Chapter 1

"Hermione, truth or dare?" Parvati Patil asked excitedly. She had the perfect dare, and the perfect truth question for that matter.

"Dare! You have to pick dare Mione! You picked truth six times already!" Lavender Brown said giddily.

"Fine, dare." Hermione said with a hint of nerves evident in her voice.

Parvati smile wickedly at Lavender. "Hermione Elizabeth Granger, I dare you to seduce Draco Adian Malfoy, and get him to ask you out this year. And remember, you took a magical oath. If you don't succeed by June 12, the last day of school, let's just say, you will not be having a good summer."

"WHAT? You expect me to seduce my bes…..I mean a jerk like him? That is so not fair! The worst thing I made you do was make out with a pillow and pretend it was your crush!" Hermione shrieked in a voice that could have made a howler monkey cringe.

"Sorry Mione, but you have to, you took the oath," Lavender said less than sympathetically. "If you don't, bad things will happen."

"Fine, but I do this my way, and no comments from the peanut gallery, okay?" Mione said, and with that, she stormed out of her bedroom, down the stairs, into the common room, and out the portrait of the Fat Lady. She ran up the stairs to the seventh floor and into the Room of Requirements.


"Malfoy," Vince Crabb shouted across the room from his bed, where he was sitting, to Draco Malfoy, who was practicing the art of keeping his hair spiked while sleeping.

"What?" Draco called back groggily. "Could you not see that I was sleeping, or were you blinded by stupidity?"

"No, I can see fine," Vince retorted stupidly. He wasn't really the brightest crayon in the box; he was more of an olive green. "Anyway, truth or dare?"

"You woke me up to play a childish girl's game?" Draco said, utterly annoyed. "You must be the biggest idiot on this godforsaken planet!"

"Are you gonna' play or not?" Greg Goyle asked, sounding only about three neurons smarter than Vince.

"Yeah, I was just wondering if that was why you woke me up." Draco replied in a perfectly serene humor, "Dare."

Vince grinned evilly as Greg let out a devilish laugh. "I dare you, Draco Malfoy, under oath to seduce Hermione Granger and ask her out by the end of the year. If you don't succ…succee…, if you don't make it happen, you know what'll go on." As Vince uttered the last sinister word, he joined Greg in laughter.

"WHAT? You cannot possibly mean to say that you want me to date my bes-, ahem, I mean a mudblood like her. That is the most repulsive thing that you could ever make me do! And, she's a Gryffindor!" Draco yelled, seemingly disgusted.

"Sorry, dude," Greg said, suppressing fits of laughter, "but you're under oath. If you don't do it, bad shit will happen."

"Fine, but I do not want either of you to try and help me. I shall do this my way." Draco yelled behind him, as he strode up the stairs and out the door. He ascended the staircase to the entrance of the Room of Requirements. Until he entered, he had not realized it was occupied. Sitting in an abnormally large armchair, was none other than Hermione Elizabeth Granger, with an abnormally large book, that he could recognize as Hogwarts a History from a mile away. He walked toward her as quietly as he possibly could and stood behind her, so close that he could read the fine print over her shoulder. Then he whispered right into her ear,

"Come here often?"

Hermione was clearly taken by surprise. She whipped around to see who the intruder of her sanctuary was. When she saw the boy that she had just been thinking about, she sprang up, stumbled back, then ungracefully regained her balance.

"Draco! OH MY GOD! I haven't seen you in weeks! How are you?" She shrieked with happiness.

"I'm fine, how about yourself? How's life been treatin' you?"

"Awful! My god, Lavender and Parvati and that stupid dare!" With the word "dare" both Draco and Hermione shuddered. "You cannot possibly imagine what they are making me do!"

"What, it can't be that bad?"

"Oh yes it can! They want me to seduce you!"

In hearing this, Draco let out a short chuckle. "You mean to say that they want you to get me to ask you out?" Hermione did not see the humor.

"Exactly, how did you know?"

"I knew because Vice and Greg just dared me to ask you out."

Hermione was stunned. Just then a genius idea popped into her head. "Draco, do you know how perfect this is?"

"Perfect, what do you mean? This is terrible!"

"Draco, we can pretend to be together, just for this year, and then we can break up!"

"Hermione, you are the smartest chick that I've ever had the pleasure of knowing!"

"Well," Hermione blushed, "I do try."

The next day, and every day until the end of seventh year, they would pretend to be dating. Their only problem was their lack of a plan. And so, until late in the night, they sat in the Room of Requirements and plotted the execution of their dares.

As the days passed, Draco and Hermione began the show. Things started simple, smiles from across the Great Hall and kind words between classes, but it was obvious that it was not enough.

"We need to do something drastic, something that will be a real kick in the teeth for Vince and Parvati!" Hermione ranted. They were meeting again to work on their plan.

"I know, I know! Mione we've gotta... Oh my god! Hermione, I've got it!"

"Does it involve grabbing my ass in public?"

"No……… but if you would prefer…"

"Let's here your plan!" Hermione cut in, embarrassed by his comment.