"Who Knew?"

Chapter 1: New Kid on the Block

"Hey, girl." Kate said as I slid into a desk beside her. "What's up?" I said. We had just met yesterday. "Oh you know. Same old, Same old." She said with a shrug. I smiled and tugged my binder out of my green book bag. My lucky book bag to be exact. I've had it since 7th grade. I didn't like to admit it but I sort of thought it helped me get into Spencer. My family wasn't poor, we were just a little more well off than others. I was here on a part scholarship. Hopefully plugging in all the money into this petty school should help me get into Brown.

That's why I was relieved to have met Kate. She's real. She isn't going to suck up to you but she won't bitch at you for no reason either. I was in the Administrative building getting my key to my dorm room and the low down on how to navigate the school when Kate walked in. She had to get some forms signed about spider or pest control in her room or something. So after I almost died of sheer boredom (have you ever listening to a middle-aged women reliving her glory days? It's seriously lethal) she rescued me and we got some lunch. It turned out I had two classes with her and one with her roommate, Sarah, I think.

"Yo, Kate!" A blonde haired boy said as he strutted into the room. I mentally rolled my eyes, he's gotta be an attention seeker. "Hey, Reid." She responded. "Hey Tyler." "Hey Kate. How's it going?" The brunette said in a deep voice. I raised an eyebrow at her and she gave me a small wink. She turned to answer him but the Professor had already entered and began lecturing. I diligently started taking notes, being the good little student that I am. I heard a snort. I looked up and over at the blond. He was grinning and slid the note over to Kate. She quickly scanned it and began to jot something down hastily. I shrugged and Tyler caught my eyes. He gave me a small smile before returning to his notes. My heart was beating a little more erratic than usual. No, I reprimanded myself. I do NOT get all flustered by a pretty face. I'm not that type of person. His eyes were most distracting being a forest shade of green. My favorite color.

Ten minutes later and a few side glimpses to Reid and Tyler the Professor was called out of class. "I have a meeting to attend. Mrs. Wimbers will be here in ten minutes. Please keep order until then." He said and picked up his brief case and left. The class broke out in a titter of laughs, voices, and squeals. "Kate. Do you seriously believe that?" Reid asked. "Hmm?" "That I'm a man whore." Reid said casting his eyes down in fake embarrassment. This boy could be a lot of fun I could tell. "Of course you are." Tyler said with a grin. "Hey! Stay out of it, Baby Boy. I wouldn't want to hurt your virgin ears." Reid said. Tyler rolled his eyes. Apparently, he was used to this. "No Reid. You're not a man whore. You're just….. well very promiscuous. " she said with a smile. "Ha!" He shouted triumphantly. "Why does it even matter Reid? You have probably been with every girl in this class." Tyler said. Reid grinned cockily. "Maybe so. Let me see." He began looking over each girl in the class. He made a big show of nodding or "Oh. Yeah. Her." 

"Well,"he said turning back to her, "I know of at least two girls in this room that I haven't screwed." He said and then pointed at Kate and then me. Tyler nudged him because he was staring pointedly at my chest. He looked up into my eyes, "We haven't, have we?" I smiled wickedly. I couldn't help it this scenario was just too easy. I leaned across Kate and said quietly to Reid, "Trust me Reid. I'm not a person you could forget." He raised an eyebrow appreciably. "Really? I may just have to find that out for myself." I rolled my eyes, "In your dreams." "I plan on it." Kate giggled and said, "So I guess you're off the hook." Tyler added "Man whore." Reid punched him in the arm and he just grinned.