This is my first fanfic. That's why I need encouragement and support. I'm still a newbie at this, so teach me ok?

Arigatou if you read this

And gomen if you didn't like it.


Mikan comes back after 5 years to see her friends again but was slaved and shared in the same room with Natsume as her punishment

Chapter 1

A train was travelling around Tokyo.

"Miss Sakura, are you ready to go back again?" a lady said

"yeah, I'm ready to go back to Gakuen Alice" mikan said

"5 years. It's been 5 years since I got separated with my friends. Why? Because, they discovered that I don't have the nullification alice. I have the mimickry alice, so, I had to train my alice. Now, I'm new and improved. I'm sure my friends will still remember me!" Mikan thought to herself.

Mikan's physical appearance has changed. Her big brown innocent eyes were replaced by beautiful, tantalizing, innocent eyes. Too bad the glasses had to cover it. Her little pigtails were replaced by an elegant wavy ponytail. Her body has a figure now. Still, she's a bit flat-chested.

"We're here!" the lady said

"I'm so exited!" mikan said as she run towards the academy's grounds. She was trying to find those familiar faces she yearns for. Then, she saw Hotaru, Natsume, and Ruka.

"wow! They have changed!" mikan said surprised. No wonder. Hotaru is still emotionless and cold, but it matches her beautiful face and she has a great figure too. Natsume and Ruka no longer looked like cute little boys before. They have handsome features and well toned body. And their fangirls doubled- make that quadrupled.

But no one seemed to notice her. Mikan can't approach Hotaru, Natsume and Ruka. Too many fangirls are mobbing them.

On her classroom, her old classmates didn't seem to noticed her too.

At the cafeteria, she sat randomly on one of the tables. She didn't bother to talk to Nonoko and Anna that were sitting beside her. She just ate there. When she was about to eat her fav howalon, someone took it from her then proceeded to eat it.

She kicked his knee and yelled "hey! GET YOUR OWN, IDIOT". She didn't bother to know who he is.

All of the students in the cafeteria we're surprised. Mikan was puzzled. "Why would they be surprised?" she thought. She looked at the person she kicked. It was Natsume Hyuuga.

"Oops" mikan thought.

One of the fan girls shouted "give it back! What Natsume wants he will get!" another pushed mikan and mikan fell down. Her glasses came off and her hair got messy and covered her face. No one saw her faced except Anna and Nonoko.

Mikan didn't want to show her face right now. So she lowered her head and yelled "Why? Is he a spoiled brat? Pathetic!" ugh! "Why did I said that?? I'm done for!"Mikan thought.

Students we're shocked. (except Hotaru). A girl that didn't fell in love for Natsume Hyuuga? (except Hotaru)

Natsume then touched Mikan's soft, delicate cheeks. His face was getting closer and closer to hers. Mikan can feel Fan Girls glaring at her. Mikan then blushed when she realized that Natsume's face and hers are only inches away.

"I want to see your face. Show it" Natsume whispersed it to Mikan

He was about to see her face when Nonoko and Anna grabbed her and dragged her out.

"Please excuse our friend! She's new here, right, Miaka?" said Nonoko

"Uhh….yeah!" Mikan said with a confused face.

Natsume then glanced at her looking interested to know her.

When they were in a secluded spot, Anna and Nonoko hugged her.

"Mikan-chan!" we missed you! Where were you this past 5 years? said Anna

"It's not important" Mikan said hugging them back. "why did you call me Miaka?

"we have to hide your identity" Anna said

"why?" asked mikan

"remember when we're still 11 yrs old? You were the only girl Natsume and Ruka talked to. You we're Hotaru's best friend too." Nonko said

"yeah, so?" Mikan asked

"well a lot of rabid fangirls hated and envied you. When you left, they tried to replace you! And when ever a brown-haired girl in pigtails comes to the academy, fan girls pummel them and they always end up 50:50 in hospitals" Nonoko said

"Harsh" Mikan plainly said as if it didn't affect her.

"That's not all! Since you left, Natsume started to date a different girl every week! Ruka never talks to anyone but natsume and Hotaru, and Hotaru isolates herself and only talks to Natsume and Ruka. They are pretty popular here now. Everybody wants to be with them!" Anna said

"Hon tou ni? Well .." Mikan's words were cut when Yuu arrived.

She immediately covered her face.

Anna, Nonoko, Natsume wants to see your friend at his room at 7pm."Yuu stated

"What if I don't want to go?" It was a statement rather than a question.

"Please. He'll burn you, Anna and Nonoko alive if you refused." Yuu stated calmly

"Fine."Mikan said as she gritted her teeth. The fact that Natsume became a player irritates her.


Why? Why should I be irritated? That question played in her head for a long period of time.

Onto Natsume

"When I touched her face….. It felt strange…..It gave me that feeling I yearn for." Natsume thought

A smirked then formed in his delicate lips

"What I want, I will get" he said to himself

7pm at Natsume's room

Mikan entered Natsume's room. It wasn't locked, so it probably meant she can go in. She examined his room. It was very spacey. It has dark walls with ember carvings. There was a king size bed in the middle, a big screen TV, a black walking closet and a bathroom , kitchen, mini living room etc. It was like a mini house rather than a room.

"wow" she thought

Just then, Natsume's bathroom door opened. She saw Natsume still in a towel.

Mikan froze in shock.

Natsume's lips then formed a smirk "a girl with glasses can be a hentai?" Natsume asked teasingly

"NANI?" mikan screamed

" I am not a pervert! I did what you told me to! I came at 7pm! Mikan said

"did you knock?" natsume asked with a smirk in his face

"ano…." Mikan mumbled

"just tell me what I came here for!" mikan evaded his question

"And get dressed baka!"

"hn" natsume said

after natsume got dressed, (A/N: mikan didn't peeked! Ok?)

"you kicked me at lunch" natsume in a boring tone

"so? You deserve it! And the way you're speaking, I'd say, you didn't care" mikan snapped

"this girl is so different" natsume thought

"There are punishments for your action, baka" Natsume stated

"and what are this punishments?" mikan said while glaring at Natsume

"Your room, will be BURNED" natsume said in calm tone.

"what??" mikan screemed while running towards her room

And to her frustration, it was burned.

"HYUUGA!" she screamed. Half the campus can hear it.

She went to Natsume again. She almost broke his door while opening it. She stomped and yelled at him.

"why did you burn my room?" mikan screamed

"I didn't burn them. My fan girls did." Natsume calmly said

"you could have stop them!" mikan said

"yeah, but I forgot" he smirked at her. "So, where are you going to sleep? There are no more available rooms." He said

A puzzled look came to mikan's face. "Where am I gonna sleep?? Ah! Nonoko and Anna will be willing to share their rooms!" mikan thought

"Nonoko and Anna are one stars. Their room cannot fit two people. You will be a burden to them." Natsume said as if he read her mind.

Mikan was a bit surprised and annoyed. He is right. Hotaru doesn't recognize her anymore. Ruka might not talk to her. No one is willing to share their room with a new transferee. She can't tell she's Mikan or else she'll be beat up by stupid fangirls.

"Oi. Little girl. You can stay here for awhile." Natsume said while flipping through his mangas.

"Really?? Arigatou Natsume!" mikan said with a smile.

"But" Natsume interrupted Mikan while she was thanking him.

"you have to wear this everytime you're here. You will also obey me." Natsume held a cute maid's uniform that fits perfectly for Mikan. It is the classical black and white, and it shows the wearer's curves.

"what? I'm not wearing that stupid rag! It's not my type! I don't even wear the school's short skirt! Then you ask me to wear that? No way!" Mikan yelled at Natsume

"Suit yourself. You can just sleep in the Northern Woods , or the Gakuen park, where darkness lurks around and strange creatu.." Natsume was cut when Mikan screamed at him.

"Fine! You win! Happy?" mikan yelled.

Natsume smirked at her.

Ok. It's finished. I hope you liked it.

I don't want to be pushy or something, but please review it.

I don't know if it's good. Still a newbie. You can teach me in your reviews on how to be a great author.

If you want this to continue, you should submit a review

That's all. Thanks for reading this.