Here's chapter 2 to Midnight I. hope you guys enjoy it.

Mick and buffy made it back to his place before it hit daylight. As they entered the place, Buffy was amazed at what she saw.

" Wow, Mick, you live like this ? '' She asked.

" Yeah. Being a PI pays well. "He joked.

" Do all of your kind live like this down here? "

" Yeah, Well as i know of me and my Buddy Josef."

" Josef? Why do i feel like i've heard that name before? "

" Well, he's kind of legendary."

" Legendary?"

" Well not particulary.He's been around for a while. He once told me that he used to get into so much trouble with these Vamps named Angelis and Lestat."

" That's it! Angelis, Angel he told me about him. How they use to get into Mischeif before Angelis got a soul."

'' A Vampire with a Soul? Is that even possible? "

" Yeah."

" WOW. maybe we need that for Coralynne."

" Would be helpful."

" Do you want anything to Eat Buffy? "

" Pizza would be nice."

" Ok, Just let me call Beth."

" Beth? is that your girlfriend?"

'' No. She's just a friend."

" Oh.''

Mick pulled out his Iphone and called Beth.

After a few minutes he hung up the phone.

" Ok, the pizza will be here in 30 minutes. ok? "

" Ok."

" So,Mick, do you like Beth?"

" I don't know. I mean i know she likes me, but for some reason i don't feel the same about her."

" I know how that feels. a person likes you but you have feelings for another person."

" Doesn't that feeling drive you crazy?"

'" Yes it does."

All I have for now. sorry it's so short.