It was dark.

'Why do I feel this way?'

He was restless.

'I missed her'

She was cold

'Why can't I get him out of my head?'

He ached.

'I want to see her again.'

She groaned.

'It was only a quick him?'

He sighed

'It felt so real...does me?'


It was dusk. After their test, the blonde had asked her out on a date to the ramen store just down the street. She agreed, knowing how he felt

for her. The pink haired beauty wasn't sure why she said yes. Maybe she felt guilty, after hastily putting him down all these years? Maybe

she was...curious?

'You obviously l-'

The green eyed girl immediately quelled that thought, not wanting to hear it.

'But still...'

"C'mon Sakura-chaaaan, what are you thinking about?"

She could see that the blonde was impatient.

"Hmph. Naruto, that's no way to talk to a date!"

She walked to where he was, and sat down next to him.

It wasn't too bad. Honestly, Sakura was enjoying herself. They were talking to each other, asking all those questions, like favorite color,animal,

hobby, and so on. They had been there for a couple of hours, just talking and eating, until they had run out of things to talk about. There was an

uneasy silence, and as soon as Sakura reached to eat some more, Naruto spoke.



He had a depressed look on his face, one of despair, and loneliness.

"I'm a monster."

Sakura was taken aback.


"Sakura-chan, I'm a monster. You shouldn't be here, with me."

His eyes started to water, and his voice wavered when he spoke again.

"There's something...inside of me, and I haven't told you. I'm so sorry."

"Naruto, I-"

"It's the fox. The kyuubi, who attacked our village so many years ago, was imprisoned within me. I'm sorry, but I can't be near you anymore."

Naruto got up and left. Sakura just sat there, tormented by her own thoughts.

'But, he's always been there for me, all these years!'

'The fox...why didn't he tell me before?'

Anger began to wash over her, but then one thought floated to the front of her mind, instantly shattering it.

'Tell him.'

He was walking down the street, towards his house, wrapped up in thoughts of anger, guilt, and regret. Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him,

then heard them running his way. As he was turning, he felt something press against him, unleashing a new wave of comfort.

"I don't care!You've always been there for me, all this time! You're NOT a MONSTER!"

He took her chin in his hand, took her green eyes, and stared into them with his own blue ones. He brought them together, and as the

endless waves of green clashed against the infinite skies of blue, they both felt an inexplicable heaven. It was bliss. As Naruto pulled away, he

whisperd something in her ear that would keep them both awake that night.

"Sakura-chan, thank you..."


With that simple exchange of words, they both turned away, and walked back to their homes, alone.


'Hmm...'Sakura mentally sighed.

' was MORE than just a peck. It was long, and it was passionate...'

After tasting him in such a way, tongues probing each others mouths, tasting each other as they enjoyed the furious passion that both had

desired for so long...she had been thinking about him since. She thought about ho the next time would happen, how it would FEEL...

Her thoughts led her to strange ideas that she had never DREAMT of, not even with her childhood crush. As her hand wandered down

to massage a particularily sensitive, and wet area, she thought about what she would DO to him...she wanted him. There was no

denying it. As she reached her climax, moaning as she soaked her own sheets. She had to go see him. She quickly cleaned up, then

she got dressed in her regular outfit. As she opened the door, she saw that it was raining heavily, but she didn't care. She ran out, towards

his house, knowing that the only thing that mattered right now, was him.


Naruto had been lying there, exhausted, having just climaxed minutes before. His head was swimming. Thoughts of her clouded his mind,

and his eyes.

Knock Knock Knock

'Who could that POSSIBLY be?'

He got up, put a towel around his waist, and then he naswered the door. The beautiful kunoichi stood before him thoroughly drenched,

arms crossed.

'She's soaked...and her body...'

Naruto couldn't help but notice how her clothes were form fitting BEFORE, but the soaked clothes were clinging to her body,

making her look even sexier than before... Sakura could feel his eyes roving up and down her body. She didn't mind, of course, of course,

she welcomed his gaze. As she herself looked at his chiseled, barely covered body, and started to get even MORE damp, as she thought

about him without that towel...

"Can I come in?"

"Oh, uh, yeah, of course, Sakura-chan."

He moved aside as she entered his apartment. It wasn't too much of a mess. There was the odd shirt here and there, but really nothing

more than that. When she thought that this was the first time in his apartment, she sat down on his bed, and nervously blushed. Naruto,

sitting down beside her, saw this, looked at her, and blushed as well.

"Naruto, I wanted-"

She stopped abruptly. He had turned to face her, and had his finger against her lips. She looked into his eyes. They held a deeply

profound caring, held for her, and her alone. As he once again leaned towards the exhilarated girl, they both felt the inexplicable

emotion of pure and deepest love. As the infinite skies of blue once again clashed against the endless seas of green, there was

everlasting peace.Once again, they shared a passionate embrace, exploring each others mouth, leaving no place untouched. But then,

it grew into something more. Detaching her hands, but not her mouth, she began to unzip her shirt. She had just finished, when

Naruto notiched her.

"Sakura-chan...what are you...?"

"I want this, Naruto-kun...for us."

He looked at her with such compassion, that she knew he loved her.

"Are you sure, Skura-chan?"

"Naruto-kun, I love you."

And with that, he drew her in for the third time that evening, but with so much more compassion than ever before. As she let her

shirt fall off, Naruto withdrew his kiss, and began to softly kiss down her neck, electing a pleasured moan. She ruffled his hair, and

started to softly moan once more, as he gently kissed her breast, and then her nipple, while caressing her lower back. When she felt his

mouth going down her stomach, she allowed him to slowly remove her shorts, blushing as they came off.

"Sakura-chan, are you sure?"

"I have never been more sure of anything in my life, than I am of you, Naruto-kun."

Naruto, given permission, began to slowly tease her with his tongue, slowly prodding it inside her, as she moaned with pleasure, placing

her hands on his head. When he felt her hands, he picked up his pace, using his fingers to spread her open, prodding even further than

ever before, electing a pleasured sigh, and Sakura arched her back.

"N-Naruto-kun,I-I'm going to...!"

She arched her back even further, and shuddered, as her juices flowedout onto Naruto's fingers, and his face.

"Here, Naruto-kun, let me clean you up..."

She laid him on his back, and he watched her glistening body, as she took the towel from around his waist, and began to dry his face.

When she finished, she tossed the towel onto the floor. She then realized what she had done. When she looked over at his member,

she blushed.

'How is that supposed too...?'

Still staring at it, she moved down, and gripped it in her hand.

"Sakura-chan, what-?"

"Naruto-kun, I'm returning the favour."

She had looked back at him with soft, reassuring eyes.

They had been in their chosen position for an hour, enjoying each others bodies, but more importantly, the safety. She felt safe there,

with him. Sakura slowly got up, and, grabbing his hand, she laid back down ontop of him.



"I know what you're thinking of."

He was right. Sakura was having passionate thoughts about them...TOGETHER. He must've noticed when she started to sweat...

"You don't have to."


"It's up to you, Sakura-chan. I would gladly wait for you...After all, it's what I've been doing all these years."

He smiled at her. Not his usual, wide mouthed smile, but one of compassion, of deep LOVE.

"No, Naruto-kun. I want this for us, and you deserve it, too."

"Sakura-chan, I love you."

She raised her hips. She shifted herself around, lining herself up with him. Then, she sighed as she lowered her hips, allowing it to

fully settle inside her.When it was settled fully inside of her, she felt comfort beyind her imagination.


She held her face close to his, stroking his blonde, now messy hair.

"...I love you."

With those final words, she kissed him, as he slowly began to thrust his hips into hers, the kiss becoming more and more passionate,

leaving her to gasp for every breath she took. Their hips moving footsteps, she moaned his name, as he obliged to each and every

request she made, for him to quicken his pace. The thrill that this experience brought was unbelievably exhillirating.


"I know,Naruto-kun, I want it...All of it..."

They reached their climax together, gasping for breath, their minds reeling from the incredible experience they had just shared.

After they had showered, the both laid down in his bed, together. She laid her head on his chest, as he held her around the

waist with one hand, his other stroking and playing wither her beautiful pink hair. She felt safe within his embrace, there on

his strong, muscular chest.

"Naruto-kun, I love you, SO much..."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I will. I'll be yours, if you'll be mine."

"I will always be yours, my cherry blossom..."

"I love you, Naruto-kun."

"And I will always love you, Sakura-chan."

As they looked into each others soft, loving eyes, they shared the night's final kiss. As she fell asleep, she thought only of

one thing...

'His cherry blossom...'

She woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon, and the sound of it's sizzling. As she sat up, she noticed that he had left the bed. She was about to

get up, when he walked in. He was carrying a tray that had some bacon, toast, and orange juice on it.

"I thought that you'd like some breakfast."

"Thank you."

She sat back, and tentatively tried the bacon. To her surprise, it tasted extremely good.

"Did you-?"

"Yeah. You need to learn how to cook, after being alone for so long."

They looked at each other with soft eyes, him staring into the green, her staring into the cerulean, neither wanting to break the gaze. Naruto leaned in

to kiss her, then set himself beside her beautiful form. As he started to eat their breakfast with her, she laid her head against his chest, and she began

to eat with him, as he gripped her waist.

Knock Knock Knock

"Oh, what now?"

Naruto groaned. The moment was so perfect.

"Naruto! I know you're in here!"

Sakura sighed. She knew who it was.

"I'll get it."

Naruto regretfully let her get up, sad that this perfect moment was ruined. When she got up, she used the sheet they were under, and she went

to answer the door.

"Naruto, I can't find-Sakura?"

When Ino saw Sakura open the door, wearing nothing but a bed sheet and a disgruntled expression, all she could do was stare.

"You ruined it."


"You ruined a perfect moment, Ino-pig."

"Who is it Sakura-chan?"

Naruto was standing in the background, turned towards the counter, wearing a robe.

"It's just Ino, Naruto-kun."

"Ahh, I see."

When the full impact of the situation hit Ino,she stammered.

"W-w-what are you doing here?"

Sakura sighed. Was Ino denying the truth, or was she just being an idiot? She smirked to herself at this comment.

'Hmm...Probably the last one.'


'Ugh, finally.'

"D-did you -?"

"Yes, Ino-pig, I did."

Her jaw dropped. She was amazed that Sakura actually felt this way about him.

"Do you want to come in ? Naruto-kun just made breakfast."

"N-n-no, I-I'm fin, really.I-I don't want to intrude."

"It's already ruined."

Sakura viciously glared at Ino, as she nervously came in.

"Ah, hi Ino-san."

Naruto grinned at Ino as she came in, but softly smiled at Sakura, who returned it. Ino, however, picked up on it immediately.

'So, they really DID spend the night together...'

"Here, Ino-san, you can have the bacon I just prepared, I have to find Sakura-chan some clothes."

As Sakura and Naruto went into his bedroom, she noticed how he held his arm around her, almostas if to protect her.

'So, they really DO love each other...'

When they got into his room, Naruto closed the door behind him, and quickly spun to face her. After a quick kiss, they looked through his

clothes to find something to wear.



"Should we tell Ino to keep it a secret?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when she came in and saw us together, she seemed...worried..."

"Well, I think that we should wait to hear what she has to say first, ok?"


After a a few minutes, Skaura had found an extra large black t-shirt, and baggy orange shorts, while Naruto wore his regular pants, but a black

t-shirt as well. When they left the room, and sat on the couch opposite Ino, Sakura started.

"What are you here for, Ino-pig?"

"Well, Tsunade-sama actually wanted me to give Naruto something, but I thought you would want to see it as well. Sakura, do you know about

the demon fo-"

"I told her."


He looked at Sakura, again with those soft eyes, and again she held his gaze. Still holding it, Naruto replied.

"Yeah, that's what started this relationship..."

He drifted off. As they leaned in to kiss again, a very embarrassed Ino interrupted, earning yet another glare from Sakura.

"Ummm...anyway, Tsunade-sama baisically wanted me to give you this, Naruto."

She handed Naruto a sealed envelope. When he opened the letter, what him ans Sakura saw surprised them.

'''Naruto. I assume that you already know about the fox within you. This is a matter that the council has strived to keep

this a secret. However, this turned out to be a considerable feat, as many people are still harboring hate for the kyuubi.

Naruto, I am hearby giving you permission to use whatever means necessary to deal with any hostile villagers, although

that does NOT mean that you can kill them. The council wants me to ask you to not tell anyone of our situation.

However, I'm going to allow you to tell only one person of your predicament, BESIDES Ino, although that one person

CANNOT, under ANY circumstances, tell anyone else.

Naruto, be careful, and keep your friends close.



Naruto looked at Skura with a knowlageable glance, and she equally returned it. He put his arm around her, and she laid

her head on his chest.


Ino's state of embarressment was instantly replaced with one of questioning, and of worry, when Naruto spoke again.

"Ino-san. We want you to keep mine and Skura-chan's relationship a secret."

"B-but why?"

He gripped Skura tightly, as she came in closer.

"I need to protect her."

"B-but, Sakura, she-"

He gripped her even tighter.

"Neither of us has the will to injure members of our own village. I won't do much to fight back, but if Sakura-chan is even

TOUCHED out of ill will, then...then I don't know what I'll do."

He gripped Sakrua as tightly as he could, tears welling in his eyes, as he thought about the hardships he had endured before,

and the hardships that he had now passed onto Sakura. He had become a burden, just by being back in the village. Sakura

looked up at his pained, heavy eyes.

"Naruto-kun, I want to be with you. If that means sharing all of your burdens, then I'll carry them ALL for you."

She clung to him as she started to cry for him, and all the trouble that he had gone through over the years, and what he

may experience soon. Quickly, so as not to interrupt the moment, Naruto made a bunshin to escort a thoroghly embarressed

Ino back to Tsunade's office.

"You don't deserve this, Naruto-kun. You deserve so much MORE than this!"

She was sobbing now, pressing tightly against his chest, and he was stroking her hair with one hand, while rubbing her back

with his other.

"I couldn't let anything happen to you, my cherry blossom."

She looked up to see him softly smiling back down at her, his eyes filled with tears. He loved her, and she loved him.

"Stay here with me today."

"I can't."

"I know." he lifted her up, and carried her to the bedroom, where her clothes now dryly hung.

She sighed. It was a warm, suny afternoon. After he had left, she had secretly went out his back window, so as not to be seen.

She wanted to be with him now, out in public, to tell the whole world of their felings for each other. He had told her that if she

promised to keep it a friendship in public, the nights would always be hers.She had promised, but she didn't want to.

'Why? We've just been brought together, and now we can't be public about it?'

"Why does it have to be this way? Why does it always have to be so UNFAIR!"

When she said this last part, she slammed her fist into the alley wall beside her, creating a small crater.

"That damned fox, why the HELL does it have to be inside of him??"

"Who yah talkin' ter, giiirlie?"

At the sound of the voice, she instantly began feeding chakra into her already clenched hands, ready to defend herself. She

whirled around to see that it was only a drunk villager.

"I saw yer leaven his place, girlie..."

She froze. He saw her? But it's not like he would hate Naruto, there couldn't be too many people like that, could there?

"What business is it of yours what I do with my teammate?"

"I also saw yah goin' inta there last nigh', too, girlie... Whatcha doin wit' a punk like taht anyways...?"

"It doesn't concern you."

She turned and started to leave, but he grabbed her wrist. She turned to face him, hand clenched and poised to strike, and froze

as she saw the malicious look on his face. It scared her.

"Im goin' ter break yer wrist fer talkin' to me like that, yer BITCH!"

She pulled back her fist to hit him, but then realized a simple fact. Hitting Naruto, on a day to day basis, it was different. He was her

friend. But for Sakura's caring nature, to lash out and hit a villager, let alone a drunk one at that, she couldn't do it.

Tears in her eyes, she lowered her fist, and released the chakra contained in it.

"HAHAHAHAAAAA! Whatsa matter? To SCARED ter fight back? Don' wanna hit a villager? HAH! I'll break yer whole arm fer 'at,

you lousy SKANK!"

She was terrified at his words, as his grip tightened. She made to scream, but he clamped his hand over her mouth, and spun her

so that her back was agianst his chest, and he was in full control.

"And I'll break yer other one for tryin' that."

When he hit her over the head, her mind blacked out, but still held a single thought.

'N-Naruto-kun...wh-where are y-you...?'

She woke up in a bed. She was wearing a hospital gown, with her clothes folded up on the table beside her. She was in pain.

Her arms had been bandaged, as were her legs, hands, even her chest and head had been bandaged.

"Glad to see you're awake."

Startled at the sound, she looked to see he Master sitting in a chair beside her.

"Tsu-Tsunade-sama? Wha...what happened?"

"Ino Yamanaka told me that she found you unconscious on the street, with your limbs all broken. Your head is bendaged, because you

suffered severe head trauma, resulting in your blacking out. And with your chest, well..."

Sakura's breath caught in her throat, expecting the worst to come.

"Sakura, Ino found you in nothing but your underwear."

Tears welled in Sakura's eyes, and Tsunade looked down at her feet.

"Tsunade-sama, was...was I raped?"

Sakura was pale, afraid of the answer.


Sakura released her held breth, relief flooding over her.

"Have...have you told Naruto-kun yet?"

Tsunade looked up at Sakura, surprised at the mention of his name, and the suffix she had just added to it.

"...yes. I sent Ino to tell him where you were, but nothing more."

As if it was planned, he suddenly burst in, running to her bed.


He stopped short, seing her condition, and the tears in her eyes. He looked at her softly, wanting the tears to stop flowing.

"What happened?"

"I was attacked, when I left your place."

"I'm so sorry, Sakura-chan..."

When Tsunade heard Sakura, and saw Naruto hug her, sobbing into her chest, she decided that she had to know what hapened.


They instantly broke, embarressed that she was still there.

"Sakura, what happened to the two of you?"

Sakura gripped his hand tightly, and blushed.

"Well...umm...we're kind now."

Naruto blushed, and looked at his feet.


Tsunade smiled as she looked at the couple.

"So I suppose that's why you would spend the night together, then."

Sakura blushed, and looked down at her own feet.

"Well, Naruto, I suppose I can let you stay until she's healed, but, please be gentle, and be DISCREET."

"Thank-you, Obaa-chan."

Tsunade smiled as she left. She knew that the two of them would want to spend the next week together, so she would

personally tell Sakura's attendants to leave them be, ESPECIALLY during the nights. Tsunade smiled. The two had

grown up.

"Sakura-chan...I'm so sorry..."

He was lying in the bed with her. She had told him exactly what had happened, including the state she had been found in. When she

told him, he had buried his head into her chest, sobbing uncontrollably, with her stroking his hair.

"Naruto-kun. I want to be public."

"B-but Sakura-chan, I-"

She looked into his big blue eyes, tears welling in her own.

"Naruto-kun, if we're together, you can always protect me..."

He straightened himself, so she could lay her head on his chest. As he held her, he could feel her crying.

"I love you, so much Naruto-kun! I don't want you to have to suffer, not because of me, not because of anyone!"

She was clutching him tighter now, sobbing more and more.

"I want to be with you, Naruto-kun! Please, I beg you! let me be with you!"

He had to say no, to protect her, but he knew that he had to say yes, for her sake.


She looked at him, her tears stopping. He put his hand on her cheek, comforting her.

"Of course I'll be with you. I'll be yours-"

"-If I'll be yours. I'm your cherry blossom, remember?"

As she came up to meet him, he whispered to her.

"I love you, my cherry blossom..."

"And I love you, my Naruto-kun..."

And once they met, it was so passionate that nothing else seemed to exist, but them, and them alone.

She woke up the next morning, sprawled over his chest. The attendant who was in charge of her wellfare was in the room.

when she noticed that Sakura was awake, she smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't tell."

The attendant's smile turned into a grin, and Sakura smiled at her.

"By the way, there's going to be a few people visiting you later on, alright"


She still felt weak. When the attendant left, she finally decided to try and wake Naruto

"Naruto, Naruto, wake up..."

She shook him, and he slowly opened his eyes.


He looked down at her, and couldn't notice how sexy her bed hair looked on her.

"You know...I was having a good dream..about you..."

She grinned, and softly looked into his eyes.

"I'll bet you pervert..."

So reached up and quickly kissed him, waking him up.

He pulled himself up, and grabbed his clothes.

"Yeah, it was a good one."

"So...what was it about?"

He looked at her, and she playfully grinned. He returned her grin, and sat beside her.

"Well...I couldn't tell you..."

He grinned mischeviously, and she playfully pushed him.

"Come on...tell me...please?"

"Well, it was something we could maybe do, once you're feeling better..."

He turned a slight shade of red, as Sakura looked at him with her effortlessly cute, puppy dog eyes.

"Could you at least give me a hint, Naruto-kuuunn?

" kinda involves us, and 2 kage bunshin..."

He smiled, and she rolled over ontop of him, quickly giving him a kiss.

"Mmm...that sounds good..."

He kissed her back.

" might not think like that when I tell you what I want to do with one of the bunshin..."

She kissed him again.

"You never know until you ask, now, do you?"

But she already knew what he might want, judging from his embarressed, and thoughtful look.

"You want to henge one into a girl, right?"

He blushed violently, and looked to his left. She knew now, that that was EXACTLY what he wanted. Honestly, she wouldn't even

mind, if it was with him.

"Well, seems interesting..."

He looked at her, incredulity on his face. She leaned in, and kissed him once again, feeling the blush grow on her own face.

"I want to try it...Naruto-kun..."

He rolled her back over, and straddled her,stroking her hair.

"I love you so much, Sakura-chan."

He kissed her softly, then she opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to gain entry, as she used her own.

"What's this now?"

Naruto instantly jumped off her, or rather, he FELL off her.