The Sitter

Kyle, now 10 inches tall, is in his "new home" trying to figure out how to do his homework on an over sized paper with an over sized pencil. The pencil falls on top of him and he gets so frustrated that he stomps all over the paper and bangs his head on the wall in frustration.

"Kyle, can you come here for a minute?" Ike calls out.

"I'm busy Ike!" He yells as loud as he can.

"Please Kyle, it's an emergency!"

"Oh shit!" Kyle quickly runs out the house and the second he steps out, he's blinded by camera flashes. "AH!" He looks at sees kids from Ike's kindergarten class. "IKE! Get your friends out of here!" He screams.

Ike laughs. "Sorry Kyle." He turns to his friends. "Okay guys, that's enough." The kids start playing with Kyle's toys.

"Hey! Put my toys down! Those are mine!" Kyle yells pointing at them, but they seem to be ignoring him. Filmore stands in front of Kyle with a water gun and points it at Kyle. Kyle's eyes go wide. "You wouldn't dare…" He starts backing up. Filmore then squirts Kyle with the gun, which sends him flying into a pile of toys.

"DUDE! That's my brother!" Ike screams as he pushes Filmore down.

"I want all of you out of here!" Kyle screams at the top of his lungs as he struggles to get out of the pile. He ends up accidently climbing into a puppet and is now struggling to get it off. "Ike! Can you help me out here?" He yells as he finally gets out of the pile, but is still unable to get the puppet off. "IKE! HELP ME!" Ike doesn't hear his please.

Kyle runs out into the hallway when his mother comes up the stairs. She looks down. "Kyle? Bebe's here to see you boobie…"

"Huh?" Kyle asks as he runs into the wall and falls over.

Sheila smiles at Bebe. "At least he still has his sense of humor." Bebe nods. Sheila bends down and takes the puppet off of a dizzy Kyle.

"Thanks mom…" He tells her.

Sheila picks Kyle up. "I don't know if you heard me the first time, but Bebe's here."

He looks at Bebe who's smiling at him bright eyed. "Hi Bebe."

"Oh my gosh, that is SO adorable!" She continues smiling as Kyle rolls his eyes.

"You kids behave yourself, I'm going to go get dressed." Sheila informs them. Before she heads to her room.

"OMG Kyle, you are just too cute like this!" Bebe squeals as she pinches Kyle's cheek.

"OW! Bebe that fucking hurts!"

"Oops!" Bebe says as she notices half of Kyle's face is now red.

"What can I do for you anyway?"

"I came to help you do your homework."

"Where's Stan? He helps me with my homework."

"I asked him if I could come in his place. I had to see you for myself. Hope you don't mind…"

"Not at all. Can you help me by getting my brother and his friends out of my room?"

"Of course!" She kisses him.


"I'm sorry, you're SO damn cute!" She kisses him multiple times.

"Cut it out!" Kyle is now soaking wet from Bebe's kisses.

"Okay, it's completely out of my system." She takes Kyle into his room and sets him on his desk. She whistles really loudly and Ike and his friends grow silent and stare at her. "You kids, out of here…NOW!" She screams. With that all the kids haul ass.

Kyle smiles. "Thanks Bebe."

"You're welcome." She sits down at his desk. "So what do you want to work on first?"

"Math…" He sighs.

"Okay!" She grabs his math book and a piece of paper.

Later that night, Kyle, now 8 inches tall, is on the counter top next to the sink making an attempt to wash dishes. "Kyle, let us handle that." Gerald tells him.

"Dad, I have to do things for myself."

"I understand that Kyle, but there are some things you can't do. Like washing the dishes…"

Sheila walks into the kitchen with Ike and Wendy. "Listen to your father Kyle." She points at Wendy. "She's going to be your sitter for the evening while we go to Ike's Awards Ceremony."

Kyle stands on top of the sugar container. "Sitter? Why can't I just go with you guys?"

"Kyle, you know for you own safety, we can't let you leave the house…unless you want to stay in my purse all night…"

Kyle rolls his eyes. "Well I don't need a sitter either! I can take care of myself!" He looks at Wendy, then back at his family. "She's my age so why the hell would you hire her to be my baby sitter?"

"I'm going to go in the living room…" Wendy says quietly just before tip toeing out.

"Kyle, we just don't want anything to happen to you." Gerald tries to explain to him. "That's the only reason why Wendy's here. We couldn't leave you here alone when you're only 8 inches high."

Kyle folds his arms. "Whatever!"

"We have to go Kyle." Sheila tells him. "When you're ready to come down from the sugar box, then we'll talk to you." They turn to leave.

"Mom…dad…" He yells out, then he tries to climb on the window sill. "You guys, wait! I'm sorry, it's just-" He finally makes it on to the window sill. He tries to open the blinds, but the second he takes a step, he slips and falls down into…

…the garbage disposal…