I'm running a poll on my profile page and one of the fics that got voted for was a Kmart one so here it is, enjoy

disclaimer: i don't own resident evil or Kmart (or even been i one)

Dahlia, or Kmart as she was now known, sat mesmerized at the sleeping form in front of her, watching as the pale woman's chest rose and fell with her rhythmic breathing. Kmart leaned back on the dust covered chair she was sitting on, thinking of the events that had occurred earlier that day. As soon as she had woken up she'd had a bad feeling. That was confirmed with the realization that a murderous flock of zombiefied crows that had surrounded the convoy and during the events that had unfolded, several members of the convoy had lost their lives. Among them Betty the nurse, Otto the kind bus driver, and a couple other of the ragtag group. Even Carlos had nearly been killed. If not for the extraordinary power of the shaggy haired blond woman that lay on the couch in front of her.

Kmart was pulled from her thoughts by the other woman finally waking up for the first time since she'd saved the convoy. Kmart brain went into meltdown trying to think of what she could say to this unusual woman that lay in front of her to make a good first impression.

However, when the woman looked at her she blurted out, "Hi."


As the convoy barreled down the deserted desert motorway, Alice sat, head pressed against the rattling glass of the 4x4, the rays of the morning sun beating down on the back of her head. At the side of her, she could see Carlos looking at her from the corner of his eye.

Finally, she spoke up, "What?"

From the drivers seat he replied, "She fancies you, you know." He gave Alice a small smile. Then, out of instinct, he turned to look at the road despite years of not needing to worry about traffic or pedestrians.

"Who, Kmart?" Taking the time to look down at the blond teenager who was snuggled against her shoulder, Alice had to admit that she'd noticed that Kmart had stuck close to her ever since she had woken up on that battered couch in the hotel. And kept staring at her when she thought she wasn't looking at her, but Alice had dismissed it as being impressed at what she'd done to those zombiefed crows.

"I don't think so. She's only 16." Alice said skeptically as the 4x4 passed yet another shambling Tvirus infected corpse.

"Don't be so sure. are you telling me that you never had a crush on someone when you where her age?" Carlos said in a tone that screamed, "I know what I'm talking about."

The car fell silent, apart from the rumbling of the engine as Alice rested her head back on the window pane. Even more aware of the warmth of Kmart's breath on her shoulder.


Kmart closed her eyes, trying to keep the tears forming in her eyes from falling. A couple of hours ago, everything was looking up. Her convoy was heading towards Alaska, a place that was supposed to be free from infection,and they had a new member that she had a crush on. She knew that Alice wouldn't want to go out with a scrawny teenager like her but, Kmart was content to finally have a friend in the convoy that wasn't under 10. (Claire and Carlos were more like a big sister and brother to her, so they didn't count, and if it wasn't for the constant swearing, sometimes she thought LJ was a ten year old.)

But now, even though she was still going to Alaska, it was bittersweet because most of convoy, including Carlos and LJ, were dead. They'd left Alice back at the Umbrella base, so she could very well added to the lenthy list of the dead. Kmart thought she should be used to those closest to her dying. Ever since seven years ago when that man had staggered into the KMart store and taken a bite out of her mom but, the tears in her eyes were evidence against it.

Seeing the devastated teenager from the pilots seat, claire called back "I promsis no one else we die." seeing no change in Kmart's expression she added "Not worry I doubt whatever was down in that place could be a match for Alice."but from the tone of Claire's voice even she doubted her words but as Alaska came into view Kmart answered "i hope."

Feel free to leave a review, let me know if you'd like to see more fics about Kmart from me ( i don't mind requests)

thanks 4 reading
