Okay, a few things. Serious laziness on my part, that's for sure. Though I have an excuse for the few weeks around the beginning of May, my sister got married and we had a lot to do. But that doesn't excuse all the other time I've spent away from this story. Lucky lucky, I reread it tonight...or rather morning since it is now 1:47 am. I then realized how long it had been and got working. As I have said before. This story will eventually be finished, even if it takes a long time. I don't like to leave stories I've posted unfinished. So anyway, hope you enjoy.

Patrick dropped the two of them off outside the Library of Congress where they met up with Abigail and Riley.

"Where do we start?" Abigail asked. "XY is the book classification code. Stands for special collections, which means very special books" "Very, very, special books. Where are they?" She added. "This way. We'll sneak in." Abigail led them towards the back where they were lucky enough to snag the door behind an employee. They then heading upstairs to the third floor. "Here we go. XA... XM..." Abigail reached out and tried to open the door but it was locked. "Look. Do you have a code?"

Ben reached around her and punched in the four digits. The door opened and they hurried inside, fanning out. Now she was gonna have some fun. Walking straight over to the place where the book was hidden she pointed upwards at the two books between the spot. "Over here."

They hurried over and Ben looked to where she was pointing. "It's not there."

"Maybe someone checked it out." Riley mumbled.

"Why send us here if there's no book?" Abigail wondered.

"He probably wanted us to get caught." Riley rationalized.

"Oh hold your horses you two." She said and pulled the ladder over, climbing up a few steps. "Here" She began piling books in Riley's arms and soon uncovered the lock. "Six dial combination lock."

Ben and Rachel looked at each other excitedly. "The location is the combination."

"What did you say the number was?" She asked.


She reached up and put in the numbers. There was a small click and the panel dropped down to reveal the book. She grinned from ear to ear and gingerly pulled it out and handed it to Ben.

"I was right." Riley said in complete surprise and happiness.

"Well done Mr. Poole." Ben congratulated.

He then unwound the string that closed the book and opened it, balancing it on one hand as he put on his glasses and flipped through the pages.

"Area 51!" Riley said, pointing to the page as it passed.

"Shh!" She snapped.

"The Kennedy assassination!"

"Riley, we don't have time." She snapped once more. Then Ben turned another page and a picture caught her eye. "Ben...Ben, Stargate! I see a Stargate, Ben!" She squealed softly, trying to get him to turn back to the page.

"No time." He shushed. "Ah, found it." Ben said, beginning to read out the page. "April 1865. Queen Victoria sends Pike two coded missives. The first is received. Contains information regarding New World treasure. The City of Gold."

"Wait. The queen wanted to help the Confederacy?" Riley asked.

"A divided America would have been weaker." Abigail explained.

"And they needed cotton from the south." Ben then continued reading. ""The second missive was thought to contain a Playfair cipher suggesting contact with Laboulaye, who'll hide clues before his death." The cipher written into the Booth diary page that Thomas tried to burn."

"The one we have." Riley said.

" Exactly. "1880." Resolute desk arrives in Washington, sent by queen to President Hayes." He turned the page and took out an old sepia photograph. "Look at that."

"The missing plank from the White House. Wow." Abigail took the picture.

"Here's the final entry by President Coolidge.

"1924. I found a plank in secret desk compartment. Plank photographed and then destroyed. Borglum commissioned to destroy landmarks in sacred Black Hills mountains."

By this time Rachel had recovered enough to participate in the ongoing adventure. "Borglum. Mount Rushmore?"

Abigail looked confused. "Okay, she's doing it to me now, that's really creepy."

"He carved Mount Rushmore to erase the map's landmarks in order to protect the City of Gold."

"Mount Rushmore was a cover-up." Riley mused.

"It sounds like you have a new book in the works my dear man." She said, clapping him on the shoulder.

Suddenly, the sound of police sirens filled the air and Riley rushed to the window. "There's my tax dollars at work, coming to arrest me."

"Not coming for you, they're for me. Go to the car."

"For once I'm not going to correct him."

"Go! I'll meet up with you." He urged.

Abigail grabbed her and Riley by their sleeves and pulled them out of the room and downstairs. She took them behind the front desk and down through the basement to the parking garage where two security guards stopped them, nearly sending the three into cardiac arrest.

"Hold it! Who are you?" One of the guards demanded.

"We work here." Abigail said quickly, pulling out her ID and shoving it in the man's face. "Here. We were told to evacuate. My car's parked in that special section for..."

The guards waved them through. "Go ahead."

"Thank you for your help, officer. Best of luck." Riley called as the two left and they headed down the steps to the car.

They climbed in, Rachel tactfully avoiding the drivers side at all costs and getting into the back seat. Working as slowly as possible they buckled up while Ben climbed down to them.

"Start the car." Riley told her.

One of the security guards pointed his flashlight in. "What's the problem? It's clear. Let's go!"

"We're going to jail." Riley mumbled.

"Oi vey." She smacked her head against the headrest.

Abigail threw the car into gear and pulled out, catching the guard off balance. She hit the button for the back hatch and it opened, giving Ben room to climb in. Running, he jumped into the back of the car. Rachel grabbed the collar of his jacket and heaved. Once his feet were clear Abigail closed the hatch. The car bounced hard as it exited the garage and a cop car was following quickly as they neared the barricade.

"Abigail, punch it!" She yelled as three heavy cylinders began to rise to block of their escape."

"I don't think so!" Abigail snapped as she rammed her foot to the ground, them barely missing the barricade. The cops behind them weren't as lucky.

"That did not turn out the way it was supposed to!"

"Ya think?" Rachel said as Ben climbed into the back seat.

"How'd they find us so quick?" Abigail wondered.

"I'll tell you how. The president is a tattletale!" Riley said, annoyed and stressed out.

"Sadusky. He was there. He knows more about the book than I thought." Ben told them.

"Seatbelt." She reminded him.


"Seatbelt. The way this ride is going, if you're not wearing one the cement may be wearing you within a matter of minutes and I don't think it will look good in your suit."

Ben nodded and sat back, putting it on.

"How'd the president feel about being kidnapped?" Abigail asked them.

"He was okay." The two replied.

Not my favorite chapter so far I must admit. It doesn't seem like much happened for Rachel to work with. Well, except for the Stargate thing of course :) I've had that planned since I started writing this sucker. I hope you enjoyed it none the less. I certainly won't wait this long to post chapter ten. Namarie my dear readers. Without you there would have been no sequal and and I probably never would have finished Technical Glitch. Arg, nearing two am. I get so poetic and thoughtful at this time of morning. I think I should stop now before I pass out at my keyboard due to exhaustion.