A/N: This is the final chapter of my story; I hope it will meet your expectations. Goku and Chichi are the easiest couple to write about as there really isn't anything given away about their relationship in the show. Please review.
Note: I'm not a doctor. Whatever happens in this chapter is total factitious and probably not accurate. ()
It's a Boy!
Snow was falling down from the skies, covering the mountains with what appeared to be soft white quilts, fluffy and inviting for a certain young warrior. The clouds were dark grey, low and heavy and left unusual shadows over the tree tops and hills. Amongst the vast white mountains a small puff of smoke was seen drifting into the sky. A small figure could be seen speeding in and out of the clouds, throwing kicks and punches and then disappearing in through the clouds. He stopped mid-punch as he noticed the smoke, his nostrils widened and he could smell food, to be more precise, dinner.
With one last combination of kicks, punches, dashes and flips in the air he decided he couldn't hold himself back from the temptation any longer and headed back home. His speed had increased dramatically over the past several months and his strength seemed limitless as he was constantly testing how much his body could take. As he landed next to the front door he heard his wife humming softly. Gently and quietly he opened the door and for a few seconds he simply just watched her, she was stirring a large pot of soup and occasionally she rubbed her swollen stomach. Her pregnancy had progressed smoothly but he could see she was becoming more anxious as each day passed by, Her skin had a noticeably glow and her natural scent had become very sweet which nearly always left him feeling like h was in a dream.
"Can you close the door? It's freezing in here" Chichi paused and rested a hand on her belly, "plus the baby doesn't seem to like the cold, it makes him kick and being that it is your baby, the kicks really hurt!"
Goku lowered his head and apologised but she smiled at him sweetly, luckily she wasn't really that angry with him. He closed the door and took off his training gear and threw it in the corner of the room, as he always did and went to the bedroom to grab a thick knitted sweater so his body wouldn't cool down too quickly form his training.
"How are you feeling hun? Any better?" Goku walked into the kitchen and stood behind is wife, resting his hands on her waist and then on her round belly. Chichi turned her head so she could kiss her husband and then concentrated back on cooking the soup, grateful that since her pregnancy was in its final month Goku was finally no longer hassling her every morning and evening for sex, she loved him more than anything else in the world but there was only so much she could handle whilst running a household and carrying a non-stop kicking baby. He was becoming very sweet to her though, he often massaged her at night or whenever she was uncomfortable in bed and he was even managing to cook some breakfast for her in bed when she was too exhausted to move.
"Actually, I feel a lot better!" Chichi beamed and shrugged Goku off her back, "can you at least throw your dirty clothes into the laundry basket mister!" Goku did as he was told; noticing now that his
stomach was growling and he clutched it, hoping his wife was getting the hint. He needed food, now. Chichi looked up and glared at him.
"I swear Goku, with how much you can fit into the mouth and stomach of yours I'm surprised your even a human!" Chichi laughed and took the pot off the stove and began serving the contents into the bowls, "there should be enough for at least ten servings for you and two for me, plus if you look in the oven I made some dipping bread for the soup".
"Oh!" Goku chirped and reached for the oven to take out the warm bread and placed the loaf onto the table. He pulled out a chair for his wife and helped her slowly into her sweet. Her belly was hanging quite low; obviously the baby was due at any time and Chichi was becoming restless. She helped took a few spoonfuls of the fish and vegetable spice soup, happy with her own efforts, she paused for a moment to observe her husband lifting the soup bowl to his face and guzzling the contents within seconds. Goku smacked his lips with his tongue and then began serving himself another helping of soup.
"Goku, you're such an animal sometimes! You've got to use cutlery like everybody else in the world! You have to..." Chichi paused mid sentence, her eyes widened with terror. Pain ripped through her belly and shot up her spin and within seconds she had noticed her water had broken. She looked up at Goku, her mouth was dry and her face had become pale. Goku saw agony written on her face and without a moment to hesitate he had scooped her up into his arms and ran outside, taking to the air gently and into the direction of the hospital. Tears were running down her face now, her body was wriggling from the pain of her contractions. Goku had read a little bit about the process of labour and birth from some of the basic books that Chichi had instructed him to read several months ago.
"Goku, slow down please." She sobbing as she held onto her husband for dear life, flying was not something a woman should do in her situation, she knew however that it was the quickest method of getting to the hospital but she didn't think she could wait, the birth was happening whether they were up in the air or on land.
"You have to land!" Chichi growled, her blood pressure rising from frustration.
"We're surrounded by forest! It'll only take another few minutes to make it to the city and then find the hospital. Just hold tight!" Goku beamed at her, trying to show he was confident but Chichi slapped that look off his face straight away.
"We don't have minutes! The baby is coming NOW!" Chichi yelled, doing all she could to not curse, biting her tongue as she felt her insides stretch and move, she felt the baby positioning itself in her body, it wouldn't be long now until the baby came free from the safety of its mother's womb. Goku nodded, panic visible in his eyes by he concentrated on slowing down his heart rate as he lowered himself and his wife back down onto the earth.
"Is this ok?" Goku lowered his wife down on a soft mound of leaves an grass. Chichi turned to face him, her expression was that of anger but as he looking into her eyes he felt her terror within. He had no idea how to deliver the baby, he was far from being a qualified doctor, he couldn't even work out the basics of the first aid kit that was tucked under a bench back at his house. Chichi was screaming now, her knees were up and he sensed her energy becoming low. He placed his fingers on her wrist and sensed the rapid pace of her heart. Not sure what was the right thing to do know, his
next actions came purely from instinct. He stretched out both his hands and placed one hand on her belly and the other on her heart, he released minute amounts of his own energy into her body and it wasn't long before he felt her heart slow down to a normal rate, her felt the child within her continue its journey, Chichi's body was now regulating its own life force now so he took his hands away from her then made his way down to her legs that were now spread wide apart.
"Just breath steadily Chichi, if you panic like that again you might not make it through this!" Goku warned, his tone of voice was calm. Chichi reached out to take her husband's hand as she attempted to push the baby out from within her. Goku gripped her hand and squeezed it gently, trying to reassure her that he was here to protect her; he just hoped everything that happened from this point was normal procedure. It was a good hour of his wife panting, pushing and crying by the time the baby's head was visible. Goku laughed with joy as more time passed by the shoulders were emerging but once Chichi had made it that far she was too exhausted to give the birth anymore of her energy, her body was struggling just hold onto its own life energy.
Goku lifted his head and looked at his wife, she seemed conscious but he wasn't sure. He decided he had no choice and reached forward and gently held the baby by it's tiny fragile shoulders and attempted to wiggle it out and as he did so Chichi gave one final large push, yelling out loud, her voice echoing across the forest and mountains. It was over then, she had done all that was within her power and as the baby whimpered for the first time, blue from the sac hat was protecting it within the womb, she relaxed.
That was probably the most terrifying moment of my life! I would rather face Freiza again than go through that! I nearly lost Chichi and losing her was something I didn't think I could cope with. I think, since Gohan's birth that moment has been my inspiration when I fight because I just cannot let anything happen to her. I know it was definitely because of her that I managed to transform for the first time, protecting her is my life, I know that by having her with anything can be possible.
I was happy that this little baby was alive, I remember wrapping it up in my singlet shirt and presenting it to my poor, sweaty, glowing, beautiful wife and then she told me the greatest words any father could hope to her, it's a boy.
Weeks later...
"Gohan!" Goku cooed over the bassinet as he reached down to brush his finger against the newborn's face. He already had some spikes of black hair on his delicate little head and a larger than normal appetite for a baby, Goku couldn't walk past the baby's room without stopping by to take a peek. The baby was asleep so Goku decided to let him be, if he woke the kid up Chichi would knock him about across his head and nag at him. He tip-toed out of the room and closed the door quietly behind himself.
It was the early hours of the morning, Chichi was still fast asleep in bed so he took the opportunity to hop back in bed with her. He slipped under the blankets, careful not to disturb her, she looked peaceful and sweet when she was sleep, a great variation of the woman that stomped about during the day. He love her though, even when she was throwing pots and pans at him as he jumped out of the window with fishing gear tucked under his arms. He moved his body up close to hers and wrapped one of his arms around her body, drawing her in closer to him.
"Goku?" Chichi yawned and turned to face him, dreading that it was getting close to her baby's feeding time. Goku leaned in closer and kissed her on her shoulder and as her eyes met his he leaned in closer to kiss her tenderly on her lips, slipping his tongue into her mouth and nibbling on her top lip. Chichi chuckled and found herself suddenly pinned underneath her husband, her legs wrapped around his waist. Goku kissed her stomach and then moved up to her breasts, her collar bone, her neck and then as he made his way back to her mouth and pulled himself a little bit away from her so he could look again into her clouded eyes, evident that she was barely awake but there was a gentle smile on her face none the less.
"Is there something wrong?" Chichi lifted her head to nip him on the nose but his face was serious, like he had something important on his mind, a rare occasion, Chichi thought and tried not to laugh. Goku lowered his eyes and his gazed ran up and down her naked body and then met her stare again. She stretched her arm up to stroke her hand through his hair and gently massaged his head with her thumb.
"Nope, nothing's wrong" he paused, "it's just sometimes, when I see you like this in the morning it takes a while for me to remember this is all real, that we're going to be together for the rest of our lives!"
Is that a good thing?" Chichi eyes him nervously as her legs unwrapped themselves from Goku's body.
"Good? Can it get any better than this? I have a house, an awesome little son and then there's you, my wife that I fell in love with during a martial arts tournament, I just can't believe how anybody could have it any better than we do..." Goku trailed off and began planting kisses on Chichi's neck and her cheeks. Chichi tried to hold back the few tears that were forming in the corners of her eyes and wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. She leaned up to his ear to whisper, "I love you so much...but, we have one hour until the baby wakes up...make love to me Goku..."
A/N: The end. YAY!