This story is a joint effort from myself - -X-.Giggles.-X- - and HarunoRin.


Title: Meeting the Family of Mai Taniyama

Authors: -X-.Giggles.-X- and HarunoRin

Rating: T

Summary: Mai's new boyfriend has to go threw the trials of meeting Mai's family, including a perky yet demanding Madoka, a silent and intimidating Lin, a Yakuza Yasuhara, a over protective Bou-san, a flirtatious Ayako, a snooty Masako, a helpful yet not to optimistic John and a pure evil Naru.

Pairings: LinxMadoka-ish, AyakoxBou-san, MaixNaru MaixOC

This is the final chapter of the story! Oh we how HarunoRin and myself have laughed and cried and stressed and shouted whilst writing this. Not really...I think we both were just a bit high. Annnnyhoo.

Hiro didn't want to be the first one to speak.
'Naru' was simply staring at him with narrow and sinister rain water blue eyes, his face completely devoid of emotion. Hiro wasn't at all gay - not that he had a problem with homosexuals, in fact, as long as they didn't hit on him he found them great fun - but even he had to admit that Naru's pictures didn't do him justice. His beauty was...indescribable.
He thought back to the lounge area of the office, where Mai's 'family' was waiting. When he'd opened the door to Naru's office Yasuhara had actually started to hum the funeral march as him, Madoka, Ayako, John, Bou-san, Masako and even Lin saluted him, as if he was a solider going on a suicide mission.
Needless to say he felt like he was about to pass out.
And after 10 minutes of silence, he was ready to ask if anyone in the office had a gun so he could shoot himself.
Then the most bone chilling thing in his life happened.
Naru smirked.

Bou-san looked at his watch.
"How long has he been in there?" Masako asked.
"45 minutes."
Yasuhara let out a low whistle. "Normally they're running out calling for mommy within 10."
"Do you think Naru killed him?" Madoka asked in a hushed whisper.
They all thought for a few moments.
"It's possible." Ayako nodded. "After all, he was a bit cocky. If he started pulling all that 'I may love her' crap with Naru..." She trailed off suggestively.
"It's a shame." John sighed. "As far as Mai's boyfriends go, I actually liked him."
"He was a good sport." Yasuhara smirked. "I don't believe he actually thought I was Yazuka though. Calling the police was a bit extreme don't you think?"
"Just be thankful Lin sorted it all out before the police broke down your door." Bou-san chuckled.

Another fifteen minutes and they got what they'd been waiting for; a shaky, pale Hiro came stumbling from the dark recesses of the office, followed shortly by a very smug looking Naru. Hiro looked around for Mai, but since she was still out on her trip, he was met only with the sea of not-quite-unfriendly faces. John stood up and put his half-empty teacup on the low table. "Are you... alright Hiro-san?"
The boy turned glazed, unseeing eyes on the kindly priest. "Just... peachy." He giggled suddenly, inanely, as he dropped to his knees. "That was quite possibly the longest 12 hours of my life."
The assembled group glanced at each other, but unanimously decided that no, it probably wasn't wise to tell the boy it had only been one hour... when Mai walked through the door laden with bags from various bookshops. "I'm back and I couldn't find that 1887 print of "ghosts at sea" Naru but I found "Marine Ghosts" from 1790... Hi Hiro!" She smiled.
"He's had his time with Naru." Masako explained, when Hiro merely waved his hand vaguely before looking at it as though it was separate to himself. Mai's face fell and, after glaring at Naru, she sighed.
"How long?"
"To be fair..." Takigawa shrugged. "He did last an hour."
"That's a good time." Mai agreed, before smiling at Hiro pityingly. "Sorry Hiro. I'll see you home."
"No!!" Hiro cried, and shook his head as his body trembled. "I'm... good thanks..." He seemed to regain some composure and looked Mai straight in the eyes. "It's not you, Mai... it's me. Wait, no, it's not even me, it's THEM! It's him!" He pointed a childishly accusing finger at Naru, who rolled his eyes. "I have to go." Hiro sighed. "See you at School Mai."
"See you." She agreed, and watched him leave. "I hope he doesn't get hit by a bus..." She mused, and Madoka shrugged.
"It can't be traced back to us." She argued. "Perhaps Yasuhara and his Yakuza gang, but not us."
Mai turned to Yasuhara with a raised eyebrow. "Yakuza...? No, I don't need to know. I give up! I'll become a nun or something."
The SPR group nodded and dispersed with sincere farewells such as "Better luck next time" or "How about me?" (From Takigawa) until it was just Mai, Lin, and the ever-present, ever-sarcastic, narcissistic, high-and-mighty Naru.
Then he smirked and returned to his office with a simple, and expected "Mai, tea"
"Idiot." She muttered, and pouted as the door to Lin's office closed, but Naru leaned out and raised his eyebrows.
"You're the idiot." He pointed out, and strode across the room until he was almost touching Mai. "When will you realise that no one will get past me?"
"You're stuck with me, Taniyama Mai. There will be no next time." With that, he returned to his office, chuckling darkly to himself, as he left a very confused part-timer in the office, alone, with her thoughts.
"Did you... just ask me out?" She wondered aloud, then shook her head and shrugged. "Yay?"

And what happened to Hiro I hear you ask? Well, on the 12th of June, 2008, Hiro Satsugawa mysteriously dissapeared from Japan. However, one Ichigo Kuruwada, was seen getting on the 19:52 flight from Japan to New York, muttering about 'pretty girls and evil yet beautiful men.'After finishing his studies at NYU, Ichigo got a job at Microsoft, working in the Intercontinental Relations Department. But not with Japan. Never with Japan.

And it's done!!

Do not fear though. Because HarunoRin and myself are in the thought process of writing another story together named : 'SPR: The Forgotten Files' or something like that. Basically, a bunch of extremely stupid and pointless cases they have been called for! :D

Review please!! You know you want too!!