Commanders Note: First off, I would like to thank Lunar Mist for kicking me out of my writing rut. I have been writing this fic, but I've been worried that these chapters are boring, so I have been refraining from uploading them because I'm trying to put some interesting things in. However, in doing so I wrote myself into a hole which ended up spawning many depressing fics that are contained on my Google Drive. They won't be seeing the light of day, so please do not ask. The characters in them aren't ones that people outside my 2 person circle of RP friends know about.

Just so you guys know also, I had a lot of issues putting this part up, so some of the punctuation might be missing. For some reason I couldn't upload using my MS Word, so I had to use Notepad and doing so seems to take all the speech marks and other such things out.

I will be updating this, probably not frequently because I am a full time carer and most of my day is spent out helping but it WILL be updated.


"Ok Firestorm take it slow"


Prowl turned and walked a few steps away from the shaky mechling, turning back and slowly kneeling down with his arms out. Firestorm squeaked, still gripping onto the bottom of the berth as he looked at the distance between them, his small grey rotors trembling as he looked up at the SIC calm faceplate then back to his open servos.

"It's alright, I'm right here."

"B-but yew so far away pwotector I-I- unno..."

"I'm not too far away, see?"

The little red mech squeaked again when the Datsun lent forward a little, servo stroking his helm before he pulled it back again and smiled softly. Nodding a little, Firestorm took a small intake out before he shifted his shaky legs, slowly taking a step. As he progressed, he let go of the berth and concentrated on the black and white mech in front of him, Prowls smile widening as he watched the child unsteadily walk on his own towards him.

"That's it, you're doing really well"

The red mech smiled and got a little braver, walking a bit faster and trying to take bigger steps. He squeaked and stopped for a moment, nearly falling over but managing to balance himself, rotors turning on his back a little as he crossed the final part and cuddled into Prowls chestplate. The child giggled with glee when he picked him up, the SIC chuckling and nuzzling the kid a little.

"See? I told you, we just need to make sure your center of balance is correct that's all"

"Ya! A-an den I walk proper?"

"Yes, then you will be able to walk properly. It will take a little bit of practice, but it will-"

"Hey Prowler!"

Prowl looked up, smile fading a little as Jazz gave him a wave and walked over, the spring returned to his step as he sat on the berth Firestorm was previously standing by. The red mechling chirped and waved as the Datsun stood up straight, holding the child in one hand whilst his doorwings flicked and adjusted.

"Please refrain from calling me that Jazz..."

"So what tha kids allowed to give ya a nickname but I can't? Wheres the fairness in that! What are you doing here anyway aren't you supposed to be on duty now?"

The black and white mech froze for a moment, checking his schedule and blinking a few times. He was due to be on shift in a few minutes and he'd completely forgotten! How many times had his alarms gone off?! Handing the sparkling to his saboteur partner gently, Prowl straightened himself up, keeping his composure and calmness in hopes that the Porsche wouldn't notice his inner panic to be on time.

"Yes, but I was waiting for you to arrive so that I could depart."

"You forgot didn't ya! Wow I never thought I'd see the day where you forget to be on shift!"

"I will be back later to assist with Firestorms recovery more. Take care of him Jazz."

"Bye Bye Pwotector!"

Prowl smiled softly and waved at the child before taking his leave, keeping a decent pace in front of the others before swiftly picking it up when he was out of sight. Jazz laughed and tickled the red bundle of wires that he'd been handed, smile widening at the healthy giggles he got in return, a stark contrast to the sick coughs and chokes that he'd been emitting prior to his recovery.

"So whatcha been doing with Prowler?"

"He been helping me with cen-center of o-of bal-en-ce?"

"Center of balance huh, sounds boring. We should have some fun! Wanna go and see Wheeljack?"


Jazz chuckled as he jumped off the berth with the child safe in his arms, turning towards the door. He froze in mid step as he made optic contact with the white medic, the demon doctor that they knew as The Hatchet crossing his arms, obviously unimpressed as he looked at the saboteur. Firestorm blinked a few times, wondering why they'd stopped as he followed Jazz's gaze to the medic, his little helm tilting slightly.

"He's not to leave the medbay Jazz, especially not to go and see Wheeljack where he could end up getting hurt again."

"Awwah c'mon Ratch! He's been cooped up in here for a couple of weeks now! It's not healthy!"

"Until I have cleared him he is not to leave!"

"Well hurry up and clear him then! He's gonna go stir crazy staring at these same boring walls all day!"

Firestorm squeaked and shrank in the black and white mechs arms, his warm frame trembling as the two argued. He shut his optics, covering his audios as he tried to block it out, the two continuing to exchange banter as he squirmed, before he couldn't take the noise anymore and squeaked loudly to get the twos attention, looking up to them, optics glazed over as he shook a little.

"S-stop it! Yew two no argue no more now pease!"

The two mechs hushed their quarrels immediately, Jazz cuddling the sparkling gently to his chestplate as he sniffed quietly. Ratchets expression softened too, the elder medic walking over to make sure the child was ok, servo gently rubbing his rotors, Jazz gaining a nuzzle from the child from the medics actions.

"We're sorry Stormer, we didn't mean ta upset ya. How about we get you checked up eh?"

"Yeah come on lets get you checked over after your abundance of activities with Prowl."

Firestorm sniffed and nodded, being exchanged into Ratchets arms as he was carried back to the berth from before. Jazz followed, sliding onto the berth next to the sparkling to offer the child support, Firestorm shifting and looking up at the medic as he placed him down and stood before him, bending forwards slightly so that he wasn't towering over his smaller red form.

"Ok Firestorm, can you lift your right leg up for me?"

"Tay... e-erm..."

Firestorm looked at his feet through his pale grey optics, squeaking as he tried to figure out which one was the right one. He shrank a little, squeaking again as he looked up at Jazz for help and bit his lip, the mech smiling as he lifted his servos.

"Try this Stormer. Hold your servos out like this"

Jazz held up his hands horizontally in front of him, watching the child copy his movements and do the same. He then moved his thumb out so that it was vertical, making a forward and backwards L shape on the edge of his black hands. Firestorm did the same and blinked, tilting his helm a little, confused as to why he was doing this.

"Do you see the L on ya hand? The foot on the same side as the L is your left foot. L for left! So, the other one is your right!"

Firestorm chirped as he looked, lowering his other hand as he looked at the L he'd made, lining it up with his left ped. He nodded eagerly, lifting his right foot to Ratchet and smiling as he gave him a little thank you.

"Fankew music man! Now I never forgets!"

Jazz chuckled and ruffled his helm a little, being gentle to make sure he didn't hurt the little red mech. After all, the child was still healing and he was still a sparkling which meant he was naturally fragile anyway. The saboteur watched as Ratchet recited the same rubbish that he did every day to the kid about being careful and not over stressing his joints, Firestorm listening intently as always and nodding, smiling politely as he learnt about the tests that they'd be doing over the next few days.

Ratchet placed his palm at the end of Firestorms foot, the red mechling pushing against it like he always did, they'd done this test many times before, Ratchet applying a little bit of pressure as he did so to test the strength of the resistance. He smiled, nodding as they repeated the procedure with the other foot. Firestorm squeaked when he shifted backwards on the berth a little, giggling as the medic apologised for pushing a bit to hard as he shuffled back towards the edge again.

"Alright, they're looking good. Have you done any lifting tests today?"

"No we just do walks a-an den Pwotector had to run off when he see he late for shift"

"Alright, well First Aid will have to do that with you when he comes in then, Jazz has work soon."

"Gentle spark come back today?"

Firestorm perked and chirped, rotors spinning a little with excitement when Ratchet smiled and nodded to answer his question. He looked up at Jazz, then back at Ratchet, before giggling to himself and nuzzling into his arms in order to try and hide his badly concealed joy. Ratchet chuckled a little and stood up straight from his kneeling position, stretching a little and unspacing a datapad to record the results of the tests down.

"Jazz, remember you have security duty in an hour, I don't want a fritzing Red Alert in here again because you were late."

"I know Ratch and I'm all ready for it! Just thought I'd spend some time with Stormer before I went!"

Jazz scooped the laughing sparkling up and gently tickled his chestplate, the action hitting sensors and making the child squirm and squeal a little, laughing as he batted at the saboteurs hand. The elder medic used this as a way to take his leave, Firestorm noticing and looking over at him, smiling happily as he waved at him.

"Fankew Fixup!"

Ratchet laughed to himself, waving a hand at the little red bundle of wires as he vanished into his office. He had a lot of preparations to do before First Aid was back on shift.