Kamikarzi's Grim Plan

Chapter 1: An Uncle Jib?

A few hours earlier before the deception, the scene turns to Kamikarzi writing a letter under a pen name "Uncle Jib" to which made Constantine quite curious to know why his boss would be writing a letter.

"Say boss, you're name isn't Jib" said Constantine as he gazed over his boss's shoulder.

"Please Constantine, I'm very busy over here" replied Kamimkarzi to which he then laid out the letter, "say Constantine, would you read this for me to see how convincing this would be to some big nosed idiot in Endsville?"

"Dear nephew Billy, I am your long lost uncle, Uncle Jib whom is on his death bed" replied Constantine as he began to read the letter out loud, "I'm in so much pain, and I have heard rumors that you are best friends with the Grim Reaper. Please, have the Reaper come to my place, so that I can finally go to the other world. Your uncle, Jib."

"So what do you think?" asked Kamikarzi as he was quite well excited.

"Oh boss, you don't have any nephews named Billy" replied Constantine, "in fact, the only ones who would be considered family would be me, and your creations here."

"You fool, this is part of my Grim Plan, I would like to call!" cried Kamikarzi, "We're going to trick the biggest idiot on the planet to come here, and bring forth the ultimate source of power the Grim Reaper's scythe to acquire Robotboy, and the world!"

"Oh boss, I don't think anyone can be that dumb" replied Constantine.

But Constantine was quite wrong, the scene then switches to the current time in which Billy from Endsville had received quite a sad letter from his "Uncle Jib" from the West Coast. He gathered his close friends Mandy and Grim to read the letter.

"So what do you think guys?" asked Billy, "I never knew I had an uncle."

"Somehow, I think this is quite suspicious" replied Mandy as she threw the letter aside, "there's only an idiot would believe this."

"Grim, you have to come to where my Uncle Jib lives, he's in so much pain!" cried Billy as he begged right before Grim.

"Billy, get off me" said Grim as he threw him aside, "why should I come along anyway? I say let this Uncle Jib suffer."

"But Grim, you haven't been using your scythe quite often as you have always been" said Billy, "please come visit with me and my Uncle Jib, please, please, please!"

"Alright, alright!" cried Grim, "If it means I'll get a free Reaping, fine."

"Yeah, I get to see my Uncle Jib!" cried Billy with joy, which Billy was too dumb to realize he had been deceived by Kamikarzi.

"Oh boy, looks like I'll have to come along to show Billy the truth" added Mandy as Grim prepared his scythe to create a portal for himself, Mandy and Billy to head toward "Uncle Jib's" location.

Meanwhile, "Uncle Jib", i.e. Dr. Kamikarzi was ready in his disguise wearing a fake big nose.

"Boss, I don't think you can pull this off" said Constantine who was in a butler suit.

"Nonsense Constatine, this disguise shall fool that big nosed idiot from Endsville" replied Kamikarzi which he then promptly shut himself up, as a portal opened right up with Grim, Mandy and Billy exiting from the portal.

"Uncle Jib?" asked Billy to Kamikarzi who was still wearing the fake big nose.

"Nephew?" replied Kamikarzi who was getting quite emotional and developing tears in his eyes.

"Oh give me a break" sighed Mandy as she rolled her eyes in disbelief.

"Uncle Jib, it is really you, my long lost uncle!" cried Billy as he then raced right toward Kamizari to give his "uncle" a big hug.

Karmikarzi then suddenly felt the big hug from Billy, as it was crushing his rib cage.

"Not so hard, you don't want to make your uncle be in more pain than he already is" said Kamikarzi as he pushed Billy aside.

"Say Uncle Jib, why the heck do you live on some island which also has a large K on it, shouldn't it be a J?" asked Billy.

"Er, that's really part of my pen name Billy" replied Kamikarzi, "I do this, because I really run a secret amusement park that I'm going to build, but sadly, I'm quite in pain in my old years."

"Which is why you brought me to take you into your rightful place in the Underworld" added Grim.

"Actually Mr. Reaper, I believe it might be too soon, I still want to show my nephew around the place before I go in peace" said Kamikarzi as he leaned over toward Grim.

"Fine" sighed Grim as he really wanted to use his scythe.

"In the mean time, you and your friend over here can stay in the private chamber I have built for you especially" said Kamikarzi as he showed what seemed like a normal room he had built.

"Oh, let me take that for you" said Constantine as he asked Grim to hand over his scythe.

"Oh, this thing right here?" asked Grim as he pointed to his scythe.

"Yes, Billy's uncle prefers that this is kept safe" replied Constatine to which he then showed Mandy and Grim the "room" they were going to stay in.

"Grim, do you get the feeling that there is something certainly wrong over here, Billy doesn't have any uncles named Jib, last time I checked" said Mandy.

"But I never get to use me scythe on any of Billy's relatives, or for that matter Billy himself" said Grim, "this could be the only chance I get."

But as the two were being led to a secret location on Kamikarzi's island base, they were unaware that they were being led right into a prison especially built for Grim and Mandy.

"Now enjoy your stay" said Constantine as he showed them in what seemed like an empty jail room.

"Say, wait a second!" cried Grim as Constantine then promptly closes the door right behind them, to which he began to pound his bony fists on the door, "You large man, let us out of here!"

"I told you we shouldn't have believed that letter that was sent to Billy" sighed Mandy.

"And now to go tell the boss that I have the Reaper and his accomplice apprehended" said Constatine as he went off to search for Kamikarzi.

Meanwhile, back in the city not far away from Kamikarzi's island base, Tommy Turnbull was getting up to have a normal day with his friends Loala and Gus. Yet he was unaware that Kammikarzi had acquired one of the most supernatural weapons on Earth, the Grim Reaper's scythe.