Was going to wait for my beta… whatever.

Other than my long note, I do hope you enjoy chapter 6. Couldn't fix the last three chapters :\,and this chapter is also unbeta'd. Nevertheless enjoy.

AN: Had beta the older chapters… how you enjoy them being fixed up(30/4/12) I had two versions of this. I choose this one (Most likely)…

(13/6/12): Why are you so pathetic Light181. If you want to stalk some-one use your account and PM if you must. If you want a story WRITE IT! You somewhat pathetic… if you want to make something than make it come true with your own fucking hands. You're just lucky that inspiration hit me and I did talk to Vampy. The small respect I had of you just died there. MY AN response to your other comment isn't worth it for you. Not anymore :\. If you wanted my story to continue so badly… then why didn't you want to continue it?

Come on… if you're going to stalk somebody at least have a god damn good excuse for your actions.

Writing takes a lot of things. People take reviewing too lightly… then again reviewing also shows the quality of the writing as well. You don't respect reviewing until you've written something yourself.

That's all I wanted to say Light181…

(To anybody else reading this: It pretty fucking hard to talk to somebody who has an anon. so I had to write all my feelings in here. Sorry for the drama.)

Also a Reminder of what I wrote on chapter 3: When I started this story I had accidental used the dubbed ages and American school structures when I had intentionally wanted to do the original ages and school structures. So This had Japanese culture but with American names and school systems (5 years of elementary, 4 years of middle school and 4 years of High school).

In Japan it's:

6 years of elementary, 4(/3) years of middle school and 3 years in High School.

I hope this makes thing easier. I hope also that you'd enjoyed the beta version of the old chapters.

Also this was something I learned playing the demo patched version of Higurashi:

5000 Yen = 50 dollars Always take out two 0 when thinking of Yen. Idk if it fits today with today's economics but I hope it helps.

PS: mangagamer fails at explaining Japanese Culture… we miss you Sonozakis sisters D,X! one Kai arc was filled with Magagoh games reference and I didn't understand shit.


Light181: you're right so I'm not bothered by your comments and reviews. I'm grateful you think I'm a good writer, but yes… my stories (a true more than six chapter stories) have yet to be finish. However… Years have passed and I'm hoping to get better at my commitment skills but Writers Block are something that one has to get over multiple times or merely be lucky or well-skilled in the motivation part of writing.

While I was writing this story I was interested in the relationship I always see in Digimon fanfiction when looking at the Partners of the digimon, how they are overshadowed and are treated like pets more than real people. I'm merely talking about the majority… of those two or three maybe four years ago.

Hikari and TK will have children together and be married, Sora will be Tai's… a lot of stuff that didn't add up. Like Matt still playing in a band in his older age and not the canon reference.

As we grow, the future grows less clearer and take step by step and minute by the hour, etc etc… to find a place in this world. Writing for me was my desire… it's fun and interesting but me from four years ago and me of now: I like and hate it at the same time. My writing has improved but only by a little bit, my creativity… sometimes I wonder if it's dying or something… maybe it's still the same, but I can't be certain to that. When I read story of 'perfectly happy ever after' it's a bit bothersome, though nothing wrong with it in general.

Anyway with a changed mind, I'll continue this and I hope you'll still read (and review), I'm a sensitive person XD I might need the criticism but I also need some proof that this fic is worth continuing (if you talk to some-one then somebody has to reply no?).

My reason of having such a long writer block not really easy to explain. It was going really well and then suddenly I couldn't continue, erasing some of my older and more useless works which I was certain I was never going to finish, while this fanfiction I choose to give a choice of somebody taking this fic. But the thing is my inspiration suddenly kick in (or I really wouldn't of care what happen to this fic) and my taking-back my word isn't possible to explain.

ALSO I understand people's dilemma of unfinished work, but you have to take account into the writer's aspect. Writing has five forms: Creativity, Grammar(and spelling skills), Motivation, Desire and Diligence. If you want a story to be finished then review, but stalking people, lamenting over a dead-horse isn't going to change things. Writer Blocks are that thing that easily can be called the sin of all the five forms of writing's virtues.

PS: I'm talking about fanfiction writing… of course real life writing consider a lot of more aspects and not all writers have privilege to not have a deadline.

Enjoy the story.

Btw… listen to the Higurashi and/or Umineko Ost (VN: Over The Sky) while reading the underline.




Chapter 6: First Date

Humans have 'personalities' which give themselves a right to be call 'persons'. We, the only ones, who have reached such a development in evolution to gain something beyond animalistic instincts. In our world only few creatures reach this state of mind… a mind that can changed rapidly and flexibly. Our cousins: the chimpanzees have our flexibility of cognitive, yet have not reached the final point in their evolution. Why is that? In countless worlds outside of our Solar System not even one has any signals of life, better said, any intelligent life forms like ourselves, the human race.

For many years no such life came into existences… even now there exist no life other than our and yet we, as a race, as humans, wish or need to believe that there is intelligent life outside of our sphere.

While we started to only begin our search, inside our galaxy, for the time being artificial intelligences is the next step towards the future. Creation of intelligent life, even if merely a stimulation, will satisfy our race. Yet artificial life will never be a new life form (unless we count our androids: which can probably save or even prolong life), yet we hope one day these creations will serve and better the world we live in. For humans have physical limits that can never be surpassed, unless modification could be made, but even that's out of our grasp. But before long I've heard a strange rumor.. … A life form called Digital Monsters and nicknamed/codenamed Digimon, are they the next step into the future? Digital Monster: 'digital' as in numeric numbers of fractions and equations that create a factor of existences within a program and 'monsters' as an animalistic trait or folktale state of an enemy? That is what I believe but I am not certain. Yet if I'm right about the Digital part of the 'Monsters' then they, themselves, unbeknownst to them are merely one of man's creation, yet, how could this discovery come in so late?!

That is all I wish to know.


(The name is truly faded… how old is this document?!)


There they were sitting in an unused room. With cold beer in their hands with their digital partners in front and at the middle of their crossed legs. Davis couldn't understand why he would have beer in his hands at his age as he turned to Ken. Ken was pretty happy as he raised his hands in a celebrating mode "To you and Gatomon!"

Davis didn't respond to such a comment. He could only look down to his unopened beer, for how had Ken got this was one of his million dollar questions. Ken easily ignored being disregarded as he took a big sip of the beer. Wormmon and Veemon were commenting on what had happen only three days ago. Unable to not notice the reminders of three days back, he could only groan at his situation as his best friend wasn't empathizing with his present future.

"You're laughing at me, aren't you?" He said with self pity.

Ken turned to him with a hint of surprise "Of course not. I mean I be more worried if you actually dated a cat. Or a robot."

"Aren't digimon robots?" He counterattacked.

"Hey! We're not robots!" Yelled two slightly offended digimon.

Ken only laughed "Maybe… but weren't you the one to make me realized how wrong I've been? You should be happy."

With teary eyes Wormmon retorted seriously "We're equals! How are we robots anyway?"

Veemon only shrugged.

"You can be fixed if you get broken. Humans stay dead when they die. Robots don't have parts that make organic robots, right?"

His friend held a skeptical look as he held his laughter, biting his lip before calmly breathing in and out said "Well… Just because we don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there. Like snakes and reptiles… all hidden under the scales."

Davis was hesitate, he did not want to find an ugly surprise, as he looked at his partner. In his rookie form there was no sign that he could produce anything if he want to. Kind of like Pokemon. But pokemon probably censored all of those dirty parts, like demons in other type of mangas… Berserker was one of the few to really capture such good detail of demon like qualities. He could only stared at the beer that could easily get him thrown at jail or the person who had given Ken the beer in the first place.

"Where did you get this beer? We nowhere close to 21."

"Matt gave it to me. I told him it was a special day."

"So Matt truly did become a bad influence one day." His parents always worried for his sister to have such a heavy crush on such a younger boy. It was always joked that Matt was a bad boy at heart and it was strange since he was a protective older brother for Takeru. This was the 'one day' prediction his parents did came true. They would never let this go and if they found any liquor on him he was good as dead. He really didn't want to drink it.

"So your parents thought that too? Yeah… fucking awesome." Ken finished with a smiled as he opened Davis's beer. "Drink it… if you don't like it… … give it to me. I'm not wasting this."

Now he was feeling even more suspicious about the beer and it was its reason of being here.

"You just really wanted the beer, didn't you? You don't give a rat's A do you?"

Ken took another sip before turning to him "A little bit of that and a little bit for you and Gato. You might whine, cry and get annoyed but you'll regret that you never try so I'm here to support."

"As long as you support is to keep this a secret forever. You didn't tell Yolei, did you?"

"Just because we're dating doesn't mean I tell my best friend's secret. You got to be so paranoid? You need to relax." Ken rolled his eyes at the continuous of his actions before taking another drink.

"He's been like this since that night four day's back." Veemon explained as Ken knew most of the story from Yolei. But that was only from her side and Ken could add two plus two.

It only got worse now that he's on Kari and TK's blacklist since Gatomon and Patamon begged him to keep their secret. It guessed it was about coming out of the computer without their partners as Gatomon went back to the Digital World and he was forced to give an alibi for Patamon. He had never seen TK so scorned in his life and he was just grateful that Matt had left the city. Ken could of only got this beer at least five days ago and he hadn't heard anything from Tai. Then again his senpai usually didn't interfered with their age status group.

But as a digidestined he knew as well as anybody else that taking some-one's digimon is the worse you could do. Why was he always the one getting in trouble when he was the innocent one.

"I'm just hoping no other evil digimon messes with my exam day. How scary." He complained as he couldn't imagine how he would get to high school if he failed the exams. He was study his ass off now that he could no longer continue soccer. He was tired of it and everybody else. Turning his head to Ken, his best friend who he barely ever saw anymore, he tended not to speak of his personal problem with the exception of this one.

He must fucking batshit insane: He was dating a piece of data that look like a cat! Does this make him anywhere close to a furry? He could cry…

"Davis… you said yes so you should keep your part of the bargain." Ken advise as he took another beer can. Why did Ken have to read his mind? Well it wasn't as-if he was hiding how he was feeling at the moment. Though where was the sanity in all this? What would happen if any other human being (apart from Ken) were to find out?! The digimon didn't seem to care one way or the other but humans were much more discriminative and were very judging. Whether you were rich or poor, academically or culturally smart or stupid and any other way to judge.

You don't need a corpse to be killed. You just need to be isolated from the world around you.

'… That was a strange thought.' He couldn't help but think a bit wired. That wasn't like him at all.

'Maybe saying to Gatomon 'Yes' is the worst thing I have ever done in my life and I'm stuck because of the fork on the road.' He sighed with another pitiful expression.

"Davith… What do you think of me?" Veemon finally spoke out looking at him with his normal toothy smile.

He had no response as he was stopped speechless "Ummm… You're my friend. We're partners."

"I know that, silly. I mean what am I to you: other than that part?" That was ironically a difficult question the same one Gatomon gave to him. Was she a pet or somebody on an equal footing? He really didn't want to lose Veemon because he said something that would offend him.


"…. …."

"… …. … …."

Silence filled the room and there was only two cans of beer left. The one in his hands and the one that was still attached to plastic. Veemon awaited an answer that might very well ruin their friendship and there he was silent as a snail. Ken started to get annoyed as he let out a groan before pouting at his chance to steal another beer or was it this strange and awkward silence was disturbing Ken in his efforts to enjoy beer with him? Not to mention he had never had any interest in drinking beer before.

Wormmon was the only one who didn't seem to be effected by the never ending silence.

Letting out another sigh Ken gave him a head start "Well… You're more important than anything else in world we could have. The person most closest to us. Thus making you my counterpart whether flesh and blood or countless equations of numbers. No one could ever replace you so we don't go farther than the thoughts of 'Friends'. You can be like brothers or sisters… But tell me Veemon digimon aren't divided by genders like humans are, right?"

Veemon shook his head "We have genders… but certain digimon like Patamon and Gatomon who are destined to become a gender-like creature of your species tend to be divided in such a thing. But digimon like me or any beast creature tend to be any gender."

Wormmon spoke into the conversation "WE're divided by attributes, type and levels. Gender isn't even on the list. Humans seem to take it into deep consideration for some reason. When we're with humans we acknowledge it as well… but let's just say… normally digimon can't understand why gender is so important."

Ken put another word in "Humans take everything seriously like Digimon and their level and attribute system. In the human world it can be said we judge all by that Level of power they have in the world which can be divided in subcategories while attributes would be their social status and human add gender in that status quo."

"Hmmm… I kind of get it now." Veemon crossed his arms as he took into deep consideration Ken's words.

"Without the opposite sex… nothing can be born. Add two unnatural elements together and you can create something new. Humans are prideful beings on how they have the ability to communicate and adapt unlike animals, Digimon are exactly like that but… they aren't flesh and blood. If nothing can be created that is bad but if something can it could be a monstrosity… humans can't even acknowledge same sex people together despite it had happen in the past. Life is just filled with contradictions." The ex-prodigally boy gave a smug shrug as he finish his wise and great explanation.

Even though Ken wasn't a above-average student anymore, he was pretty smart and was just below Joe and Izzy, he never needed that dark seed to begin with.

Though his first year after MaloMyotismon's defeat, he went to advance classes to the typical private ones, he tried his hardest nevertheless he couldn't follow the other kids in his old Advance Class. Because he was who he was he was typically one of the top seven students in his class though three out of all the subject he wasn't good at but still made at least 75%. People started to look down at him in his first three months of adjusting. Ken told him that it had been hard mentally and physically because he tried so hard to keep up. His friend also told him… his words had been the very same words that inspired Ken to work just as hard as he's always been.

But what was he suppose to say to Veemon?

"Well before I answer… what do you think of me Veemon?" He asked with a bit of shyness.

Veemon laughed with crossed arms "You're my best friend! Partners in crimes! And thick as thieves!"

Davis could only look astoundingly at the bright white smile Veemon with the response that matched his own, thus making him yell "That's no different then what I said! And here I was worried I say something stupid and offend you!"

As much as he loved Veemon: he wanted to rip his throat out.

Veemon flinched as he was speechless, blinking continuously before saying "I was just asking a question. I wanted to know if you thought something more of it. Nothing that would ruin our friendship. Though it can insult somebody who's love goes far off the typical 'I-Love-You-Nano-Desu'!"

"UUuWWwaaaaa! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" He could only yell to the world in self pity. Ken merely smirked shrugging him off as he opened the cold beer to drink it. His eyes watching Ken, he no longer saw the reason to hesitate to drink his own beer as he smelled a flavor he had never sniffed before.

Taking a deep breath, the moment he let it out, he gulped down the whole can in thirty seconds. Its taste was still something he wasn't use to, though admittedly it was worth it, as lightheadedness came to him. Thus making him slump down from the wall to the floor as he looked out the window that showed the park near the shrine. He just wish things would get better with time….

… However he was going to see Gatomon tomorrow afternoon.

As though his thoughts reached Ken, as he felt his friend's hand pat him on the shoulder giving him a calmly smile that hinted humorousness.

He hated Ken too.

-…- -…-… -…- …- -…- -…-… -…- …-

It was seven O' clock, around the city's center station, he wore some simply shaded blues colored shirt and vest with his brown pants. Of course he always wore Tai's goggles for they were his treasure items. He couldn't believe what he was doing but talking to Ken had gotten him pumped up. Though his anxiety was returning because if anybody had found them out, he wouldn't think twice about killing himself, that is, if he couldn't move out of the country far away from everybody he knew.

The streets lights shined the city brightly, people walking casually as they chattered everywhere and the cars that drove in and out where he stood. The sounds were many and tonight he was suppose to wait for his 'girl'friend.

The long hand of his watched move to first smaller line. It was 7:01… and he saw no sign of the catty girl he was suppose to date. Maybe if she was late, he could get out of this by leaving and prolong their 'dating life'. So he turned his head left and right… seeing if a walking cat that look like an exotic wild cat was walking on two feet and could speak. He wonder how she was going to walk like nothing… people weren't remotely surprise to see digimon anymore but it wasn't like they were living publically either. Then again people tended to not give a damn about anything that didn't concern them.

Five minutes passed, he felt he was going to get lucky, that is until he saw purple tips of white cat's ears. He didn't know any longer if he was happy and relieve or worried and unhappy. But he politely waved his hand to show where he was.

Gatomon didn't wear anything, so she didn't deem important to hide as she walked to him, it was just her plain self. He was going to be stuck in a corner if some-one bother to care that there was a walking, talking cat. She giggled as though she heard his thoughtful complementation… why did she act so adultish… though it wasn't as-if he even knew how old she was in human years. The only thing he knew about digimon ages is that if they're rookie they're either children or adults, if they're champions they're absolutely adults and not children. Though how old is she? An old lady? A young woman…?

'Angewomon… Kyuuu .' He found himself thinking of the most beautiful digimon on either planes.

"Ehehehee… I glad to see you in such a better mood. You really got to stop worrying and be the plain old Davis that everybody loves." She said with sincerity. He frown slightly at such words… if everybody loved his happy self then why when he was like that they treated him like an irresponsible person? Apart from Ken and maybe Tai… all he was butt of a joke. He should leave it alone.

"I would say sorry. But you should be more honest. They would stop if you told them how you felt. Kari isn't bad… she just doesn't understand your position." Like she was responding to his every little detail.

He didn't respond to that. He never thought Kari was bad… actually for the longest time he stopped blaming a lot of people if things went wrong. Ever since the battle with MaloMyostismon… he realize all his petty feelings were petty and moved on being happy with what he had and all he could make true without the use of stupid illusions. He may be a game lover but he understood the importance of reality. Reality may not be nice or satisfying at times though that only accounts on what you believe can happen.

Gatomon smiled again "I would love to see what goes inside your head… being all silent and cool."

She ended it with her typical seductive catty voice. Her smirk was impossible not to notice.

"Let's go and start… our… da..- daaa-… da-ate-… Urgghh… I just feel sick talking about it." He try to start out cool but the imagine of him and Kari's P-A-R-T-N-E-R as a couple made him cry. He was soo— pathetic. He would be the laughing stock.

Before he knew it he was hit in the back of the head "AAAAHHHHH-! MY head! That hurt like hell!"

Gatomon had jumped one foot to his him in the back of his head. She shrugged at him with a matter fact tone "Stop lamenting already! I gave you three days to think this over… and did you reject it yet? Noo… SO STOP TRYING TO BE IDIOT AND RUIN OUR FI—."

"—MHhmmm!" He covered her mouth as she struggled to talk. So he begged in a whispering tone "I get it! I get it! But please don't… -Say IT out loud-. For goodness sake!"

Her eyes flattened as she look at him with unpleasant and unhappy look but nodded in the end. So with that they began to walk into the city lights were all the stores were still open, some older students pass them by and really with all the oddness pulled together nobody cared about a talking cat walking by his side.

"You know for humans who wish to meet other lifeforms, they sure are blind to all the oddness digimon give and only think of us as children wearing costumes despite this city has been attacked like four times already." She spoke of the past and present.

He had saw the wonderful rainbows… the rainbows that gave him hope when he was separated by his sister and parents when Myotsismon first appeared. He would never dream his senpai, the wonderful Kari and the annoying existences called TK would be that rainbow colored hope. He owed them his life, though he would never say so… He wished that he had done more than fight MaloMyostistmon and Diabolosmon but he couldn't complain. Being a hero was really without reward… though Heroes shouldn't be selfish in the first place.

That's why he wanted to be like Tai-senpai. He wanted to be a great leader and everything… but Takeru was probably more the leader than he was. -Goggles is what makes a leader- that is what he remember Tai saying that as he gave him his goggles.

But soon Tai was going to disappear into University and stop playing soccer altogether. Another reason why he was so tired of playing the goddamn game no-one gave a rats ass about, not even Ken. They stopped to look at a sports store, with a cardboard picture model of the best soccer player Japan had to offer. He looked at the great new shoes they had to offer which was ¥50.000. It would be impossible to get shoes like that as his allowance was at least ¥1.200 a week and three days a week if he did overtimes with his sisters chores. He would never get such great shoes…

"Well… it's nice to know there a lot more digidestines than I thought. I even went to America momentarily… My English skills rock! I wonder if I'm any good at speaking Korean… My parents are actually Korean natives. Legally Japanese but we come down from a very prideful family. Though we're only part of the branch family… the main family is still in Korea with the respecting heir of the ownership is visiting Japan until he become married with a perfect wife." He ended up saying excitedly. It was obvious he wasn't completely Japanese as he bored the heritage of his father's side.

Though ironically he was pretty good with linguistic studies and got decent grade in it and in English.

Gatomon turned her head to him with an interested look "Wow… I didn't know that. But then again I'm not Japanese nor an inhabitant of this world, so I wouldn't notice the difference. Ehehe… So do you love your family?"

He nodded… he couldn't say it however… his sister said an interesting thing when they were alone back a year ago. Or better said two years ago. He still didn't understand why she was so confused and unhappy of the choice he made when trapped in MaloMyostismon's illusion cube.

Her frowning lips… her hands on her waist… he looked up at her but he could no longer see her eyes as she said with disappointment and confusion "Davis… are you really … ha-?"

"…" He felt her eyes on him. He didn't do anything else. They just continued to walk forward. He was happy. He was truly and surely happy… back then.

For nobody can know the future. Maybe not even the gods. That's… what made the future so beautiful and scary at the same time.

Prostitutes, leather wearing men, oddly strange ethnic people… the world was filled with so many strange things. So many disgusting and happy things… right from wrong and wrong from right, who could tell anybody in this world what is right from wrong: when one was force in a corner? That didn't justified their actions: for they all had choice, freedom of choice no matter how tight or small the corner of life was. They were given the blessing called Freedom. Freedom was not without a price: everything had a price, though it didn't always add up to money or influencing power of the government, it also had an even more abstract meaning.

If you die… you lose that contract called 'Freedom'. A Dead Man is never a Free Man.

He could only sigh. Suddenly he hear some-one he momentarily forgotten:

"You know… I think Kari is going to get you a sweet present after the whole blacklist is over." She ended with a wink, pretending to act cute, ending it with a giggle.

This had brought back a forgotten rage "… Do you know who's at fault for that Blacklist incident: and because of it…. I can't even speak, much less see- Kari?!"

His voice became slowly louder until it ended in a yell as he glared at her. She blinked a couple of times as her position was in a defenses stance, that is until she notice something she smiled, saying with a confident, still holding a 'cute voice':

"I don't know… it was your fault, wasn't it? I mean… we can have a private for ourselves and none would be the wiser if I was in the Digital World. I come to your house and we could have a little 'fun' with a certain 'angel', don't you want to see it without being worry of suspicion?"

He felt his whole head fill with blood, and image of Angewomon appeared, his mind went black, his rationality simple died and he was at a total bliss when he imagine her… her pure white skin, her well formed breast and that… pussycat.

"No wonder your called 'Catmon'… What a wonderful… pu-…" He mumbled in his complete wiped out mind. He didn't know if he could or would nosebleed but he was sold. Angewomon taking off her skin tight clothes off. His imagination went wild…

"Yeah… It's all my fault. Completely my fault. I took Patamon away from TJ because he's an ass. Yeah, .. Yeah… No way it happen any other way. No way." He continued to nod and give Gatomon exactly what she wanted, but she knew in exchange that she would have to show him that beautiful form of herself, that is… if they ever got off second base.

Gatomon was happy herself as she knew she had the cat in the bag.

"Well… At least we know who's guilty. Your just become my little slave. Ehehe. By the way where are you going to take me to eat?"

He suddenly came to a stop. He did not know the answer to that question. Imagining him and Gatomon eating together in a pretty restaurant was really funny, if he wasn't so use with eating with Ken, Wormmon and his partner. Her gaze turn to him, her frowning skepticism made him not want to look or answer the cat, so he pretended to think.

"I'm not going to McDonalds… I swear to Harmonious Ones I will make you regret it."

"… Then I'm at a lost."

"Don't you love me?"

"Don't you realize you're a cat?"

"I'm not a cat… I'm a digimon cat."

"Same differences."


They stood there, staring one another in the eyes, both of them were at a lost. Rationality had Gatomon as much as it had him. Even if she wanted to go somewhere fancy: she was levelheaded enough to know it was something similar to an impossible request. Their arms were equally crossed… she let out a sigh of defeat.

"Okay… How about we go to a Tayoaki stand? I love fish." She pretended to be mature as her sly smile felt off, her shrugged shoulders were just to keep the act, he return a smile.

"Luckily for you… you're in the land of fish. Tayaoki it is!" He pumped his arm up, like he was being victorious. Walking towards their destination which lead them to a view of the sea and the lights of the city across from them.

The night was windy, holding their food in their hands, as they eating calmly watching the ferry pass by for god knows how many time this day. They didn't talk much, only thing that were told was how Kari, TK and Patamon were. He told her how Ken, his partner and Wormmon was… He knew by instinct on how much he didn't want to be near TK, now Gatomon confirmed his fears were an understatement and made him even more worried. The talk didn't go farther than that, so they were standing silently until her voice came to mind:

"The night is always so beautiful and a full moon. Pity we can't see the stars, then again, we got the city lights." She held a calm expression of nostalgia before she finished her last bite of Tayaoki.

"The stars in the digital world never seem to fade, even in the cities. I can imagine why one would miss the stars. One time going camping… I really did see all the stars. The trail they left was vast and infinitive, each glowing more brightly then the last, if you go on a highway in the farthest part of the city at a certain height: you can imagine the city like imitating the stars or diamonds, depending on your view." The digital world was always filled with stars… just like that day long ago, it was a contradiction of fact, as there were bright lighted cities in the digital world just like the human one. Still… one could always see the stars no matter where one went.

As her paws were on the railing pole, as he was eating still, he notice her head had turn to him with those big and bight colored blue eyes that seem lost at a distance, staring at him.

Her eyes looked down before turning back to the scene, she seemed even a little bit sad, he had nothing to say however. He didn't know why she look like that, there was no certainty he was reading her expression well, the cat was devious as she was sly. He wasn't particularly close to her before these last few days and he spent most his time with the humans, Ken, Wormmon and his own digital partner. He knew she had a sorrowful past, it was to be expected as he had met Wizardmon that day only two years ago. He couldn't pretend like he understood her and she always acted like she knew him: so it made it awkward for him.

She knew too much and he knew too little.

It was belittling, at times.

"Why are you so sad? Or you're just tired?" He said in a cheerful tone. If they were going to talk about depression or sorrowful things, they might as well have a cheery tone.

She didn't respond in any way. Her actions hadn't change, like the voice that would usually come out now, didn't. It was like she hadn't even heard him. Maybe she didn't either. Or she could be ignoring him, momentarily.

He was starting to feel very awkward, did he have a dozen loser flags before he knew it?

Wasn't he hoping just moments ago that she would never come? Why was he so worried now? Maybe because before all of these strange shenanigans: she was his ally and friend. He would always be there, even if they wouldn't, just because of that little factor. He couldn't rush it like Ken as he always knew what was on his best friend's mind, he would wait it out as time would loosen her up and he be there to listen, maybe even help, that is if he was lucky enough. Sometimes there are problems that are out of anybodies hands, especially gender specific problems.

She moved slowly, first her head, then half her body all facing him, the wind blew gentle as her ears swayed slightly. Her eyes were semi-dimmed, her lips smiled almost sadly, like she had lost something dear.

Not that he had a clue on what, why, how or when it happen.

Maybe something similar to a realization, if not anything else.

She gave a deep breath, letting it go she spoke "My home is Kari's home, my home is also the digital world and yet… ah… nevermind. It's not even that important."

Shaking her head, giving a nonchalantly wave of the paw, she forced a sly smile as the door to her heart were still glassy sad.

"It's gotta be important if it's got you so down."

"I'm thinking ahead… I don't even know if we'll be together by the end of this week. I mean… I know. I know it's strange for you. I know that this probably might not even work out. But if it did? I mean… I can't be with Kari forever if… If I plan to stay with you. I mean it's a stupid idea that I don't have any basis for. I shouldn't be worrying from an unseen future." She seem even sadder as her ears began to lower.

"I… I just waited so long for her… I waited forever… and I'm finally with her on casual days, doing casual things and enjoying myself. I waited for her for three years after our first fight against darkness and before that; countless years! Waiting only to have my expectations crushed without a speck of mercy. She never came… I found her, not the other way around like everybody else's digimon."

Davis was a present type of guy, yesterday and tomorrow were just extra worries. Unless certain circumstances called for it: like this relationship. But telling the cat digimon that she should let it go and live in the present, sounded cruel in retrospect, with her telling her story like that, made him realize the reality of departing from people you call 'family'.

For digimon the relationship between their partners was like having another part of themselves. If he, Ken or any digidestine left their partners alone: they would get sick unless they were at their homeland; the Digital World. Izzy also had a scary theory; that a digimon with no way back to the Digiworld and was distant from his partner for miles: they would die of loneliness. Gatomon was with them that day, though maybe even without such a told theory, she knew it in her heart. That was scary, however, to depend on some-one to the point you die without them. Yolei told even scarier tales of how daydreaming girls get their hopes crush till the point they die of the very same reason, that, or go on a killing spree… or was it torturing her lover? He forgot.

"Well you seem to be in dreamland." Gatomon's unhappy skepticism came through his head. His mind must of wander far off into the distances of thought.

He didn't mean to be rude or insulting to her discomforting thoughts. He sighed, like it was sounds of loser flags coming without stop, maybe he'll get a Bad End.

"It's not that… I was just thinking about what Izzy told us. Then I thought of Yolei's stories…" he lowered his head at the thought, Yolei was the master of horror, Gatomon could tell what he was implying as she was there at those two points in time.

"Don't worry. A girl's heart is something a man could never understand." She finally said with a confident attitude as smile arose while her left paw was on her hip.

"Unless you count the great and MIGHTY holy son called Takeru the Annoying!" He couldn't help to growl at the image of him and Kari together laughing together with one another.

"Believe me. Takeru is just as clueless about girls as you are. I hope they get together though. They're just too shy to admit though. There's also the consequences their friendship will be lost if it doesn't go well." Gatomon suddenly began to ponder on her words.

He on the other hand wasn't happy at all. Who cares if he was dating a digimon?! He would die if he saw Takeru with Kari as-a-couple-! He loved Kari! He really did love her! But DemiVeemon is with Patamon, Gatomon has eyes on him and… ONLY THE TWO HUMANS ARE TOGETHER! He was god's laughingstock! He knew it! He was the pathetic guy who was going to be laughed at because he choose a cat instead of trying harder to get Kari as his lover! He could imagine the laughter! He felt the intensity of their gloating eyes that were mocking him with their pointing finger, their howling laughter… he felt himself get smaller and smaller.

What would his parents say?

"Davis? Are… you okay?" Gatomon had her head titled with a blankness in her expression.

He… he should stop before he made a fool out of himself! … he… He… He should stop. He should end it right now! His knees were making him feel weak, the laughter in his head felt so vivid because it wasn't farfetched, it was the closest thing to the truth. If anybody found out… if anybody at all… found… out…. It would be the end of him!

Sudden his mind went blank. Like something had hit him; something that made sense. All he would have to do was follow it. It was inside of him, all 'deep sorrow' he had to do, was-… be there when it came. Closing his eyes, wiping his mind of all those pitiful things, his heart was feeling warm as he opened his eyes to find the jewel light shinning from across the ocean borderline. Gatomon, who was only high as his knee went, was looking at him with blinking eyes. Looking at her who was looking at him, made him feel like he was looking at an innocent child, who was wondering something she had recently found out.

Feeling at bit nervous he gave out a weak nervous laugh which slowly grew louder until he lifted his head highly as he had no idea why he was avoiding her gaze.

"I'm fine! I'm fine! I have just cold feet. Gatomon… you know I don't know what to say, I'm not a digimon like I'm not you / or a lovesick girl in an unrequited love. Ehehehe… no offense…" He implied weakly as her glare was burning him. "Though all I can say is live for now and worry about tomorrow when we bring out our relationship into the open"

'Wait?! What?! –What the hell did I just say?!' He was thinking as he said that. He wasn't in his right mind! What the hell was he saying?! THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN! NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS! He would kick himself in the head if he could.

With a end of discussion voice, her response was "I'm getting mix signals here."

Her expression became immediately soft, her eyes were sparkling at him, like he was pearly white jewels, as she said like a young girl "Even so… that was the most romantic thing I ever heard ! ! Myuukuu…"

"Patchy-chan?" He look down to her in innocent wonder. She knew Touhou?

"Ehehehe… maybe I don't know." She spoke furtively with a smirk of confidence. Oh… Yolei was somewhat a gamer girl, though her attitude was unbearable. Touhou is what made eastern world eastern…

"Have you ever played the game of Persona or Persona 2? They're just art of works and hours of hours of game play. Tomachi isn't a bad game either but more of a Harvest Moon type game. Then again… everybody knows Touhou, fell in love for the Doujinshi of Touhoufun?" He couldn't help but feel like he was making a mountain of a molehill now… Gatomon knew Touhou… that didn't make her a game fanatic. It just made her the residences of the Yagami family. Tai played it… Kari slept in the same room as him.

He lost his optimism.

"Hey— don't give up on me now. You never even let me respond." Such a catty like voice, though it didn't light up his mood. "I haven't played the Persona series… I am a big lover of the DQ, nothing like good ol' RPGs. I mean after the digital adventures there's not much to do, especially when you're force to stay at home doing nothing."

That was nice. He opened one eye before pouting and grumbling… he just didn't feel at ease. Maybe because most girls in his class didn't do it often. Girls were mostly for the visual novels like those of Key and Type-Moon. Not that he didn't like visual novels…

"Well… Dragon Quest isn't bad… nor is Final Fantasy but… They're like too hyped as games go. Drakengard isn't bad." He couldn't help but grumble.

"That's more of a slash and shoot type of game, not really RPG in the classical sense. Also… I heard the story was pointlessly heavy." Gatomon criticized. Well it depends on your moral state, really… it was a story filled with incest, pedophilia, cannibalism…. To put it in short terms, a huge group of antiheroes force to save the world. Awesome story… dark themes… one of a kind really. Final Fantasy was decent, it was more old style then most games… Dragon Quest was unique as it was a fellow classic to FF… It all depends on what you want.

"I find Rpgs to be repetitive. I mean with the exception of Persona, the second Final Fantasy and the fifth… it's all meh. Then again… slash and gash Rpgs give more leeway." He gave out a sigh as he crossed his arms.

They continue their discussion for some time, actually by the time they finish, most of their worries had vanish in the air. They had walk the same street home, for each of them live near the same district. Only to stop near his apartment complex, Gatomon in front of him with a gentle smile on her expression, while her eyes were glazed with something sparkling in them.

"It was pretty fun." She said.

He laugh as he scratch the back of his head "I enjoyed it too. But I don't think talking about games is the romantic finish you were hoping for."

Giggling as she hid her mouth by her left paw "You could say… it was much better than talking about… things better left unspoken. Haha… I'm just happy we can have another date." Her eyes went blank, momentarily, before turning back to him "Though… let's not make games our main topic. It more something that friends would talk about then lovers."

"Okay… see you Gatomon!" He waved to her fading figure, who was waving back.

Before turning around completely she said "See you tomorrow!"

Seeing her disappear into nothing was odd. He thought he would hate it and the misadventure they had made him more happy that he gave it a chance. So he went back to his place, taking the elevator only to open his apartment door to find nobody was at home. He entered, taking his shoes off, to go to the kitchen as he grabbed some food to snack about. While he ate, he heard gentle footsteps, looking out the corner of his eye, he recognize the visitor. DemiVeemon was smiling at him, with a two meter high jump, he was on top of the kitchen table.

"So… howda go? Davith?" His partner asked as he took a chocolate bar without asking.

"I guess Ken was right… Though…" He began to mumble… he wasn't certain of anything at all. He liked her and she like him. It was the consequences that were scaring him. He didn't want to be all alone. Never now or later.

He was tired of them. At the same time, though… he never wanted to part from them. Except Kari hated him, Takeru was being unbearable, Yolei would just mock him and all Ken cared about was his girlfriends and his friends at Tamachi. Did he really belong anywhere at all? Did anybody want him to begin with? Was anybody going to be there for him when he needed them?! These thoughts began to overflow once more and it felt like, only moments before, he was blinded by something only for now… he was so happy that he forgotten what would happen if anybody knew.

He couldn't please anybody…

… and nobody wanted anything to do with him.

He felt a shiver… he felt everything in his body to go cold, as-if to be grabbed by something eternal, as though he knew he shouldn't fight it.

"Well good for ya' Davith! I'm so happy it is working out! Me and Patamon had such a fun time today as well. TK was super scary… Hahaha… but he was really kind to me. Everything will work out fine. And if it doesn't that's equally okay, nah?" DemiVeemon's voice broke through that cold feeling engulfing him. He could help but smile at his energetic friend, whom made a smile cross his face.

Everything was going to be okay. So what if he falls down? All he had to do was to get up again.


Gatomon finally got upstairs to find Tai had gone out with his friends. Her partner was chatting happily with one of her friends on the phone. Noticing her, Kari had told her friend she would call later and turned to her.

"So how it go, Gatomon? I hope it went well." Kari had knew she was on a date, though Gatomon didn't specified what she was dating and certainly not who.

She could only blush at the mentioning of that event, before jumping onto Kari bed, clinging to the bottom of the pillow, as she covered her face.

"It was horrible! I made such a big deal of the subjects you don't do on a first date!" She screamed, though the pillow had lower the volume.

"What was it?"

"I'm think about marriage type questions." She said pitifully. It wasn't exactly right but it was more or less that type of question.

"The future question? Gatomon that's an armature's mistake!" Kari had gasped. "SO … were you able to fix it? Or did it go all that badly?"

"I fix it by talking about some games, making and taking critics… It was so unromantic, but the boy had already forgotten everything I spoken of. Or, at least, that's what I hope. I was just lucky to have salvage anything at all." She spoke with her head up and staring at Kari, only to finish talking, she hid herself onto the pillow.

"Poor, poor Gatomon… well next time tread with caution… when you do another first date. Though the next date I suggest you think of some obscure, equally, nice place to spend time. Maybe you should to Maradeva's Mall… or maybe an art museum those are pretty nice. Then again, next time… maybe you should try to wear something less suspicious." Kari ended with a cute smile though her worried were hard not to notice.

She knew she meant well… only halfway on the date, she and Davis had problems on deciding where to eat. Kari had the very same mindset as every human did… to hide their partners. This sadden her yet she could understand why.

Though understanding it, did not make it any easier to accept it.

She wanted to go to a fancy restaurant. She wanted to dance with and around people… she especially wanted tonight to end in a goodbye kiss, yet there she was force to wave goodbye to some-one dear to her.

"… I'll keep that in mind." She said as she sat herself down. Her embarrassment had faded and all there was left was her unsatisfying feelings. "… Kari…?"

"Yeah Gatomon?"

"Am I…"


"Am I… in any way…" She needed to ask but she didn't want to insult her best friend.


"TAIIII—!" Their mother began to scream. Right beside Tai's side was his father as they were cheering for their soccer team. Gatomon sighed at the bizarre scene. When it came to soccer, even Mr. Yagami joined Tai and his group of friends at the bar. Of course, Tai's father always turned a blind eyes to the drinking when it came to soccer.

The only people to suffer such loud noise was the girls of the family. Agumon walked into their room, as he unlike his partner, show no interest of the event. He was tired and laid on Kari bed, right beside Gatomon, who was looking at her digimon friend.

"Geez… that was tiring. I'm so glad Gabumon was there… I mean I like playing it but even after all these years I still don't understand what's so fun about humans kicking around a ball." He lamented as he snuggled himself into the bed.

Gatomon giggled slight "Gabumon… he's too mellow to be a sports fan. You're too mellow too. No wonder you're such great friends."

The night mostly ended with the family celebrating the victory of their nation, while at the same time enjoying the late night. Too be honest… she was happy the day went perfectly well. There were some things that didn't go accordingly to plan, but she was able to salvage everything and that what matter the most.