Chapter One

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

This chapter is to see if you guys like the story. Enjoy...hopefully...


It had all happened so fast.

One minute they were stunning the death eaters coming towards them, the next the entire Order had been instructed to apparate out of there.

The Death Eaters had been causing the usual mayhem so the Order had quickly put together a team and sent them in. Both sides had fought viciously, throwing endless hexes at their opponents and ducking when a dangerous curse came flying towards them. The Order just out numbered the Death Eaters, but due to the severity of the curses the Death Eaters were throwing, there were more injured on the Order's side. Harry had been fighting Bellatrix Lestrange, and quite enjoying it if he was honest with himself. He had been itching for the chance to finally get even with her for Sirius' death.

The sound of a mini explosion rocketed around the area and, as if the Death Eaters were waiting for that cue, they disapparated. Harry hadn't seen what happened after that, he just followed Ron's lead and apparated back to headquarters. He had slung Neville's arm over his shoulder as he went. He had been hit with a stunner in the back of the head. Harry had seen it happen but was pretty preoccupied with Bellatrix to help. He had been furious that Bellatrix had just left like that but he knew better than to go looking for her. Harry Potter walking into the Death Eater camp wasn't a good idea. Well not for Harry but hey it might help the Death Eaters trying to kill him. Voldemort would surely have been pleased.

The second Harry had entered Number 12 Grimmauld Place, he and Ron had been ushered upstairs to put Neville in one of the beds. Most of the Order had left for either Madame Pomfrey or had crowded into the library. Kingsley, McGonagall, Tonks, Remus, The elder Weasleys and some of the other important Order members had quickly entered the Library and shut the door after them. After sending Molly to usher Harry, Ron and Neville upstairs that was.

Harry felt a little irritated actually. It was his bloody house and they were leaving him out, yet again, of important Order decisions. Sure they had done it in fifth year, but Harry was eighteen now. You would think being the Chosen One would guarantee your involvement in decisions. You'd be wrong.

Between him and Ron, they heaved Neville's limp body onto one of the beds. Madam Pomfrey immediately rushed over to check Neville's vitals then waved her wand in the normal motion to awaken him. Having done their job, Harry and Ron left the ward. They walked in silence for a bit before Ron interrupted Harry's fuming.

"What do you think they're doing downstairs?" He said quietly.

Harry glanced at Ron surprised. Ron had never been known for his perceptiveness but apparently Hermione had rubbed off on him finally.

"I don't know Ron" Harry sighed, "Obviously something too important for the likes of us."

Ron snorted at this. "More important then you mate? You're the one who bloody has to kill old snake face!" Harry grinned at this but then shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know why the Order had decided on this occasion to leave out Harry. They hadn't been doing it recently so why now?

"Who knows?" He answered, "Maybe it's something they can't talk about with me there?" Harry felt rather pleased with himself. He only added the last bit with just a hint of bitterness.

The two had reached the top of the stairs. They looked simultaneously at each other. Technically, nobody had banned them from going downstairs, just pointedly suggested they went upstairs. Besides it was Harry's house! He should be able to go where he damn well pleases.

Ron was grinning slightly at Harry's determined expression and motioned that he'd follow Harry.

Nobody moved.

Harry rolled his eyes. They weren't scared of going downstairs. Just...apprehensive about what they would find. Plus Molly was bloody scary.


Harry and Ron jumped a mile. They spun round guiltily towards the voice. They sighed however, when they saw Hermione standing in a door way with a suspicious look on her face. "What were you doing?" Harry and Ron shuffled their feet nervously.

"Standing" Ron muttered quietly, trying to be clever. Hermione wasn't amused. Harry was though and disguised a smile behind his hand.

"Well obviously you were standing, Ronald" She said haughtily. Harry winced at the use of Ron's first name.

So did Ron.

"Erm yes..." Ron chuckled weakly. He gave her a small smile before glancing back at the stairs. Hermione followed this movement and her eyes widened. She looked left and right before moving closer to Harry and Ron.

"You weren't going downstairs, were you?" She whispered. Ron shook his head violently, denying it but Harry gave her a defensive look.

"What if we were?" He said defiantly. Ron smacked his head with his hand. He sighed and punched Harry lightly on the arm. "They didn't say we weren't allowed downstairs?" Hermione smiled at this before nodding slowly.

"You're right Harry" She smiled secretively, "But I think we should be quiet just in case"

Ron gave her a shocked look, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. "You want to sneak downstairs with us?!" Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Yes! I want to know what's so important!" She huffed. Harry grinned at her. You could always count on Hermione to break rules with you. Well mostly. Actually, only if it had nothing to do with exams, school, the library or anything important. Hmmmm... Ignore that. Hermione had broke most rules under those conditions.

"Come on" She whispered and began tiptoeing down the stairs. Harry followed her lead, Ron straight behind him. They crept past Mrs Black's portrait, which thankfully didn't wake up and begin screaming its head off. Past the kitchen and the dining room they went. Finally they reached the door to the library. It was closed and but they could still hear quiet voices talking inside. Some of them sounded angry which surprised Harry. It must be serious. One of the voices Harry recognised was McGonagall and she hardly ever raised her voice.

Ron was rustling in his pockets, obviously searching for something. After several seconds diving, he emerged with 3 pairs of extendable ears. Harry grinned and patted Ron lightly on the back. He stuck the flesh coloured string in his ear and directed the ear to underneath the door. The voices were suddenly magnified and Harry resisted the urge to step back a little.

"This is a very bad idea, Minerva." Somebody was saying strongly. Hermione raised her eyebrows at the boys. Whoever spoke to McGonagall like that was a braver soul than Harry and by the look of Ron's shocked face; a far braver soul than Ron. Harry concentrated back on the conversation and focussed on McGonagall's reply.

"I disagree Hestia, I can't think of a better place!" She replied icily.

Better place for what? Harry thought. What had happened at the battle that left most of the Order arguing? Not the best thing to be doing during the war.

"Minerva! He's a Death Eater! He's one of them!" Hestia screeched.

Harry almost dropped his extendable ear in alarm. Who the hell had brought a Death Eater into bloody Headquarters? Granted he (whoever he was) couldn't tell anybody the location because he wasn't the Secret Keeper. But still...He would find out important information! Harry looked worriedly at Hermione and Ron who were giving him similar alarmed glances.

"Hestia" McGonagall said coldly, "He came to us looking for a safe place to stay. He obviously doesn't want to stay on the Death Eaters side. Besides, look what they did to him!" She finished resolutely. Harry was puzzled. A Death Eater turning to the light side for help? Why on earth would they do that? And what exactly did McGonagall mean by look what they did to him?

Voices in the background murmured in agreement with McGonagall but Hestia apparently wasn't convinced.

"But how do you know that he won't try something?!" She stressed, "He could murder us all in our beds!" Somebody shouted out an agreement to that too.

McGonagall scoffed though. "I'm not sure about you Hestia, but I'm pretty sure all the other paranoid people in this building can put up effective wards." Most people in the library laughed at this and Harry shook his head, slightly deafened by the increase in noise. From the movement to his left, Harry gathered that Hermione and Ron were doing the same.

Hestia was still arguing though, a tone of embarrassment in her voice though. "I think you should at least ask Mr Potter." Harry looked shocked at Hermione and Ron. Why did his decision change anything? He couldn't help feeling a little pleased.

"No need to look far, Hestia" barked Moody, "He and the other two are outside the door."

All pleasant feelings disappeared as footsteps came closer to the door. They all jumped backwards in shock as the Library door opened suddenly. The three of them stuffed the extendable ears quickly into their back pockets and tried to look casual. Judging by Kingsley's knowing look, they failed. He moved aside to let the three of them into the library and closed the door firmly behind them again.

Harry shuffled nervously into the centre of the room with Hermione and Ron. Hermione was looking embarrassed whilst Ron was looking rather pleased with himself at being invited in as well.

"As you know Harry," Kingsley said gravely, "this is your house. You should have a choice in the decision we are about to present you with." He looked expectantly over to McGonagall who stepped forward quickly. She tossed Hestia Jones a dirty look before smiling at Harry. Harry looked back worriedly. It was never good when McGonagall smiled at you like that...

"Well Harry, the Order has a bit of a dilemma at the moment." She started saying before Hestia interrupted her by snorting loudly. McGonagall threw her another threatening look and she shut her mouth again. "As I was saying, we have a dilemma" McGonagall continued, "In the recent fight a Death Eater came up to us and requested sanctuary. Apparently he was in danger of his life with the Death Eaters because he refused to kill some Muggles. You might have heard the loud explosion at the end?"

Harry nodded bemused. A feeling of dread was starting to come over him. He really hoped McGonagall wasn't trying to tell him she rescued a poor little Death Eater. Those words just sounded so wrong together. Oxymoronic much?

McGonagall nodded as well. "One of the Death Eaters fired an extremely dangerous spell at this person. That was the explosion you heard. Anyway, we apparated out with the unconscious person as the Death Eaters left."

Oh God Harry knew it. He stiffened and glanced quickly around the room. Half of the faces were grim, the others were uncertain.

McGonagall was still talking though. "The spell is dangerous because of its effects and in the past has killed the victim as well as many other people in the vicinity." Harry had the distinct feeling that McGonagall was hiding something for him and he had a bloody good idea what it was.

"Who is it?" he asked sharply, a little harsher than he meant to but the dread in the pit of his stomach was growing to mammoth proportions. Hermione had taken a sharp intake of breath at Harry's tone of voice, but he ignored her.

McGonagall and Kingsley were looking incredibly guilty now.

"It shouldn't matter who it is, Harry. This curse is extremely dangerous but surprisingly he's survived. I think he would be a great ally if given the chance-" Harry cut her off with a frown.

"Who is it?" he said stronger.

A quiet moan from Harry's left had him swivelling quickly. Somebody was lying down on a reclining couch by the bookcase. Unfortunately, the person was hidden in a pile of dark robes. As the person sat up slowly however, there was no mistaking that pale blonde hair.

"Malfoy?!" Harry gasped.

"Potter?!" Malfoy answered weakly.

Harry was glaring at Malfoy. He hadn't seen the bastard since the day he let the Death Eaters into Hogwarts. How dare he come into Harry's house? Did he expect Harry to welcome him with open arms?

The temperature of the room had oddly dropped about ten degrees and Harry shivered unexpectedly. The rest of the Order however was muttering worriedly behind Harry's back. Harry didn't care though. Malfoy should have thought about what being a Death Eater would mean before joining them.

"Get Out" he hissed menacingly. It wasn't his problem that Malfoy's own side was out to get him. He would have to go somewhere else.

Malfoy's face was shocked at first, before he sat up straighter and glared back at Harry. The temperature was now fine in the room. Harry must have been mistaken for a few seconds. Malfoy's face was like thunder for a few seconds when chaos broke out in the library.

It had broken out because a large fire had lit suddenly a few inches away from Harry.


Right guys you know the drill. Review if you wish me to continue this story. I should update soon if lots of you guys review :)

Btw, thank you to all of you that read and reviewed 'In the Care of Magical Creature Catchers'. It is now finished and I would not have done it without you.