Author's Notes: This story takes place a year after the epilogue of the final episode of Eureka Seven, and about a year after Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. Don't worry, all of the Sonic characters from Sonic Adventure to NextGen will be featured in this story, not just Team Sonic and Team Babylon. Also, I'm going to borrow a few elements from Babylon Sky Hawk's Sonic Heroes: The Series ark, such as the Sonic Heroes working for the GUN Commander, however, it'll be set up differently. I've also made a different history for the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds so that it fits in with the story.
All Eureka Seven characters are copyrighted © to Bones.
All Sonic Heroes & Sonic Riders characters are copyrighted © to SEGA.
Original Sonic Heroes: The Series ark copyrighted © to Babylon Sky Hawk.
Any original characters are copyrighted © to ME.

Dual Freedom Fighters

The Legend of the Black Emerald

By: Capt. Rico Sakara


"Within the framework of established knowledge of physics and cosmology, our universe could be one of many in a super-universe or multiverse... Each universe within the multiverse can have a different set of constants and physical laws. Some might have life of a form different from ours; others might have no life at all or something even more complex or so different that we cannot even imagine it. Obviously we are in one of those universes with life."
-Victor J. Stenger

Twenty thousand years ago, at the dawning of civilization, before the building of great pyramids and temples, the ancient tribes of the known world came into possession of nine strange stones that fell from the heavens. These stones came in the form of a large green emerald and eight smaller emeralds, each in a rainbow of assorted colors. Each of the emeralds was found to posses unique abilities that questioned the very laws of the world. Some say that they had the power to control the forces of space and time, while others believed that they could control the very fabric of the universe itself. It was also discovered that the giant emerald had the ability to control the unity and purification of the smaller emeralds, able to negate or enhance their powers at will. Because of their unique and mystical attributes, they became known throughout the world as the Master Emerald and the eight Chaos Emeralds.

For centuries, the chaos emeralds were regarded as sacred relics, representing peace and tranquility to all who worship them. But there were many who regarded the emeralds as weapons, whose powers could be used to conquer and rule the world. Because of this, war soon broke out among many tribes across the land for possession of the emeralds. To keep them out of the wrong hands, the tribes that were loyal to peace gave the emeralds to the Echidna Tribe of Angel Island, and for a time they were kept safe from harm.

But this did not last, however. As the war between the other tribes on the mainland raged on, an evil demon descended upon the world, bringing death and despair to all the corners of the earth. Its soul desire was to attain immortality and rule the universe, and believed only the powers of all eight chaos emeralds could grant him his wish. As the demon began its rampage, all the warring tribes, letting go of their differences, banded together to stop its reign on the land. Millions of brave warriors were sent to fight off this beast of the stars, only to lose their very lives, perishing in the path of its destruction as it continued its quest.

It wasn't long until the evil demon finally found its prize on Angel Island and achieved the immortality it desired. But just when it seemed that all hope was lost and the world would end, the unimaginable happened. Under the control of the Master Emerald, the eight Chaos Emeralds united together, and used their combined powers to defeat the evil demon, ending its reign of terror. But the victory was not without sacrifice. One of the Chaos Emeralds - the black emerald - was lost in the aftermath, vanishing using the teleporting ability of Chaos Control.

The remaining Chaos Emeralds were safe, and peace was restored. But the peace did not last, and the surviving tribes continued their war for the emeralds once again. The war continued to last for centuries, and as time went by, the knowledge of the missing black emerald and the demon that terrorized the land was lost to the rest of the world, as if they never existed.

For centuries after the war had ended, everyone believed the Master Emerald and seven Chaos Emeralds were the only emeralds in existence. The existence of the black emerald went unnoticed… until now.

Hi there!

I'm Renton, Renton Thruston. The savior from the Second Summer of Love? If you don't remember me, let me get you up to speed. I'll start from the beginning.

Around 10,000 years ago, a strange rock-like life form - called Scub Coral - arrived on Earth and began spreading across the entire surface of the planet. As a result, humanity made a huge exodus into space, and didn't return for centuries. When humans finally did returned and began re-settling on the planet, the Scub Coral began to try and communicate with them, hoping to gain a mutual co-existence. At the time, nobody knew that the Scub Coral were actually intelligent and sentient. The first human to discovery this was my father, Adroc Thruston.

That's where I come in. For the first fourteen years of my life, I lived with my grandfather, Axel Thruston, in the town of Bellforest. During that time, I lived a pretty dull existence, working at my family's garage while dreaming of one day leaving home and becoming a famous Ref board lifter and joining Gekkostate – a counterculture collective that fights against the United Federation Forces. But everyone thought I was just living a fantasy and didn't amount to anything. All that changed one night, when the Nirvash TypeZERO - the first LFO ever created – crashed into my home. That's when I met the most beautiful girl I've ever seen - a human-form coralian named Eureka.

From there, my life was set in stone. I finally got to leave Bellforest, join Gekkostate, and become the latest addition to their ship, the Gekko-Go. I was now among the very people I idolized: Holland Novak, the leader of Gekkostate, and captain of the Gekko; Yuki Talho, Holland's wife and covergirl for rayout - Gekkostate's underground magazine; Stoner, the ship's photographer and publisher of rayout; Hap, the Gekko's second in command and Holland's best friend; Matthieu and Hilda, the pilots of the Terminus Series typeR606 and typeR808; Ken-Goh, the ship's weapons specialist and ship's gunner; Moondoggie, the ship's pilot and Gidget, the communications officer; Jobs and Woz, the ship's engineer and hacker, respectively; Dr. Mischa, the ship's medical officer; and Gonzy, one of the first human-form coralians. I also met Eureka's adopted kids - Maurice, Maeter, and Linck. Of course, I found it hard to take in that they were her children at first, but I quickly adapted.

After joining the crew, I became the co-piloted of the Nirvash, alongside Eureka. From there, my journey began. Together with the rest of Gekkostate, we've been in many battles against the U.F., and have encounted many enemies, such as General Jurgens of the Izumo, and mercenaries Charles and Ray Beams, whom I was friends with for a time. We also encountered Anemone, a human-turned-coralian who was the pilot of a black LFO – the Nirvash TypeTheEND. All of them worked under the direct command of one man - Colonel Dewey Novak (Holland's brother), a sociopath who manipulated those around him to pursuit his goal: to rid the world of the Scub coral.

Despite many obstacles, we overcame Dewey Novak's forces, and even made allies in the process, and perused our goal to save the world and bring peace to humans and coralians alike. With the help of a Vodarac Priest named Master Norb, and Eureka's predecessor Sakuya, Eureka, the kids, and myself were able to pilot the Nirvash through the Great Wall and make our way down through the scub surface to the Earth below. From there, we came upon the Control Cluster - the "brain" of all the scub coral.

It was there where I finally reunited with my father Adroc, who I thought died during the first Summer of Love, and my sister Diana, who left home and disappeared years earlier. But our reunion was short lived when Dewey's forces finally located the Control Cluster, and use the Oratorio #8 satellite to blast a hole through the scub coral surface and destroy the cluster for good. And just when we thought things couldn't get worst - they did.

Dewey foresaw that Eureka or Anemone would become the replacement control cluster in the event of the existing cluster's destruction, and had special collars attached to both of them that would be activated upon his death. In his confrontation with Holland aboard the Ginga, Dewey shot himself in the head, and his plan of planetary genocide was set in motion. Eureka's collar was activated, and she became the new control cluster, with hundreds of anti-body coralians surrounding the area. It was only a matter of time before the Limit of Questions would be reached, creating a black hole, and the world would end.

But I wasn't going to lose the love of my life. I was determined to save Eureka as well as the people I cared for. With the aid of the Nirvash typeZERO Spec 3, I was able to destroy the anti-body coralians, and rescue Eureka. In the end, the Nirvash stayed behind and became the new control cluster, and took my dad, Diana, Norb, Sakuya, and half of the scub coral with her to another dimension where they could co-exist peacefully. With that, the Limit of Questions was avoided, and Eureka and I finally saved the world. That day became known as the "Second Summer of Love." Once Eureka and I returned home to our family and friends a year later, everyone was happy to see us ok and in one piece - and in Holland's case, he was quite shocked to see Eureka's new wings.

A lot has changed since we returned. Now that everyone knew the truth about the scub coral, thanks to Dr. Bear's interview with Master Norb, my father's research on the scub coral and the Ageha Plan had been made public knowledge, and has since been written into textbooks for use in schools and libraries throughout the world.

The United Federation had become our new allies, and has been reformed into the new United Federal Republic, with Jurgens promoted to Admiral of the main fleet. Both he and Maria Schneider have gotten married, and had adapted the Ageha Squad as their children. Speaking of the Ageha Squad, all five of them had finally understood the truth of their manipulation by Dewey, and now work with the U.F.R. as a means to make up for all the wrongdoing they've done in the past. Jurgens and Maria couldn't be more proud of their progress.

As for those who were still loyal to Dewey's cause, they left the U.F. and became a new terrorist group called the National Rebel Alliance. At the moment, their numbers are in the thousands and they remain at large, but nothing the U.F.R. can't handle. I hope.

The Vodarac people were no longer considered a dissident faction and, with the help of the U.F.R., had begun rebuilding the holy capital of Ciudades del Cielo. I heard that Tiptory has become the new Head Priest there.

As for Gekkostate, they were cleared of all the charges they were wrongfully accused of, and were now regarded as heroes, and were even given metals of honor for their service and bravery. Holland and Talho finally had their baby - a boy they named Charles Dewey Novak, after both his old friend Charles and his brother. Stoner's magazine, rayout went from underground to mainstream, appearing at almost every book store and concession stand throughout the world, and became the #1 best selling magazine since. Moondoggie and Gidget are now officially dating, and Hilda and Matthieu are finally engaged.

In addition, some new people have joined the Gekko's crew, namely Anemone and Dominic Sorel from the Izumo, as well as Moondoggie's old friends Sumner Sturgeon and Ruri Solead. Gekkostate even moved their new home base to Bellforest, where most of them now live.

As for Eureka and myself, we finally got married, and Maurice, Maeter, and Linck were officially adopted as our children, and we finally became a real family. The two of us now work at my Grandpa's garage, which was rebuilt by the state army, and so far, business is doing great. During our free time, we've been giving the kids ref board lessons, and so far, the lessons are paying off in their favor. Already they are starting to get as good at the sport as we are, and I've never been more proud of them.

Once all of us had settled into our new lives together in Bellforest, we thought our adventures were over. But what none of us didn't know was that another adventure was just around the corner...

Next Chapter: Dr. Bear and Sonia make an incredible discovery near the Control Cluster's grave site. And it's more than just a piece of jewelry...