Hey everyone! Here is my new NejiTen story! It'll be at least ten chapters and it'll be really funny! Well, I'll try to make it funny! This idea came in my math course... don't try to find a link since I don't know the link either! Anyway, enjoy this story!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto's character and my friend (and myself a little) owns Kimiko.

Full summary: My life is the worst thing ever. All my friends have a boyfriend. Even my best friend (with who I thought we would be single forever and we would have thousands of cats) have a freaking BOYFRIEND. You don't even know the worst. All my friends' boyfriends are friends and my friends are trying to matchmake me with the last one of their group who is single. But he's Hyuga Neji! (a jerk, bastard… you name it.) So I'm stuck in a life of love, humor, friendship, drama, sex… all the things of a teenage life. Yep, welcome to my crappy life! Tenten's POV NejiTen Side parings: SasuOC, HinaKiba, NaruSaku, ShikaIno

My crappy life

Chapter 1: Hell just broke

"I can't believe you did this!" I exclaim to my best friend, Tatsuki Kimiko.

"Don't make such a fuss…" she says, rolling her eyes.

"Don't make such a fuss?! DON'T MAKE SUCH A FUSS!! HOW CAN YOU TELL ME THAT!"

"Ten, calm down."

"No, I won't calm down! First, Ino, then Sakura, then Hinata but you! I never thought you would go in the dark ways. I always thought it would be you and I, fighting against the dark ones but noooooooooooooooooooo you freaking kiss the enemy! AND YOU LIKED IT!! AND YOU DID IT AGAIN! AND AGAIN! AND AGAIN!! I can't believe this!"

"Shut up!" she responds blushing.

"You're blushing. You are blushing! Oh my god! Who are you and what did you did to my best friend?!"

"Tenten. Stop being such a drama queen."


She don't respond. She's looking in front of us with a cute smile.

Wait, rewind.

With a cute smile. What the…? Kimiko and cute smile doesn't work. Kimiko and smirk, Kimiko and grin, Kimiko and evil grin that creeps out everyone but me works but NOT with cute smile.

I look where she's looking. Oh god. The dark side is there. Her freaking new boyfriend, Uchiha Sasuke. And he's with Hyuga Neji. Just my luck.

"Hey." Says Sasuke to Kimiko.

"Hey." Kimiko responds almost blushing.

"I think I'm going to puke." They all look at me.

I didn't say that out loud, didn't I?

"Tenten, stop being a kid." Kimiko says, her darkish eyes looking at me.

"Whatever." With that, I pass them, making my way to school.

Kimiko and I always go to school together. She lives the apartment below mine. We go to Konoha High School. Kimiko and I know each other since we're little kids. She always been there for me and I've always been there for her. We stick together.

We have other friends. Haruno Sakura, Yamanaka Ino and Hyuga Hinata. The five of us know each other since middle school even though Sakura and Ino are friends since childhood.

Since middle school, it always had been the five of us but last year, Ino started to go out with Nara Shikamaru. It happen like that. They were always arguing and they knew each other since baby like their parents are friends and one day like that, Ino told us she had kiss him and she was going out with him. Prettily out of nowhere.

After, some weeks later, Sakura started to go out with Uzumaki Naruto. Which cause tension because Hinata had a crush on him. Well Naruto and Sakura knew each other since childhood too and Naruto always had a cute crush on Sakura, who had a crush on Sasuke, Naruto's best friend. To make this long story shorter, something happen, Sakura cried on Naruto's shoulder and inner a week they were going out. First, Sakura wasn't sure like she knew Hinata's crush but Hinata, being the courageous little girl she is, she wish them to be happy.

After that, Hinata had been a little depress. She wasn't showing it but Kimiko and I really tried to make her smile again. Her neighbor, Inuzuka Kiba, helped her too. An inside two months, she forgot Naruto and went out with Kiba.

The last year of high school arrived and on five, only two were single, Kimiko and I. And this morning, Kimiko announced me that at the end of the party last Saturday, she kissed Sasuke and he asked her to go out with her, which was the freaking reason why she didn't respond the phone yesterday. And now they go out.


… Sorry… I'll calm down. But you see the frustration? Don't you? Don't you?

And I didn't tell you the worst. Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Kiba and Neji are all friends. If you're clever, you understand that Neji is single, from all his friends. My friends, mostly Sakura and Ino, are matchmakers. You do the math.


And it's not that I hate him… No.. I just can't stand him. He thinks he's so high and mighty. That freaking innerves me but that beside the point. I vowed to stay alone and with no boys for the rest of my life. And no I'm not lesbian. Guys are just the dark forces and girls are the white forces. When girls fall in love and/or start to go out with a boy, they go in the dark forces and that bad!

"Tenten." What the…? Why Hyuga wants to talk to me.

"What do you want?" From where I am, I can see the school. Courage Tenten, only five minutes and you can escape.

"I'm not staying with Uchiha and Tatsuki when they're kissing."

I didn't want to know that. Anyway, I continue my way and I finally see the entry of the school. Hallelujah!

I enter the school zone wishing for Hyuga to stop follow me.

"Oh my god! Tenten!" screams Ino. Hell no. I don't want an excited Ino on my case. "Did Kimiko told you she went out with Sasuke?"

"How do you know?" I ask. Hey, if Kimiko told Ino before me, I'll kill her.

"A girl in junior saw the two of then in a restaurant and the news had been said." Of course. Gossip.

"So it's true?" asks Sakura. She had been there since the beginning? Oh, Hinata is there too. I should look more carefully.

"I guess so." I respond, sighing. Will they get off me?

"Oh my god, there they are… HOLDING HANDS!!"

Ino and Sakura shriek and go to Kimiko. I'm sure even a deaf had heard that.

"Are you alright?" asks Hinata, looking at me worried.

No of course not! My best friend is holding hand with a guy when a week ago she had said that PDAs (public demonstration of affection) were the stupidest thing ever!

"Yes, I'm ok." I respond. Without more, I go inside the school building.

I go to my locker and get to my first class. No one is there. Anyway, class begin only in fifteen minutes and the class get full only two minutes before the bell rings. Everyone must be gossiping on the new hot couple, if you know who I'm talking about.

I sigh and sit at my place. I start to play with my navy blue skirt of our so pretty sailor uniforms. I'm so eager to burn that thing at the end of the year.

"You're here early." I turn to see Hyuga. Oh joy!

"I can say the same thing for you.." He sit at his desk, behind me. I'm sure the teacher doesn't like me.

"You're not happy for your best friend?"

"That's not the point.." I respond.

"Explain." I sigh.

"The point is it came too fast. I didn't even saw it come. Yes, she was arguing a lot with him and we all tease her about that but…."

I feel like I lost my best friend. But I wont dare to say it out loud. Not at him of all the people. He must have feel that I won't say more since he stop to look at me to look at the window. I know what you're thinking. How can I know he's looking at me when he's behind me. I just feel it. OK? Don't ask.

"You know all your friends will try to matchmake us."

"You are so making me learn something." I respond rolling my eyes. Sweet sarcasm.

"I'm just saying that so you prepare yourself. That you want it or not, we'll be stuck together some way or an other."

I grunt. People start to enter the class and I know he's right. I see my friends entering the class with their boyfriends. Yep, we are all in the same class. Happy, isn't?

I see Hinata who's looking at me, worry. I smile to her. I then look at Kimiko who's about to kill Ino or Sakura or any other girl who'll ask her if Sasuke is a good kisser. She then look at me. I look at her and I say "Good Luck" without sound. She looks at me annoy but her smirk is there. Whatever she does, she's still my best friend.

The bell rings and the class start.

From all the blabbing of the teacher, all I understand is that we have a new project and that she's making the teams.

"Neji and Tenten."

Hell just broke.

End of chapter 1

So that's it! Hope you like it! Please review!