Here's the next chapter. It's back to Bella's POV now. I could end this story here – it seems like a good ending, or I could continue, but I'm not sure how. Please review and let me know what you think.

Bella's POV

My eyes fluttered and snapped open. I was having one of those dreams where you're falling and as you hit the ground your body jolts in the real world and reality comes flooding back, but your heart is racing as if you actually were falling. I couldn't recognise where I was, the room was dark and everything was swelling and moving as if I was on a ship sailing on rough waters. It was making me sick and I groaned. I clenched my fists and felt them close around soft linen, bed linen, I was on a bed. I tried to move but everything hurt so much, and my head ached so badly, I whimpered in pain.

"Bella?" A melodic voice called my name. It took me a while to realise that it was Edward.

"Edward," I squinted, looking around in the darkness for his face.

"I'm here my love, how are you feeling?" His face appeared in front of me, a look of concern was on his perfect face, I blinked to try and focus my vision, but his face seemed blurred.

"Like I'm about to vomit," I replied in a weak voice. I could feel my stomach turning and I tried again to move.

"Carlisle!" Edward called out in distress as the movement sent stabbing pain through my head and I winced, tears came to my eyes.

Edward gently but firmly pushed me back onto the mattress, he stroked my hair and kissed me tentatively.

I heard the softest of noises and then Carlisle was there,

"Is she awake?"

"Yes." Edward said impatiently.

I saw Carlisle come towards the bed and sit next to me.

"Bella, how do you feel?" He asked.

"Terrible, can't you give me something?" I didn't want to sound melodramatic but I really was in pain, Edward held my hand.

"In a second, let me check your injuries first," he pulled the bed covers off me and I shivered in the cool air, "I cleaned most of your cuts up before, but I couldn't give you any drugs or I might have induced a coma. But you've woken up fairly soon which is a good sign."

He proceeded to check my limbs, touching them softly with cool hands, I noticed that he had applied gauze and bandages in some places, I could see that I had been bruised quite a bit, but mainly I just felt stiff. Edward watched in concern and winced when he saw the cuts and bruises.

"You hit your head pretty hard," Carlisle said as he gently turned it to the side, his cool fingers probed lightly across my skull and I grimaced,

"You can thank Jacob for that," I said and I spat out his name with hatred.

Edward rubbed my arm in comfort and kissed my forehead. I knew he hated it when I got hurt, but I thought his face looked smug somehow. I think he was happy that I no longer considered Jacob a friend, happy that I hated Jacob maybe as much as he did.

"I'll give you some morphine Bella, then you'll sleep fine, and the stiffness will go away after you've rested," Carlisle pulled the covers back over my body but pushed up the sleeve on my arm. I felt the prick of the needle, but it was quick and I didn't look at it.

"Thanks, Carlisle," I said warmly, he always took care of me.

"You should get some rest, you can stay here tomorrow if you want, I can call Charlie for you if you'd like."

"That would be great, thanks."

I didn't feel up to going home tomorrow.

"What time is it?" I asked Edward once Carlisle left the room.

"Almost 2am, you've been asleep since I brought you here at 11pm." He lay down next to me, on top of the sheets, and put his arm around my body protectively.

"I was so anxious while you slept, it seemed like you would never wake up, and Jacob really hurt you. You were cut and bleeding…." His voice grew faint, "It was scary."

We lay together in silence and slowly my eyes began to droop, but I had a burning question on my mind.

"Edward, do you think he'll leave me alone now? I can't stand it anymore."

Edward looked at my sad expression and answered,

"If he tries I won't let him come near you, I promise, I'll never risk it again." He sounded adamant and that reassured me.

I was feeling better now, the morphine had kicked in. I snuggled closer to Edward and pressed myself against his cool, hard body. He leant in and placed his head right next to mine on the pillow.

"So, are we going to school tomorrow?" I yawned softly.

"Of course not," he chuckled.

"Ok then, we deserve a day off, how about Friday?"

"Bella," he smiled faintly, "I don't think anyone will be going to school for a while."

"What? What do you mean?" And then it clicked, I wondered how long it would take to repair the damage,

"Oh," I said and smiled. I shouldn't have smiled, that fire was dangerous and the damage was serious. But I smiled anyway, because the damage would be fixed eventually and in the meantime I wouldn't have to worry about classes or homework – I could simply spend my days with Edward, and maybe his brothers and sisters too.