My childhood friend loves me
Dedicated to: Hana no Uta
"First love is not about being foolish, but being curious"
Disclaimer: Gakuen Alice is not mine. Higuchi tachibana-sama owns it.
Act 1: memories
(A girl's perspective)
"We'll be late again baka! Get up!"
As usual, I heard my child hood friend's voice waking me up. We are like this everyday.
He goes to my house, wakes me up, tells me to go and hurry up because we'll be late again and he'll be waiting downstairs, most of the time watching TV.
That's our morning routine.
"five more minutes," I pleaded.
It was his fault that I stayed up all late last night.
I was about to sleep when he suddenly appeared from my window last night, asking if I wanna play his new video game with him. Of course I agreed because if don't, he'll ignore me the very next day.
I quickly agreed because it's more fun to have a company with me. Even though he is always quiet and snobby I like him and that won't change and besides I know that he likes my company too since my parents are always not around. We played continuously both of us didn't notice how time passed by, 11:00 pm. Said my analog clock, he smiled at me warmly but I didn't smiled back, I pouted.
"You told me that you'll let me win!" I whined. He grinned at me then said, "I did, you're just too slow to realize it,"
I smacked him lightly on the chest but I ended up crying as I found myself hurt by his well built chest.
"Just go home! We'll be late again tomorrow!" I said as I pushed him forcefully outside my room.
"Look who's talking, I'm the one who wakes up early everyday, baka!" he reminded me. I groaned in irritation as I continue pushing him downstairs, he was making his "I don't care" look as I incessantly give him my lecture.
After opening the oak door for him, he smiled and said "good night, sweet dreams" calmly. His facial expression was gentle and warm. I smiled at him halfheartedly and said "good night and sweet dreams! Oh and see you tomorrow!" he walked out from the door and faced me. He then stooped down, leveling his eyes into mine, leaning closer, as swift as the blowing night wind, he gave me a good night kiss on my cheek. His warm and succulent lips left a warm and fuzzy feeling on my cheeks. he regained his composure moments after leaving me all confused. My heart was thumping crazily, I can feel blood rushing up to my cheeks, I was blushing. The light in our porch which wasn't that bright gave me the feeling of security because I know that he wont be able to see my blushing face but half of me was disagreeing because the man which is currently standing in front of me if natsume. I know everything about him but after what happened just now, I started doubting myself.
'Why did he kissed me?' the question kept on bugging me.
I was about to go inside and rest. To think things out but as I steeped farther away form him, he pulled me into a one arm hugged. His arms entangled with my long silky hair, he kissed it and whispered, "take care of yourself."
I don't know what to do anymore. I never see this part of him but I always knew that he was keeping something from me. Something he fears that might destroy our relationship, our friendship.
He then waved as he turned his heel and walked away.
I touched my warm cheek that he just kissed a while ago. Still having that warm feeling I smiled and called "natsume,"
I went inside and went straight to my room.
I was lying on my bed thinking about what happened a while ago, a side of natsume that I never seen before, what was the kiss for, the hug? And more importantly why was my heart beating so fast after he done that things to me? Im his childhood friend and I know that that won't change, time will pass and that will still be our relationship. Nothing will change but why is it that there is a part of me that is still hoping that someday things will change?
I forced myself to sleep, to think about other things but in the end, all became futile as I ended up being awake the whole night. I roll from left to right, right to left from time to time. Groaning in anxiety.
I picked up a small picture frame sitting on top of my bed table. I smiled as memories from the first time I met him flashed and played inside my blank mind. Seeing my first picture with him looking all snobby and upset while the me before was so energetic and carefree felt nostalgic.
We were six years old back then when the picture was taken. It was when natsume celebrated his sixth birthday. I was wearing a my new baby blue dress that my mom gave me for my birthday when natsume suddenly came up to me from the back and surprise me.
I shouted so loud that I caught everyone's attention. He was standing in front of me, glaring at me darkly. He was wearing matching black polo and red tie which suited him perfectly, especially the color of his eyes, his cold, lonely looking eyes. the moment I saw his lonely looking eyes I decided that I'll be his friend which will stay by his side forever.
"what was that for?!" I cried.
We didn't talk for a while after that but when our parents insisted that taking a picture of us, we talked once more.
"1..2..3.." I heard auntie said.
I grabbed his hand while auntie was counting.
The picture was well captured. I was smiling like there's no tomorrow, but unfortunately for the boy who I held hands a while ago was not. He was frowning, looking at the opposite direction. His agitated expression gave the picture a "we don't care" look.
End of flashback
I smiled to myself as I remember those days that we spent together. Feeling nostalgic and at the same time relaxed, I unconsciously fell asleep.
"its already 7:45 baka!" his velvet voice was now irritated. I opened my watery auburn eyes and yawned, asking what time is it again, he raised his voice and said "7:45" plainly.
"NNNNOOOO!! Im gonna be late again!" I shouted as I leapt out from my bed to change.
"that's your fault. I've been waking you up for the last 15 minutes, slow poke,"
"so your saying that it's my fault? You jerk!" I shouted back at him while changing into my school uniform.
"just get on with it,"
After slipping into school uniform, I went straight to the bath room to wash my face and to brush my teeth.
"hurry up!" he called.
I walked downstairs, hair neatly combed, uniform well ironed. He showed a tiny smile.
"let's go let's go!" I shouted as I ran around the kitchen to grab a piece of bread.
While walking…
While eating the two pieced of bread that I got a while ago, I cant stop myself form gazing at him from time to time. The silence which was hovering between us was longer than I thought, so ended up breaking it.
"here, have a bite," I said to him as I hand him the last piece of the bread that has a bite in it. He looked at me but didn't get the bread from my hand, instead, he slowly raise my hand which was holding the bread and level it to his mouth. He then bite the bread twice and lowered my hand agai. My heart was racing and my cheeks were flushed but I continued looking at him from time to time.
"thanks." He muttered under his breath.
I smiled at him and said "your welcome" radiantly.
As I watch his silky raven hair be blown by the summer wind, I saw him stared at me by the corner of my eyes. he stopped making me stop to he then reached his hand out to my face and lightly rubbed his thumb against my mouth. He then said "you have breadcrumbs all over you mouth."
I just looked down as we continued walking I then said "thanks" lowly as we entered the school gates.
Still walking side by side, we heard his fan girls shouting "ohayou gozaimasu, natsume-sama" while bowing as we passed by them. Some of them were glaring after seeing me beside him but what can I do? We're childhood friends.
"mikan! good morning!" I saw my friends, anna, nonoko, hotaru and sumire standing near by. I looked at him and nodded, I waved at him as I ran farther at him then shouted "see you after school" after that he disappeared.
"are you to dating?" sumire asked. This is the every day question people ask me after seeing the two of us.
Exasperating I gave off a tired sigh and replied "no. were not dating because we're only childhood friends right?" I smiled back at her.
"are you sure?" the tone of her voice was suspicious.
"yes I am!"
"are you serious?!" I heard anna and nonoko said, joining in the interrogation.
"uh-huh," I said to them.
They were silent after that, mouths hanging, eyes widened.
I chuckled at the view and then I head someone saying "just leave her alone"
The voice was familiar so I turned around and squeaked in excitement as I eyed my best friend nearing our little circle.
"but that is how couples act mikan!" hey insisted after recovering from their shock.
"but were not," I said plainly.
"she already said no right?" said hotaru who was in a bad mood.
"good morning," I greeted her.
"hi" she said back.
"should we go now?" I said to them as we heard the first bell rung.
"okay!" they all replied energetically.
They continued interrogating me while were on our way to our classroom, I was hushed after sumire told me "it's a shame then if your not dating, you guys know each other since you were six, and now that your fifteen,- and with that "caring affection" of him to you definitely gives the two of you the "perfect girlfriend-boyfriend- image" while quoting the words caring affection with her fingers.
"hee hee"
Lunch time…
The summer air was blowing gently against the three of us as we stayed up on the rooftop eating our lunch.
"some more months, and its summer again," sighed anna.
"itadakimasu!" shouted all of us.
"summer?!" I said, late in reaction.
"how are we going to spend summer this year?" asked sumire, her emerald eyes glittering in excitement.
"oh I forgot! I promised natsume that we'll eat together!" I said while wrapping my bento box again.
"see! And you just told us that your not dating!" hissed sumire,anna and nonoko.
"but we really are not dating," I said, standing.
"blah blah blah," they all mocked.
"see you guys later!" I said o them as I walked up to the door.
"ja!" I heard them as I opened and closed the door.
"now, where could he be?" I asked myself.
End of act one
a/n: do you like it? Ahehehe. Well that's the first chapter! Review please! And for those who reviewed my summary, thanks!
Preview: act 2: unclaimed kiss
"kiss me first and then I'll leave you,"
"what is this feeling, shouldn't I be happy that he already found the girl that he likes?"
"do you honestly want to kiss someone that you don't like?"