged, acting like this was no big deal. Ashley clucked her tongue, rolling her eyes. Suddenly, I felt outraged.

"You're going to let me get on a bus with him, without any warning what so ever?" I was shouting, but I couldn't calm myself. Kevin seemed to crumple inwards, like he was deflecting my blows.

"I couldn't! He'd try to back out! He's only spent the last two years of his life trying to forget you!" Kevin was shouting right back, suddenly looming over me again. This time, I was the one to retreat into my own comfort zone.

"You're right. I'm sorry." My voice was monotone, and Kevin could tell that though it may have been sincere, I was still angry. He just shrugged, leaning in to give Ashley a long kiss, before turning to go to his own apartment.

"You're going to have to get over this Joe fear," Ashley started, placing her hand on my shoulder, "because you'll be spending a lot of time with him promoting all next month, and touring all the months after that. I've been through it. They will be your only real life communication." And with that, she left my wing, leaving me to mull this over on my lonesome.

All I could think was how horrible it all would be.

A/N: That's it for now. Hope you liked. Reviews are loved.