A/N: This story just popped in my head so I decided to write this. This is not a yaoi fic. To the people who know me, they'll say, "Ren never writes yaoi, she always write Ryosaku if she's in the prince of tennis section." So, there it is… I don't know if I'll update, depending on the reviews. If many liked this plot, then I'll update but I surely doubt that there will be even a single review (If that happens, I'll delete this story). I know I'm not a great author but reading other fics inspires me. But! If many faved or alerted this then I'll update.

Oh, and if you read my 'Sakuno's princes of tennis', please wait for my update because I'm working on it now. So anyway…

Summary: Sakuno Ryuzaki seems to attract guys even though she didn't want to... what would she do now if she's inside Rikkai Dai with many tennis players from different schools? And it all happened in a day!


Teacher: Class, who owns prince of tennis?

Ren: (Raises her hand) Konomi Takeshi, ma'am!

Teacher: Right!

"A day at Rikkaidai."

Chapter one: Sakuno's lost, again!

"Rikkai Daigaku Fuzoku." The two girls read the sign at the entrance of the school. This school is very popular in Kanagawa prefecture. Many people, both students and non-students, entered the said school. It's not because they're going to enroll, it's because today is Rikkai's founding anniversary or as what we like to call 'Foundation day'. The university invited a lot of people to join their celebration with them by joining different booths and stuffs. Sanada Genichirou and Yukimura Seiichi invited their rival school's tennis team.


"Gather up, regulars!" Tezuka yelled.

"Yes." The regulars lined-up in front of their captain and waited patiently for him to say his announcement.

Ryoma felt that something bad is going to happen. He felt that whatever the captain will say would not ease his mind. But this is just an instinct, though. What he didn't know is that his instincts were right.

"Yukimura, the captain of Rikkai tennis team, invited us to go to their school to celebrate the school's founding anniversary with them. The founding anniversary will be held tomorrow at eight thirty in the morning. I expect all of you to come." Tezuka announced.

"What if we refuse, captain?" Momo asked.

"We'll meet at the front of Rikkai's entrance at exactly eight thirty o'clock! Those who will arrive late will drink Inui's juice." Tezuka answered, well at least that's how he answered Momo's question.

The regulars' faces turned pale. It seems like Tezuka won't accept 'no' for an answer. They should come whether they like it or not. Ryoma's instinct was right! He hated this kind of stuffs but he has no choice but to go.

The team's cheerleaders heard the announcement Tezuka said. Tomoka immediately yelled begging for them to come, too. Tezuka has no choice but to let them come as well since coach said 'the more the merrier' and even asked the ichinen trio to come. But to be honest, he would have let the girls come even if coach wasn't there because of someone.


The two girls who read Rikkai's sign before smiled at the wonderful scene. Sakuno and Tomoka were early and arrived at around eight o'clock because they're very excited. They decided to stay there until their other friends arrive. Thirty minutes passed and they were all complete. Tezuka was surprised to see the two girls, since he thought he was the first one to arrive like always. Ryoma unbelievably made it in time (three seconds early, according to Inui's wristwatch) but he was panting when he arrived. Maybe the thought of him drinking Inui's juice made him woke up early and move fast. With no further ado, they entered the school.

Everything looks exciting. The games, booths, and even the plays/movies/cartoon/ they're featuring are amazing. Everyone is happy and enjoying the whole place. The team entered the building and climbed the stairs to get to the second floor.

While the seigaku students are busy sightseeing, Sakuno saw something appealing to her eyes. She saw good-looking cakes. She walked away from the group and approached the advertisement with pictures of different kinds of cakes and pastries. She entered the room next to the advertisement and was surprised to see the room crowded even though the whole school just opened.


The team didn't notice the girl's disappearance and continued to walk.

"Ne Tezuka, where are we going anyway?" Taka asked.

"Yeah, we've been walking for a while now." Eiji complained while he placed his hands at the back of his head.

"We're going to Sanada's room to list our name to the V.I.P list."

"V.I.P list? What for?" Oishi asked.

"You'll see." Tezuka calmly said.

"Is it some kind of special treatment where you'll be able to play freely at the games and eat as many as you can without paying?" Momo excitedly asked.

"You have nothing in your mind but food, stupid porcupine head!" Kaidoh said.

"Take that back, Mamushi!"

Their little fight began with the matching Oishi calming them down, Fuji smiling sadistically and Tezuka annoyed, you know, the usual. Tomo smiled at her 'happy' senpais and whispered something to Sakuno. "Hey Sakuno, it's really fun being with these guys huh?" When she looked back and saw no Sakuno, her eyes widened. She searched for her in front to see if she's there, calming the senpais as well, but she's not. She's nowhere to be found! Tomo yelled which caught everyone's attention. "What's wrong with you, Osakada?" Horio asked.

"S-SAKUNO! SHE'S GONE!" Tomo yelled.

"Wait! Calm down! Maybe she's in the girl's room." Oishi tried to calm her down.

Knowing her best friend very well, Tomo was sure that she's lost. "B-But this is her first time going here! S-SAKUNO'S LOST!" Tomo panicked.

"Again." Ryoma muttered while pulling down the brim of his cap.

Next time: Sakuno entered the 'Saori's coffee shop' and ended up working there! Oh, and here comes the other rival teams! What's this? Marui is blushing while staring at Sakuno? Will Seigaku be able to find Sakuno before the V.I.P treatment comes? Find out in the next chapter of "A day at Rikkaidai."