Chapter 1 – Answered by demons and guns.

Flippy stared at grey and cracked tombstone that belonged to his brother Noah. Flippy let a single tear fall as he remembered the day it all happened…

1 year ago, August 29, 1800 hours

Flippy slid into the small trench he and his comrades had dug out the day before. The Vietcong were beginning to push them back to rally point Bravo. Not good. Flippy peered of the edge of the small dirt wall to see his brother pinned down against some empty oil drums, with troops closing in on his six. Flippy knew a distraction was needed so he promptly threw himself out into the open while firing his 1911 A1 sidearm handgun at the advancing gunmen; however the Vietcong knew of their tactics and diversions. One of the soldiers mumbled something into the radio. The soldier on the other line grinned happily and pulled out the prototype SVD sniper rifle. He loaded the chamber with a single round. He was going to have to do this without a spotter, but he hardly cared. He peered through the crosshair and found his target. The pathetic green excuse for a bear. Noah had taken full notice of the Vietcong sniper, and his target. "Flippy!" he screamed, diving away from his cover and toward his little brother. Flippy barely had time to process what had happened. Before he could do anything his brother had mauled him into the trench, but not before a gunshot rung through the air. Both bears had fallen into the trench, but only one was still breathing. Flippy peered into Noah's lifeless eyes. "Noah! Noah! NOAH!" he screamed to the heavens only to be answered by the yelling of troops and gunshots whizzing pasted him. Flippy called upon what ever strength he had left. Flippy began to transform himself from the inside out. His fur stiffened, his pupils dilated and his teeth turned into sharp fangs. He took the USP Tactical from his brother's side. "I'll kill you all!" he yelled, firing rounds into the heads of his enemies. When he finished slaughtering the troops, his new and improved hearing picked up the sound of a rifle being loaded. He laughed as he turned and looked the sniper directly in the eye. At that moment, the sniper could feel everything the bear was feeling. His emotions, his heartbeat, his breathing, it was too much for the wolf sniper to handle. He soon after broke eye contact with him by peering into the crosshair. He fired a round, expecting his target to fall. Instead the bear held a closed fist he then opened it for the sniper to see. Curious the sniper peeked through the mounted scope and looked at the object he was holding. When he recognized what it was, his heart skipped a beat. It was SVD's round that he had fired. The sniper grumbled and left with his rifle, knowing that by the time he would get the gun loaded, the bear would have shoved the barrel of his gun down his throat. The demented Flippy ran up to the sniper's position. By the time he arrived, the sniper was gone. "The coward won't even die for his country. How pathetic." he snickered. He turned to leave but something caught his eye. He picked up what appeared to be the soldier's dog tags. He read the name to himself before chuckling. "I'll be seeing you soon enough…"
