Dancer: I'm sort of in trouble I guess….I had told myself that I would post this up yesterday but that didn't happen so I am very sorry about that. I would like to thank the people that reviewed last chapter.


The Fandom


Angel Diary






port rocks

Atem's Sister Atea

Chapter 5

Atem's Pov

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking- well slamming their arm- on the door. It wasn't even sunrise yet and someone was at the door? That really ticked me off. I didn't even have to be up this early. I sighed and took a deep breath and blew out. I wasn't even in the mood to wake up this early but might as well since my eyes were open. "Yes?" I asked trying not to sound to irritated.

"Atem!" Of course it would be Mana. I thought as I heard her voice. She came running inside and jumped on top of me leaving my lungs with no air. I wondered how in Ra she could be such a morning person. Which morning people that woke me up this early never made me happy at all but since it was Mana I had to be nice…even though I know she could take heavy sarcasm but I just felt like being nice at the moment.

"She's awake!" She yelled right in my ear. I had to cover both of my ears up because they were in pain as she was talking way to loud. How in Ra can anyone have this much enthusiasm?

"Mana!" I yelled at her. She snapped her mouth shut as she stared at me. "Calm down." I put both of my hands on her arms to show my point. "So tell me slowly, why are you up this early?" She sat back on her heels and started to explain.

"I was on my way to get you when I decided to check on Lulana and her daughter, which by the way her name is Teana, to see if they were okay by themselves. Anyways I saw her awake and we started to talk. She is so awesome and I know we will become best friends. And you just have to meet her." Mana then started to talk about Teana more. The name sounded pretty. I tuned Mana out just thinking about her. It made me mad that she was hurt by that man. She didn't deserve to be beaten like that. I had to clear my mind before I did something rash since I was thinking about what I saw and it just put my anger on high.

"Mana what did you come and get me for in the first place?" I asked hoping this would clam me down.

"OH!" She said as if she almost forgot something. "Mahado wanted to start your training early today since he looked at your schedule and saw that you were busy most of the day so he thought now would be good even though he might be mad at me for being late." She nervously laughed. I sighed and pushed her off the bed not caring if she got hurt or not. I got up to get changed. I was so not in a good mood. He was really trying to kill me? I mean come on I rather stay up late then get up early to train. I sighed. What is done is done I guess.

We walked out of the room. It was quite and dark besides the torch lights lit up. The guard nodded at me as I passed. I was too tired to tell them to stop that so I just ignored it. I was surprised that Mana had quit talking. I guess she must have noticed that I wasn't listening to her. I smirked. It was one of those one out of ten chances that she was quite. Most of the nine she was talking. We came to a door and opened it I saw Mahado reading through scrolls. He looked like he didn't notice us but I knew he did.

"Why are you late?" He asked us both without looking up. Before Mana could answer I did.

"Mana on her way to get me had to stop to see Lulana and her daughter." That was all I had to say. I could see the disappointment in his eyes at Mana.

"Master Mahado. I just had to see if they were alright." she whined to him. He rolled his eyes at her.

"Anyways," Mana groaned. She knew she was in trouble and was going to get a lecture later. I smirked but made it where no one noticed. Victory was mine. Besides if I hadn't had answer first she would have made up a lie and make it my fault. She had forgotten that we used to do this all the time. "Since it is a bit later then I would have liked we will make it a shorter practice. Next time Mana don't do anything going to get him next time please?" She nodded. "Now go finish your writing assignment that I had you doing yesterday." I watched her walk away sulking. Where was her enthusiasm now? I thought trying to hold my laugh. I know I was being mean but I just could resist. Maybe it could be a good day after all even if I had to wake up early then Ra waking me up.

As I was training I had a few memories come to me. I remembered when I used to hate training and how I couldn't get it at first. My father had always given me my strength when it came to even coming to my training. If it wasn't for him I would probably never have even master my powers….well until now. I wished he was here now. I loved my father a lot. He cared for me. He used to tell stories about him and my mother or other family members. I never got to see my mother since she died giving birth to me. Sometimes I wonder a lot of what she was like. Was she nice? Brave? Strong? A lot of questions would run through my head if I tried to think about her….mainly on what did she look like? Did she look like me? Or not? Dad would say I looked a lot like her besides the skin color. She had a pale skin where I had a tan skin. I bet she was a great person if my Dad had married her.

"Well that's all for today." Mahado said smiling. I didn't even know I went through training this fast. Specially thinking about my mother. I guess I should do that more often? So that everything would go faster? Oh well. I got up and headed toward my chambers. I was hoping that I didn't have to do anything for a while but was I wrong.

Shimon came and got me and we had our meeting for the day. It was tiring. Someone wanted to do this or that to help the country people or this or that and I was really getting irritated and someone said that in nearby Kingdoms were being attacked by some thief so we should be prepared for if it does happen to us. I really wasn't worried about it since we had one of the beside army around but it couldn't hurt could it? It went on like this for at least a hour or so. I didn't really pay attention since I was too busy trying to say 'yes' or 'no' to whatever statement or question came up. I was really grateful when it was over with. Then I had to go out into the city for the festival that was going on. It was going to last for a couple of days but they wanted me to be there on the first day to ask people questions so they didn't have to be approved to go up to the castle and show that I cared about them coming down to talk to them….Let me just say that was a very huge pain to my head. I had a huge headache after the first ten questions. By the time I got to the castle I found out that tomorrow I would have another princess choosing thing. Ugh. Thanks to Shimon not saying if he agreed to my terms from last night I wasn't very happy. It was all going to be pay backs to him. He was so going to get it one of these days I swear it!

It was becoming night time when I made it back into my room. I just fell on my bed wanting sleep to take me but a knock- not like Mana's from earlier- came from the door. "Yes?" I asked the second time that day. I saw Akiiki walk in, he smiled.

"Lulana wants you to meet her daughter." I sighed but felt eager to meet her with her eyes open and to talk. But I hid that to myself.

"I would love to talk to her." I said. He nodded and led the way. There was no one down the Halls besides some of the guards. We made it to the room. I didn't even wait for him to open it. I just went ahead on in. I saw Lulana sitting there with one of her hands holding her daughters. She looked up to see me.

"Pharaoh." She said; she also stood up and bowed.

"You do realize you don't have to do that." I said to her.

"I know." she said. I sighed, but didn't say anything. I walked over to her daughter.

"How are you?" I asked. She smiled weakly.

"I'm fine." She turned to her mom to say something. "Can you leave us alone?" Lulana and I both looked confused but she nodded. Akiiki wasn't in the room so I didn't have to tell anyone to leave I guess.

"Thanks for saving me." I whipped my head back confused.

"I didn't save you." I said hoping that she would just accept my lie. She shook her head.

"I remember seeing you. I promise I won't tell anyone but why don't you want to tell anyone anyways?" I sighed in defeat. Why was I giving up this early?

"Yes I did save you. It's because I wasn't supposed to be looking for you. I was supposed to be here." She made and 'O' with her mouth then she hissed in pain. I rushed toward her.

"Are you alright?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Just one of my larger cuts. I'll be fine. What's your name?" She was trying to change the subject but I was going to let her when one that one for now.

"My name is Atem." I said to her. She smiled and then thought for a moment.

"My name is Teana but I would like to be called Tea." I nodded.

"Tea it is then." She hissed in Pain again.

"You should rest." I said putting my hand on her shoulder and pushing her back where she was laying down on the bed fully. But I had felt something weird when I touched her. It was like a shock. It was a good shock though. A really warm feeling but I pushed it back to the back of my mind. Her health was better than to dwell on then this warm feeling.

"But I don't want to." She said to me. I shook my head.

"To bad." I backed away I saw her fall asleep quickly. I left the room to see Laluna and Akiiki talking.

"She fell asleep." She nodded and went in there. I quickly left to go back into my room. Something was about to happen and I could feel it. I just didn't know what it was about to happen just yet. I reached my room and laid down. Sleep quickly consumed me.


Dancer: I hoped that was an okay chapter. I think I'm going to go find new beta reader since my friend is my beta and she really isn't a true beta. So when I do find a beta I bet my grammar will look a bit better and I'm really sorry that my grammar sucks. So be patient with me in till I can find a beta that has really good grammar stuff and might even teach me a thing or two…..if you know what I mean. Or you can recommend me one or something like that. Anyways my next update will be A Vampires Revenge since I have the next chapter done for that one. It'll be updated sometimes next week. R&R