Riding In Cars with Boys
Summary: Naruto was known for being the school slut after pictures of him and several boys having sex in a car surfaced. Now that Naruto has a chance at a meaningful relationship will said pictures ruin his chances?
A/N: A friend of mine died yesterday after a long battle with cancer. He was only 19 as of last month. I'm writing this fanfic in hopes of easing my pain. I know it's a weird way of grieving but he enjoyed reading my work .
Character Ages:
All the other rookie 9 characters+ Sai- 16
Team Gai's people + Haku(though there is no team guy or rookie 9 this just makes the aging process easier )- 17
Madara Uchiha- 45
3 Legendary Sannin-47
The halls were filled with whispers, curious stares, sneering glances and sly comments as a young blonde walked down the halls of the local town's high school. His head was low as he eyes remained downcast to the floor. He was a completely different person than whom he had been the day before. He was no longer hyperactive, loud or cocky instead he radiated defeat, loss and pain. But those in the hall didn't seem to notice as they continued to whisper and mock.
"Did you see?" A girl whispered into her friend's ear. The girl nodded and turned to whisper to the next person in the hall, all the while watching the blonde walk past them and towards his locker.
"Did you hear?" The boy nodded with a smirk and walked down the hall bumping into the blonde target as he went to ask someone else.
The whole hall became silent as the blonde opened his locker and a tidal wave of pictures fall from it. The boy looked down at the pictures that now littered the floor. He then collapsed to his knees and began to gather them quickly in his arms as tears began to fall from his eyes; he threw them back into his locker and ran from the school building.
He had no idea that by the end of that day, the pictures had already been circulated around the entire school and he had a new reputation. He was no longer the school's most hyperactive prankster but was now the school's slut.
A single picture was stuffed into a locker not to far from the blonde's locker. It was a picture of said blonde on his knees sucking another boy's cock while he was being fucked from behind by another boy.
Chapter 1:
Sasuke sat inside of his brother's Audi R8 starring at the scenery as they drove through the countryside away from the desert metropolis of Suna towards the smaller more rural town known as Konoha. His brother, Itachi, had been reassigned to the smaller division after the death of his partner during undercover detail. Shisui was still a very uncomfortable subject for Itachi and for his pending sanity his sergeant, their father, had reappointed him to Konoha.
Sasuke did have family in Konoha, Sasuke sighed outwardly thinking about his cousins as he ran a hand over his face in a very un-Uchiha like manner. Oh what joy it was going to be going to school with Sai every day for the next three years. Sasuke thought sarcastically as he turned to glare out the window. At least Haku and Neji were tolerable. Haku more so then Neji from what he remembered about them but that had been a long time ago when they were younger. He was fairly sure he had female cousins too but he couldn't remember their names to save his life, not that he cared anyway. He saw the road sign flash past them as they drove closer to their destination, KONOHA NEXT EXIT.
Sasuke watched as the country disappeared into farm houses with large farms filled with cattle, horses, crops and orchards. The car continued through the road now at a much slower speed as the farms too disappeared over a hill
and a small city came into view.
Konoha was a small city of about four hundred people so everyone knew everyone and word traveled fast. The city contained a few populous families namely the Hyuuga, Inuzuka, and formally Uchiha but the majority of the population where smaller families that had moved there to get away from city life. Each family served the community some purpose and jobs and homes became available when one family moved out or spaces opened.
Itachi turned down Main St. and passed every shop the town had outside of the local mall. Yes, Konoha was big enough to have a mall but small enough to have that home town feel. Each shop had a family name attached to it. Sasuke took his time reading the signs as they drove past. Yamanaka Flower Shoppe, Akimichi Restaurant, Nara Pharmacy, Sannin Garage and Repair, and the names go on, Itachi turned again down a street called Namikaze Drive which lead to the police and fire station which where across the street from the hospital and school. The city had a totally of two streets, Main St and Namikaze Drive that made up their downtown everything was located on smaller less important streets. Itachi turned again and parked his car outside of the police station telling Sasuke to wait in the car while he went inside.
Sasuke sighed to himself as he watched as the school bell rang and the teens filed out of the school. Konoha had only one school and it was called Konoha Academy. It went from grades K-8 in the Youth Building and grades 9-12 in the Adolescent Building. Both buildings where single story and contained about ten rooms. He watched the teens file out of the building with a huge AB on the side of it and head towards the Main Street probably to hang out or head home. Sasuke lowered his head so not to catch any of their attention but it was too late some kids had already noticed his brother's expensive imported Brilliant Red Audi and were coming over to investigate it. Within said group of kids was his cousin Sai, Sasuke sighed, just great.
The group of teens walked over and looked over the car completely ignoring the person in it until Sai happened to notice it was his cousin.
"Sasuke?" The equally pale teen asked as he bent his head and looked into the car. Sasuke just glared at his cousin in response. Sai gave him the fakest smile and replied to his glare. "So much like your brother. Yet you never had the manners to even say hello." Sasuke glared harder at his cousin and reached for him through the car window, he wanted nothing more then to punch his lights out. He never did like Sai. Their birthdays' differed by two hours but to Sai it meant the biggest difference in the 'Universe'; there was that and the fact that Sai was a conceited, self centered jerk. Or so is how Sasuke remembered him and it was how Sai always acted around him even now.
Sai's friends gathered around him to see the boy in the car as well as the inside of the car. To his left was a boy in a large overcoat with what Sasuke assumed as a puppy stuffed under his chin and two triangle tattoos on his face, to his right where two girls, one with blonde hair, the other with pink hair. Sai grabbed his hand and held it when Itachi and a few others suddenly came out of the building. Sai dropped his hand as though it were hot and stood with his friends away from the car.
Two men stood beside Itachi on his left and two others on his right and one directly behind him. The man to Itachi's far left was tall, black man with spiky hair. He was wearing a pair of shades and his standard police uniform. He was Kisame 'fish sticks' (1) Hoshigaki, one of the nastier officers on the force of 12 members. The other man on the left was also black but stood a few inches shorter then Kisame and had green hair, his eyes where yellow and it seemed as though he had not slept in days. This man was Zetsu 'Aloe Vera' (1) Hoshigaki. He was Kisame's younger brother and squad partner. To Itachi's right stood a blonde and a red head. The blonde was technically the 'bomb' specialist that lived in the community but serviced several cities in the counties around Konoha named Deidara Uccello. The red head wore a pair of sunglasses and was like Deidara a specialist that only lived in Konoha. His name was Kyuubi Namikaze and he was a criminal profiler. It was actually the man behind Itachi that had everyone's respect; he was a man worthy of everyone's fear and respect. He was the leader of the police force of Konoha and retired Police Chief of Suna, Madara Uchiha. He still looked in his twenties while in truth he was pushing on fifty.
"Uncle Madara, this is Sasuke." Itachi said as he went and opened the car door. Sasuke stepped out of the car as he was expected to do giving everyone around a good view of him. Sasuke was dressed in tight hip hugger pants that hugged his waist just right, a blue under armor shirt that showed off his chest nicely with a fishnet underneath that, he had bracelets on his left arm, a tattoo on his left shoulder/neck juncture, and was wearing black boots. Madara whistled and walked forward patting Sasuke on the back.
"You sure dress to impress." He said with a laugh as he turned to his son. "Sai can you take Sasuke home with you? Itachi and I have some paper work to finish up but we'll be home in time for dinner." Madara said with a smile on his face as he pat his son on the back as well. Sai was about to respond when his father added with the perfect Uchiha glare, "Don't even think about starting anything." Suddenly his face lightened up again. "After all it's our cousin's first day in town." Sai could only nod as he said good bye to his friend and lead his cousin to his home on the other side of town, a fifteen minute walk from the police station.
As Sai and Sasuke walked down the street that lead to the Uchiha estate, they stopped when they heard the sound of struggling. Sai's attention especially seemed drawn. "Sasuke say here. I'll be right back." Sai said as he turned to go behind the house they had just walked past. Sasuke not one to listen to his cousin followed him. Sai pushed him against the wall as they head struggling and the sound of someone whimpering and then someone shout. "STOP IT!"
Sai turned the corner and punched the while haired male that was holding down a much younger blonde teen. "Kidoumaru, what are you doing back in town?" Sai asked as he held on to his fist and stood between the fallen white haired man and the blonde teen. He white haired man just scoffed and walked away but not before winking at the blonde and commenting. "See you later blonde."
Sai went to help the blonde up. The blonde boy quietly thanked him he turned to leave. Just as he passed Sasuke their eyes met and Sasuke felt himself freeze. He had never seen eyes like that before. So beautiful and filled with something he couldn't explain. It was something that was hidden deep within the boy, something that wanted so desperately to break free; it was something that called to Sasuke to let it out. Sasuke reached out to touch the blonde but instead saw him shrink away from the touch and look at Sai in confusion.
"He's my cousin." Sai said simply. The blonde boy nodded. "Come on Naruto, you can come to my house until my brother gets home. I'll have him walk you home." The blonde nodded and walked along side Sasuke and behind Sai towards the old Uchiha estate.
Chapter 1 end
So tell me what you think. Should I continue or can this project? I wrote is mostly to release some steam and anger after I found out my friend died. I take reviews seriously and consider them when writing my chapters so please leave some nice comments. Flames will deleted because they are not wanted here.
(1) Naruto calls Kisame "Fish sticks" when he first meets him in the hotel during Naruto and Naruto calls Zetsu "Aloe Vera" when he first meets him in Shippudden so I though it fit as their nick names. They will actually lead to some pretty interesting comic moments and hold merit with the story.