A/N: Ello peeps

A/N: Ello peeps! I'm hoping that this story will really be good! I mean I haven't that many reviews yet. Ah, so review when you read because then I know people really like it. Bah, here's the nest on anyways.

Summary: "I always thought love was so simple but not after I met him," Read about a raven-haired boy and how he fell in love with gentle and delicate blonde. MaleBallerina! Naruto

Pairings: SasuNaru maybe other pairings

Rated: M

Word Count: 41

Chapter 2: When We Were Kids We Sang A Song


"Then the next time I saw him, I was utterly speechless. His movements were more graceful then any kind of fairy. He made me heart pound with erratic beats..."


The raven's ears perked up when he heard a faint musical sound and a few cheers. His curiosity got the better of him and crept along the school walls, getting closer to the sound with each passing second. In front of Sasuke were double doors, he crept closer and looked through the crack.

It was somewhat dark, and he could make out a couple of kids in the front seats, but what really caught his eye, was the stage. The stage was a lit with lights, the raven made out the form of a petite male. The boy danced his way across the stage with flitting movement; it was like his feet barely even touched the floor.

You could feel the magic in the air as the boy jumped high in the air, doing tricks and bending his body parts in different ways. He spun in the most articulate way with sweat flinging off of his face, but it just made him even more beautiful. The boy landed on flat on his feet and threw his arms up in the air to signify that he was done with his routine. Sasuke was so captivated by the fairy like movements that he was left breathless.

"Hey, you there! What are you doing up there?! Come down here!" A man who was standing up said loudly to Sasuke. Sasuke stood straight up and pointed to himself in a dumb manner almost. The man rolled his eyes, glared at the raven, and nodded his head in an annoyed manner.

The Uchiha opened the doors hesitantly and walked down the aisle, nervously looking at the people who were looking at him. The man who called him down looked at him calculatingly, with his tongue poking at the inside of his cheek. He pointed a pen at the raven somewhat rudely.

"You there, what were you doing up there? " The man said demandingly as his glare intensified; it seemed as though the people around him turned to face him just to glare at him. The raven tried to stutter out his excuse but couldn't make one up. His cheeks began to burn lightly as he heard a few snickers around him. Just then it seemed like god had just answered his non-verbal prayers, for the angel came out and addressed him.

"Uchiha-senpai, what are you doing here? " Sasuke turned his head to where the voice came from and looked at the blonde who was waiting for the answer while wiping off his face with a towel. The raven cleared his throat as he closed his eyes; he opened them to reveal flat bored irises.

"Nothing, I was just passing by and it seems that this obnoxious man accused me of...whatever he's accusing me of. " The raven finished trying to sound higher up. The blonde looked at him with a calculating look and nodded his head. When the raven didn't move and kept on staring, the blonde raised his hand and made a shooing motion. The raven was suddenly surprised that he let out some sort of chuckle and a snort. The people around him tossed a weird glance at the struggling boy. The raven saw the look he was getting so he held his hand to his mouth and walked out of the auditorium with a smirk on his face.

When Sasuke got out of the room, he slide down to the floor against the wall, trying to contain his laughs. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't withhold his chuckles and let them out, laughing into the empty hallway. Inside the auditorium, the blonde heard a faint laugh and a light smile overcame his features; throughout the recital, the watching people were fascinated by the light gentle smile they saw on the ballerina's features.


"I saw the ballerina again, this time it was out of school. He looked like a fallen angel with that expression on while sitting on the swing in the rain... "


Sasuke walked slowly down the side of the road with one hand in his pocket and one hand holding up the umbrella to protect himself from getting wet. He kicked at a couple of stones on his way down and looked at the drenched trees as he sighed and continued his journey.

He slowed down as his obsidian eyes caught sight of a lone blonde sitting a swing in the park, seemingly content with the fact that the rain was drenching him. The blonde didn't seem to notice as the raven approached him. Naruto suddenly looked up when he didn't feel the rain soaking his clothes or patting against his back.

He saw the raven looking down with a few strands of hair in his face as he held the umbrella over both of them. The blonde swung lightly back and forth on the swing as Sasuke sat next to him on another swing, still holding the umbrella over both of them. When the raven beside Naruto tried to start a conversation his raw unused voice shocked the blonde out of his thoughts.

"Your dancing is pretty cool. " The raven said awkwardly as his raw voice cracked through the silence. The blonde looked up at him warily and then looked back down at his feet. He rotated his feet, watching them with nervousness.

"Thanks... " He replied in a meek quiet voice that the raven had to strain his ears to hear. The raven sighed and looked ahead at the forest of trees waiting for something to happen to make the silence between them a little more bearable. Sasuke started to hum a song absentmindedly as he swung his feet back and forth, not paying attention to the startled blonde who was looking at him with adoring eyes almost.

"Hey, what song is that? " The blonde said completely breaking the raven out of his reverie. Sasuke looked up slowly as he saw those beautiful interested eyes lay on him. The raven thought in his mind, searching for the name of the song he was humming, but came up with nothing.

"Actually, I have no idea where it's from... " The raven said still checking his brain one last time. Naruto looked dejected when he heard the news and shifted in his seat.

"Oh...I thought you know what it was since you were humming it. You know, that's the same song to my routine. " The blonde said as he chuckled awkwardly. Sasuke stared at the blonde in shock. The revelation had rendered him motionless, he racked his brain and finally understood what and where the song was from.

He remembered early that day when he had overheard a musical sound coming from the auditorium.

It was the same song he was just humming.


"And I knew, that I had fallen in love with the heavenly angel, and I couldn't even deny it... "


Ah, how is it?

Yep, I changed my mind

I'm not the proud...

Ah, oh well

Please Review!

Singing happily,
