Sorry its been awhile since I posted anything, schools been real hard lately.

But here u guys go , enjoy "unexpected love chp.2"


As naruto got up off the floor and looked at his intruder, he was surprised

"EROSINENE! What the hell are u doing here" questioned Naruto.

"so you and Sakura are finally getting it on with each other. You wouldn't mind if I did a little research on your guises relationship would yah?" the sage scolded

"OVER OUR DEAD BODIES YOU PERVE" the two chunin said angerly

Jiryaya started to laugh historically, then changed his look to a serious one.

"naruto u have a mission" Jiryaya said

Naruto eyes shot open and was surprised,

"what kind of mission?" sakura said

"A very dangerous one , u need to get these scrolls to the sand village as soon as possible. There very top secret and need to be returned to the Kazekage at once. Sakura if u want to go with, tsunade said it would be alright if u were well enough"

"no" Naruto stammered

"sakura is too weak in her condition"

"WHAT, im going with u Naruto" Sakura said angerly

"but Sakura…"

"but what?, I can handle it trust me"

"alright" Naruto said

"im sorry I wont be going with u two, I have an important mission I need to take care of" the sage said

"What more research u perve"

"no, no it regardless the akatukii"

Naruto and sakura both shook there heads in disgust.

"when do we leave" naruto questioned


"ill get our stuff Sakura" Naruto said as he ran out the door, sakura struggled to get out of bed ,she got dressed and headed out to the front gate. There she could see Naruto ready for what needed to be done. As she met up with him , she was embraced with a kiss and did not see it coming

"are you ready" he asked , Sakura nodded

"okay lets go!" And they both ran into the forrest


"There on there way" a slithery voice said

"good, ill let sasuke know"

"tell him that we will ambush them when the enter the wind country"

"of course lord Orochimaru"


"Are almost there" sakura said disgusted with the heat

"yes were in the wind country now"

Just then naruto stopped dead in his tracks,

"what is it naruto?" Sakura questioned


Sakura then saw who it really was in narutos way ,she couldn't even speak.

"Naruto… its been awhile" the familiar voice said

Just then two more figures came from behind .

"aaahhhhwww" Sakura cried in fear

"Kabuto… make it fast" the slithery voice said

Just then kabuto came up behind naruto and delivered a paralysis jutsu to the back of the neck. Naruto fell unconscious

"NAARUTO!" Sakura screamed

Sasuke lepted in front of her and thrusted a chidori in her stomack , endless blood poor out and she too fell unconscious .

"take her, we need a hostage" Sasuke said

Kabuto reached in the back of Narutos pocket and grabed the scroll, in exchange for a note of there where abouts are.

"There he cant come alone now, he needs help if he wants to save that pink haired bitch, so he will ask the person that we want most…hmmmhaaaaaa" with that all three of them left in the darkness with the young and beautiful kunoiche.


When naruto awoke he was angery, confused, sad, dazed, disappointed, and crying

"Sakura!" he wimpered as loud as he could.

He pulled the note out of his pocket. Read it ,and crumbled it up with his fist.

"Sakura I will find YOU!….)


He sat alone on a rooftop high above the village. It had always been the same with him. Green, lifeless eyes stared out upon an endless sea of sand and blood. Disgusting he thought to himself. He snorted and shut his eyes. Wind ruffled his hair as he took in a deep breath of air. The sun from the desert was starting to recede and darkness was slowly catching up to the last beams of light left shining from the horizon. One by one, stars appeared, signalling that the days work had ended. He thought back, before devastation had found it's way to the Sand's Village. He thought back to before the horror that had come to practically eliminate all inhabitants from his home. Though that was a long time ago, and the village at recovered from it, the memory still haunted him. He shook the thought from his head and tensed. Someone was coming.

"Gaara," came a soft voice from behind him. It was his sister, Temari. "I thought that I would find you up here." she said. Gaara snorted and turned to face her. Temari rolled her eyes and stepped closer to him. "Come on, lets go home." she insisted. Gaara shook his head, glared at her for a moment, then started towards her. She walked over to the edge of the rooftop. She turned to face him, half expecting him to say something about her sudden appearance. It was unlike Temari to seek Gaara out.


Gaara walked past her, without saying anything. He leaped from the rooftop to the ground and started for home. Temari chuckled to herself and hopped to the ground. Sand flew up around her from the impact. She swatted it away and continued to follow Gaara.

When at home, she saw Kankuro sitting on the step to the apartment. He looked up at Gaara and motioned for him to sit down. Gaara simply crossed his arms and glared at him defiantly. Temari took a seat next to Kankuro.

"Gaara, I think that someone is here to see you." Kankuro said gazing into the distance.

"He really wants to talk you." Temari added in an annoyingly happy voice.

Gaara rolled his eyes and pushed past the others and opened the door. There was a smell of tea coming from the kitchen. He looked around , but saw no one. He slinked into the kitchen to find someone sitting in a chair at the table. A blonde haired boy with messy hair. The boy turned around, his blue eye's meeting Gaara's.

"Naruto Uzumaki…what do you want?" Gaara mumbled.

Naruto smirked and then chortled to himself.

"Well, I came to ask a favour of you." he said seriously.

Gaara stared at him a minute and then nodded his head.

"You see, Sakura has gone missing. She means a lot to me. You have to help me get her back!"

Gaara's eyes widened. What was that look on his face? Maybe he actually cared. But why?


"Well, what is your answer?" Naruto said, breaking the silence.

"I'll help you." Gaara said.

"Good, good. We start looking tomorrow."

"Now get out." Gaara said aggravated.

The next day, early in the morning, Gaara heard a knock on the door. Though he didn't sleep, he still had a bed, and liked to rest his eyes. He climbed out of bed and stumbled over to a pile of clothes on the floor and slipped them on. The knock came once again. Gaara didn't ever burden himself with telling people whether he was home or not, but this time was different. He knew whom the knock belonged to.

"One minute." he said loudly.

He lurched to the door, looked through the hole, then unlocked the door. It was Naruto. He motioned for Gaara to come outside. Gaara stared at him for a moment, then softly shut the door behind him, careful not to wake up Kankuro or Temari who were still asleep.

"Ok, are you ready?" Naruto said gleefully.

Gaara grunted.

"I suppose. Give me a minute."

He walked back into the house. When he emerged he wore his large gourd on his back. He didn't bother waking up either his brother or his sister to tell them where he was going. He knew that they wouldn't worry about him.

"Come on, let's get going. I think I know which way that the kidnappers took her."

Gaara followed Gaara out of the village.

"So, why make the long trip here? And out of all the people that could have helped you, why me?"

Naruto stopped and turned to face Gaara. So many questions. Questions that he didn't really have answers too. He thought for a second and then answered.

"Well," he started. "I can't answer either of your questions."

Gaara nodded his head as Naruto turned around and walked onward. For half of the day, the two ninja continued in silence. Finally, Naruto spoke up asking his own questions. Wondering what would happen if Gaara couldn't control his demon, Shakaku.

"Come on, we'll rest here." Naruto said.

Gaara sat down on the sand. The sun was beginning to fade away, and the wind was starting to pick up, blowing the sand through the air.

"So," Naruto said sitting down next to Gaara. "Why is it that you came with me?"

Gaara turned to meet Naruto's eyes. Naruto smiled weekly, then looked away. There was something about Gaara's eyes. His cold eyes gave a glimpse of the power that he held. A horrible power that knew no love and would destroy everything in it's path. But for now, Naruto couldn't see any signs of that monster. For now, he was safe.

"So are you going to answer my question or not? Why did you decide to come with me?"


"Who else would have came with such an obnoxious little brat such as yourself?"

Naruto snorted.

"A lot of people would have. For Sakura, not for me."

"Well, either way…I can just kill you if you get too annoying."

Naruto jumped at that word. Kill. Would he actually kill him? Had he made the wrong choice by asking Gaara to come and help him? They both held demons, both as monstrous and as dangerous as the other. But should either of them escape, what would happen?

"So…did you come just to kill me or do you want to help me? I'm confused."

"I came to repay a favour to you. You've taught me a lot, Naruto Uzumaki."

Naruto looked down. He had taught the sand demon a lesson? But how? He never really thought that he was very influential. But he had heard it himself, straight from Gaara's mouth. He had said it, plain and clear. Surely Naruto hadn't been imagining this whole thing, had he? No. He was sure that it wasn't just a dream. This was real.

"So, we're staying here all night?" Gaara asked.

"Yeah, why not."

"I'll keep watch."

Gaara never slept. If he did, then the monster would overtake his body and there would be no stopping it. So Gaara never slept. But it never seemed to bother him. He was never drowsy and always had the willpower to fight.

"Well, do you have anymore questions, or are you finally ready to shut up."

Naruto's forehead scrunched up. What nerve this guy had!

"You can just leave if you want to you know, I didn't force you to come with me!"

Gaara looked away.

"The point is that I'm here I'm the one that you asked to come. Be happy that I didn't kill you on the spot."

Naruto rolled his eyes and nodded his head. But there was still so much that he needed to know. So many questions left unanswered. Why had he came? Was there a hint in his eyes that said he cared? He didn't know, but he assumed that he would find out in time.That next morning Naruto awoke to find Gaara still sitting up. Did this guy ever sleep? Gaara looked back at him, inert eyes staring into his own. No, not at them. Through them. What IS with this guy? Naruto thought to himself. He sighed and then looked back up to Gaara who was still staring straight at him. Was he daydreaming about something?

"Hey, you ok?" Naruto asked.

Gaara shook his head and returned Naruto's puzzled look.

"What do you care if I'm ok or not? It's nothing for you to be concerned."

"Ok, calm down. But, what were you thinking about so hard?"

Gaara didn't bother to answer. He just stood up and dusted the sand off of him. He turned around to face Naruto and crossed his arms.

"Are you coming or not?" he asked Naruto irritated by the sound of his voice. Naruto glared at him fiercely for a moment and then, slowly, stood up. He was sore from sleeping on the ground. Who ever said that it was good for your back? He motioned for Gaara to follow him. The sun was high in the sky, beating down. But it wouldn't be long until they were out of the desert and into the forest.

Naruto new he was safe if he could just keep on Gaara's good side. But he's so easily infuriated, and it could prove as a problem. Naruto had to admit to himself…he was pretty annoying. One of his closest friends and rivals, Sasuke, had made a point of constantly reminding him of it. Naruto thought of Sasuke. How long had it been since he had seen him? He shook the thoughts from his head.

"So," came a gruff voice from behind him.

"Do you know where we're going?"

Naruto turned around. It wasn't like Gaara to speak to him unless he said something first. And even then he had been threatened with death.

"Well…" he thought for a minute. "I think that it could have been…well, I'm not really sure."

"I thought you knew where you were going!" Gaara said angrily.

Naruto sighed. This was going to be more trouble than it was worth. How was he supposed to explain to Gaara that he really had no clue where Sakura was. It would be risky to make a move like that. It could cost him his life. He thought quickly.

"Well, I think that Orichimaru took her too lure Sasuke to him."

A smile crossed Gaara's face. No, not a smile but a smirk. Something in his eyes sparkled. What was this bloodlust that Naruto felt emanating from him? Something had snapped. Something that mad the monster within Gaara bubble to the surface, though not fully. Naruto took a step back. What was going to happen? Would Shakaku really come out? Was this going to be the end? Naruto didn't know if he could handle that monster on his own.

How long had it been since they had eaten? It seemed like weeks, but it had only been but a few days. Naruto glanced back at Gaara. It had been almost two days now since they had said anything to each other. Was the silence ever going to end? Naruto coughed to catch Gaara's attention. Gaara gave him a fleeting look. Naruto looked away and cleared his throat.

"Well, isn't there something that you wanted to say?" came Gaara's coarse voice from behind him.

"Uh…no, I mean…aren't you hungry? We haven't eaten in days!"

"Stop complaining, we're almost out of the desert."

"Huh? What do you…"

"Look there, you idiot. Are you blind?"

Gaara pointed to the horizon. Naruto put a hand to his forehead and narrowed his eyes to see past the sun. Sure enough, right in front of him was a huge patch of trees and green. A grin crossed Naruto's face. He bent down, fists curled.

"What are you doing now?"

"WooooHOOOOOO!!" Naruto jumped up and yelled happily.

"We made it! Believe it!!"

Gaara sighed.

"Come on then, even though we can see it, we've still got a way's to go."

Naruto lay on the sand crying tears of happiness.

"Do you want to save Sakura or not?"

Naruto jumped at the name. Sakura. He had bothered to learn her name! So, maybe he did care for her. No reason to jump to conclusions and ask now, though. He got up and dusted himself off.

"Your right. Come on, lets go full speed!"

Gaara sighed again. This child was just begging to have a funeral. But no, he couldn't kill him just yet. He had to know who had taken Sakura…he needed to find out who he did have to kill. Who would be his next victim. Whether it be Orochimaru, or anyone else. He was willing to give his own life to save her.

That night, Gaara and Naruto reached their destination. It was the entrance to the forest. It wouldn't be long now until they found Sakura. Finally, there was something green. Finally there were plants. Finally, there would be shelter from the sun and water. And maybe even food!

"Well, come on then. Let's keep moving." Gaara said hastily.

"Wait, what do you mean? We need to rest!"

"From here on, I'm the leader. So come on and do what I say."

"WHAT?! I'M THE LEADER!" Naruto shouted heatedly.

"If this was a real mission, your friend would be dead by now. We have to assume all the worst."


"No buts about it. You're a ninja, not a helpless little child. So come on, pick up the pace. Get moving!"

Naruto slurred something under his breath and then followed Gaara through the trees.

Wherever you are, Sakura Hurano, I will find you. I promise.

Morning came. Gaara and Naruto had already covered so much ground, but still no Sakura. They hadn't stopped to rest, and still Gaara kept going. Naruto fell exhausted next to a tree. He gasped as he struggled to regain his breath. Gaara landed down beside him.

"Where could that blasted girl be? We've searched everywhere, and still nothing. It is hopeless."

Naruto looked up, his face turning red.

"You think it's hopeless, but yet you still search? What's wrong with you?!"

Gaara crossed his arms and looked up.

"I've done all that I can do…or rather all that I feel like doing. Find her yourself."

Naruto's mouth gaped. What did he just say? No way did he mean that! I thought that he cared…he thought to himself.

A scream pierced the silence.

"What? What was that!?" Naruto stood up at the sound/

"Sakura! Come on, lets go."

Still Gaara seemed determined. What had gotten into him?

They followed the sounds of the scream until they got to a river. Gaara looked around, trying to find where the sound was coming from. He stopped and looked up.

"Get down!" he yelled, pushing Naruto out of the way.

A kunai knife flew past their heads. Gaara looked up again, Naruto still pined under him. Gaara rose to help Naruto up.

"Are you insane?" Naruto asked, obviously shaken up from when Gaara had jumped on him.

"I thought you were going to kill me!"

"If it wasn't for me, then you would have been." Gaara answered back, still looking upwards.

"There!" he yelled jumping into the trees.

Naruto looked around, panic stricken. There, there where? What was it? Where had Gaara gone? Was it Sakura? He couldn't think straight. Everything started going blurry and before he knew it, he was laying face down on the ground.

That night, Naruto awoke to the sound of voices. He wiped the sleep away from his eyes. As the darkness faded, slowly he could see again. How long had he been out for. He yawned and then looked around. A fire glowed beside him. He sat up and looked around again. Where were the voices coming from?

"Looks like the brats finally up." came a voice from behind him. It was Gaara.

"Teehehe, looks like he's ok." came another voice.

Naruto turned around to see a familiar face staring at him. Sakura! It was Sakura and she was safe. Naruto shook his head to make sure that it wasn't a dream.

"Sakura, Sakura you're ok!!"

She smiled at him and then sat down next to the fire.

"It was all thanks to Gaara. If it wasn't for him, I would have died in the arms of Orochimaru."

Naruto was startled. Gaara had saved her?

"He saved you too. You were out cold! So…what happened to you anyways?"

Naruto could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks. No way he could tell Sakura that he had fainted in the middle of everything! That would be too embarrassing. It would make him sound like he was scared. He couldn't even begin to imagine what Sakura would think of him.

"It was from loss of chakra. I fought so hard to save you that I ran out."

"Yeah right." came Gaara's voice. "You couldn't handle the situation. And you call yourself a ninja."

"Hey, don't say that about Naruto! He tries his hardest and works his butt off."

"Ok, ok. Don't get so angry at me. But still."

Sakura laughed."Well, come on, let's get home!" Sakura said happily.

"But I need rest!" Naruto protested.

"Just come on."

Gaara put out the fire and then they all headed off towards home. Gaara stayed in the lead, keeping some distance between Sakura and Naruto to assure that they both stayed safe. He could hear them laughing and joking behind of him.

"Stop goofing around and get a move on." he yelled back to them.

"Gee, what's with him?" Sakura asked.

Naruto shrugged and followed pursuit. It wouldn't be long now until they found themselves back home.

"I wonder if Kakashi sensei will treat me to some Ichiraku Ramen when we get back!"

Sakura laughed as the trio continued on.

Finally, they were all back home. It had been almost three days after returning that Gaara had another unusual visit. He opened the door to find a soft face staring at him. Pink hair and green eyes staring into his own. She smile slightly at him and cocked her head to once side.

"What do you want?" Gaara said. He showed no emotion whatsoever.

"What do you mean 'what do you want?' I wanted to thank you for saving me the other day!"

Gaara nodded his head.

"Is that all?"

"Well, um…actually, I thought that we could take a walk."

"Go away, before I kill you."

Sakura's eyes widened.

"You wouldn't! Not after saving me, you wouldn't kill me."

"Humph…whatever you say. Your just as valuable to me as this monster that live within me."

"Should I take that as a compliment than?"

"No. Now get out of my sight before you make me angry."

"Fine, but I'll be back."

She walked to the end of the street and turned around to wave goodbye. Gaara slammed the door shut and walked over to a window. He watched as she tread of into the distance. Thank God she's gone, he thought to himself. She was annoying, and on top of that, she was going to be back. What had he gotten himself into?

"Gaara!" Came Temari's voice from the kitchen.

"Gaara!" she yelled in an aggravated voice.

Gaara snorted and got up from where he had been sitting. What was it this time? He was getting sick of helping everyone. It was always "Gaara this," and "Gaara that." Maybe he should just kill them all and be rid of all his troubles. He stormed into the kitchen and stopped directly behind Temari. She was doing the dishes.

"Gaara," she turned around to face him.

"Why were you gone so long?" she seemed worried about him.

"Naruto Uzumaki needed my help with something. I simply repaid a dept."

"Oh…then, you didn't kill anyone?"

"Not yet anyways."

She turned back around and began washing dishes again.

"Well, just don't get yourself into any trouble."

Gaara walked away without saying a word. Temari could here his footsteps getting farther away. Then, she heard the door open and then slam shut again. She smiled to herself. I worry about him sometimes, she thought to herself. She chuckled slightly and then continued her work.

Gaara walked into the village market. People stopped and stared and whispered to each other. They were all afraid of Gaara. How many people had he killed in the last month, and from his own squad? He stopped when he saw Sakura moping around. Why was she still here? She saw him, waved, then ran over to meet him. Gaara sighed.

"Hey, I told you I'd be back!"

"You didn't come back, you've been here the whole day. I'm not an idiot like your friend."

Sakura looked up. What to say?

"So, why did you save me, if you hate me this bad?"

"I repaid a dept, nothing more, nothing less. That's it. It wasn't for you."

"But…Naruto told me everything."

"What did he tell you?"

There was a strange look in Gaara's eyes.

"He told me about how you wouldn't stop an rest until you found me. That must mean something!"

"I just wanted to hurry up the mission. Like I said, it wasn't for you."

Sakura moaned. This pointless conversation was getting her nowhere. Time for a new approach. She stepped towards him. He didn't move him. She took one more step closer to him. Still, he did nothing. She reached out to touch him. She paused for a minute, braced herself, and then ran her hand up his arm. She felt Gaara jump, and then settle back down. This was a good sign…or at least she hoped. He had let her touch him. She smiled slightly.

Gaara looked down at her, his face hard, set, angry. Yet still, he did nothing. He wasn't threatening her or trying to attack her. She let out a breath of relief. She had been ready to run. She had thought that he would try to kill her. No one had ever touched him like this. Or at least that she knew of.

"So, if you didn't save me because you wanted me to be safe, then you did it for Naruto."

Gaara nodded his head.

"But it won't happen again."

"Oh…so you're just going to go back to killing people than?"Gaara said nothing. Sakura reached her arms around him, squeezing her hands in the small crack between his back and the gourd that he always wore. She squeezed tight. She was just tall enough to put her chin on his shoulder. She could tell there was a smirk on his face by the way his cheeks moved upwards. His breathing was normal, and this time he hadn't jumped at her touch.

"So, why do you think that people need to feel this."

Gaara thought for a moment.

"It makes them feel secure. It makes them feel…wanted."

Gaara's hands hung to his side, un moving.

"Or is it simply that they don't want to feel alone?"

She had decided it. She was going to get under his skin. Make him drop her guard. Make him trust her enough to open up and talk to her. But it would take some work. She pushed him away to stare at him. His face had changed. There was that look in his eyes again. A indication of caring maybe?

"If we're not alone, then we're loved. Right?" she knew the answer to that, but wanted his opinion.

"No. Love…don't talk to me about love. I thought I was loved once, but I was wrong."

"Love is…hurtful at times. But it can get better."

She thought for a moment. She started to say something, but Gaara interrupted her.

"Happiness, Sadness, and even pain can be shared with one another. It gives you a….reason to care. That's what love is. It's caring for someone. It's making them feel wanted, secure, and comfortable around each other. It's knowing that, that one person, will be there to touch you when you feel emotions, no matter what they may be."

"I couldn't have put it better myself. But then again, what happens when that person isn't there for you? They leave you a lone. That love can't be the last time, or at least it shouldn't be."

"Yes, but it's hard to feel that same thing afterwards. Your trust gets taken away from you. Your not bleeding, but it still hurts."

"Not if you can find someone else to share everything with."

He thought to himself. He seemed to go into a trance. He crossed his arms across his chest and looked towards the ground. What was he thinking about? She had gotten to him a little, yet she hadn't barely even scratched the surface.

"You remind me of someone." Gaara finally said.

Sakura started to ask, but before she could he was walking away. He turned around.

"I'll find you. Don't come back here."

Sakura nodded her head and started for the opposite direction. He would find her. But how long would it be until he decided to seek her out?

It had been almost a month since Gaara had said he would find her. Sakura worried that he had mislead her into thinking the impossible. Gaara, never knowing love, fear, and the one who lives to kill. He isn't to be played a fool, and yet he went along with everything that she had said to him. The one who had said that he existed merely to kill everyone except himself. And yet, he knew love, and he repaid a debt.

"It seems as if Naruto has a lesson to teach everyone." she said out loud.

She walked over to the door of her house. She peeked through the window. Still no sign of him. So, she decided that she would wait. She would wait until he decided to come. Of course, she would still go on with her training as medical ninja. She was, after all, under the supervision of Lady Tsunade herself. The legendary Sannin. The Fifth Hokage.

Another week passed, and it was time for Sakura to get back to training with Tsunade.

"Sakura, come now. Get your head out of the clouds and get to work."

Sakura shook herself.

"Sorry, I just…"

"Stop worrying about what happened in the past. I've given you more than enough time to recover."

"But, to think that Orochimaru's still out there! How could you be so calm?"

"You forget, I'm kazekage now. I have to stay calm or the whole village would collapse. What kind of kazekage would I be?" she chuckled.

"Yeah, I suppose."

"Sakura, listen to me." she knelt down and put a hand on her shoulder. "You are a smart girl. You are willing to learn, and you are excellent at controlling your chakra. AND I'm the one training you, so that must say something about your potential as a medical nin. So lighten up! But, take the training seriously."

She stood back up.

"Once more, try it again."

Sakura nodded her head and continued the task that she had been performing earlier.

It was early morning and Sakura was heading to her training when it happened. There he was, leaning against a tree near the training grounds. She ran over to him, excited that he had fulfilled his promise. He looked up as she came nearer to him.

"Looks like you finally came. I've been waiting for forever!"

"Yeah, well…I've been busy."

She reached around him to hug him. There was a familiar smell to him. The smell of blood. The smell of death. That's when she realized who she was dealing with. She had heard the stories, even seen it herself. But she had just come to peace with the one true disturbing fact about him. He was a killer, a murderer. She squeezed him tighter.

"You've killed someone again, haven't you…" she sounded concerned.

"And you're surprised?"

Sakura laughed to herself. Of course she wasn't surprised. She knew that that was the way he lived. The only true feeling that he knew…was anger. And yet, he was calm. He could handle any situation without showing any emotion. She has seen during the Chunin Exams. Passing the second part of the test without a scratch, as well as the rest of his team. And his sister, Temari. She reminder her so much of Shikamaru. Gee, what a couple that they would make. She thought to herself.

"So, are you going to stand here all day or not?" he broke the silence.Sakura pushed herself away from him."Well, I do have training today.""Then I'll wait for you to get done with your training so we continue our last conversation.""Sounds good."As she started to walk away, she could feel him staring at her. She looked back to give him a quick smile and then ran along the road to where Tsunade and herself were supposed to meet today for training. If she hurried, then she wouldn't be late.


Authors note:

Well that's what I got so far ,and tell me what I should do for naruto's reaction when he finds out